By completing enrolment to KJ Studios you agree with our Terms & Conditions and health and safety regulations (please see 'Service Agreement' on our website) and you agree to regularly check the notice-boards, emails and website for information regarding your child’s involvement at the studio.
By completing enrolment to KJ Studios you agree with our Terms & Conditions and health and safety regulations (please see 'Service Agreement on our website) and you agree to regularly check the notice-boards, emails and website for information regarding your childs involvement at the studio.
Not Applicable for refund: Classes missed because of change of mind after sign up. Classes missed due to Holidays taken by families, unless the office knows in advanced. Classes missed due to public holidays. Applicable for Refund: Classes cancelled by KJ Studios (with no make up classes and the student will not receive the minimum 8 classes per term- unless in Term 4 as Show rehearsals are included in the 8 week class make up, regardless of participation) Classes missed if timetable is changed and student unable to make new time. Classes missed due to illness or injury in which an immediate doctor's certificate is supplied. Any refunds will be less admin fees (20%) All fees must be up to date by the end of each term in order for the student to start the next term. Fees that are left unpaid on the last day of each term will be put in the hands of a debt collection agency and you will be liable for any additional costs associated with debt collection and recovery unless organised otherwise via our accountant. Choreography for classes, performances and competitions remain the artistic and intellectual property of KJ Studios and/or the syllabus providers. Students who leave the studio are not permitted to perform choreography that was developed specifically for them by KJ Studios teachers as a solo or as part of a team/group without prior permission. KJ Studios maintains the right to dismiss any student or family who breaches any of the stated Term & Conditions, damages property or causes severe disruptions to any classes. The decision is at the discretion of the Studio Directors. Our enrolment form collects personal information about students. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you are entitled to have access to, and request correction of, this information at any time. It is held at KJ Studios premises at 8/47 Waihi Rd. Judea. Tauranga, New Zealand.