I authorize the West Chester Dance Works (WCDW) to deduct my payment for dance, movement or related services or products. This transaction may consist of seasonal family registration fee, monthly tuition payment or 3D Virtual dance card purchase.
For the monthly deduction of tuition payments automatically, I will sign up separately by enrolling using the AUTO PAY setting. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the office of any card and or customer changes such as a new replaced card, updates to expiration dates, change in name or mailing information etc. Due to increasing credit card processing rates, all electronic payments online and in the studio will incur a convenience fee of 2.75% of the transaction.
I understand that participation in dance, as in any physical activity, has potential risks of injury due to the physical demands that are placed on an individual during such activity and recreation. I agree that I am responsible for my or my child's participation and for our physical and emotional well-being. I understand that the program activities are voluntary. I am choosing for me and/or for my child to participate in each dance class, activity, rehearsal, or performance to whatever degree possible--with all physical, emotional and medical conditions considered.
I affirm that my or my child's health is good, and is not under a physician's care for any undisclosed condition that bears upon their fitness to participate in dance, performance, physical education and recreation. I willingly and knowingly assume risk for my child, myself, my heirs, family members, executors, and administrators, and assume all risk of physical injury and emotional upset which may occur during any aspect of the program. I hereby agree to hold the WCDW, its independent contractors, instructors, facilitators and volunteers harmless for any liability arising out of my or my child's participation in the program.
This release does not, however, apply to any physical injury or emotional harm caused by negligence or willful misconduct of the WCDW Staff.