Payment Agreement and Handbook Notice
I agree to be responsible for tuition payments until NOTIFICATION OF WITHDRAWAL. I know that payment is due by the 15th of each month. I am aware that there are NO REFUNDS or DEDUCTIONS for classes not attended. If withdrawal is necessary, I understand that advanced written notification must be submitted to the dance studio Before the 1st of the month when billing is generated. I also acknowledge I received and agree to all policies set forth in the parent/student handbook and violation of the policies can result in expulsion for the studio. I understand policies are subject to change at any time.
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________ Date_____ /___ /____
Liability and Release Agreement
We, the undersigned parents and/or guardians of ____________________________________, a minor, upon signing this agreement do hereby acknowledge that the activities that I have requested my daughter/son participate in may be stressful on the body and carry with them the risk of physical injury. Therefore, I hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless and safe from any and all liabilities Mandi’s Dance Studio, Amanda Barron and any of the teacher or assistants from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action arising out of the activities of said business, specifically including dance, acrobatics and related classes, practices and performances.
With the above in mind, and being fully aware of the risks and possibility of injury involved, I consent to have my child participate in the program offered by Mandi’s Dance Studio
I do waive and release all rights and claims for damages that I or my child may have against Mandi’s Dance Studio, and/or its representatives whether paid or volunteered.
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________ Date_____ /___ /____
Photo Release
Mandi’s Dance Studio may use photos or video of your child for social media, website, news releases, marketing and advertising or other publicity. Please sign below to grant your permission to use your child's photo/video for the purposes listed above.
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________ Date_____ /___ /____
Medical Consent
It is the policy of Mandi’s Dance Studio to notify a parent when a child is in need of medical attention. Occasionally, we cannot contact a parent/guardian and need immediate help for a student.
I consent Mandi’s Dance Studio can administer Emergency Care and any health care provider receiving referrals to render emergency care and treatment.
Physicians Name:________________________Office Phone:___________________
Medical Conditions:(please list any allergies, handicaps, learning disabilities, or chronic conditions)
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________ Date_____ /___ /____