I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of the listed student(s), understand that my agreement to this policy constitutes the acceptance of the following conditions of my child's enrollment at Leap Dance Center.
All preregistration fees (registration fee & one month's tuition) are at the current year's prices, and are therefore NONREFUNDABLE. Class days/times are subject to change prior to the start of the season as well as the season start date.
Your account will automatically be debited on the 1st day of each month (September-May). A 3.05% + $.30 convenience fee with be added to your monthly tuition.
We require all students to have a card on file. You have the option to also pay by cash or check however the payment must be made before the 1st of the month (paying by cash or check eliminates the 3.05% +$.30 fee). If we do not have a payment by cash or check before the 1st, your card will automatically be charged on the 1st of the month. Please set a monthly reminder (ex. the 30th of each month) on your phone if you are choosing this option.
I understand that if I wish to terminate the listed student’s enrollment at Leap Dance Center, that I must SIGN a “Termination of Enrollment†form in the Leap Dance Center office, which will relieve me of my tuition liability for the subsequent months AFTER I sign the form. TUITION IS BASED ON ENROLLMENT—NOT ATTENDANCE. MY TUITION LIABILITY CEASES EFFECTIVE THE FIRST OF THE NEXT MONTH AFTER I SIGN A “TERMINATION OF ENROLLMENT†FORM. REFUNDS ARE NOT GIVEN FOR TUITION.
I hereby authorize the staff and director, representing Leap Dance Center, to give consent for any and all necessary medical care for my child listed, while said child is in the custody of Leap Dance Center personnel. I also hold Leap Dance Center AND any Leap Dance Center staff harmless in such an event. I acknowledge the fact that certain types of injuries are common & inherent in dance related activities. This release includes but is not limited to that type of injury. This release shall be binding upon & inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns & personal representatives. Pertinent medical conditions my child has need to be listed under the student’s information section of the online parent portal system during online registration and in the blank below.
I hereby authorize the staff and director, representing Leap Dance Center, to publish photographs/video taken of my child listed. I authorize Leap Dance Center, its assigns and transferees, to copyright, use and publish the same in print or electronically. I agree that Leap Dance Center may use these photos/videos with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including marketing materials, publicity, and web content.
I acknowledge that the use of the parking lot involves inherent risks, including but not limited to vehicle damage, theft and accidents. I voluntarily assume all such risks and agree that Leap Dance Center, its assigns and transferees, shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or injury sustained while on the premises.
I agree to comply with all traffic regulation, signage and markings within the parking lot. It is my responsibility to communicate all rules and signage to my family, guests, nanny, guardian, etc. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in verbal warnings, written warnings, termination of services, fines, towing, and other enforcement actions. I understand and accept that Leap Dance Center does not assume responsibility for any consequences resulting from noncompliance.