Terms & Conditions

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM


Fees Policies & Procedures
• All term fees are due by the end of the 2nd week of that term at the latest, unless an instalment plan has been arranged and approved prior with DAPA.
• Late fees will incur a $25 administration cost. Failure to pay your fees on time may result in the loss of the enrolment position.
• DAPA reserves the right to change fees or timetable without prior notice. However, we will endeavour to inform parents and carers of any changes as soon as possible
• Fees are based on an average 8 week term, with a minimum number of 8 weeks, to take into consideration statutory holidays. There is no extra charge for a 10 week term.
• If you have not received an invoice or your invoice is incorrect, it is your responsibility to let the office know.
• Fees left unpaid at the end of each term may be put in the hands of a debt collector and you will be liable for any additional costs associated with collection and recovery.

Refund Polices & Procedures
• Refunds are not given for students who are absent from class due to illness, injury or personal circumstances.
• Refunds are not given for students because the student changed their mind about wanting to do the class.
• Classes missed due to Public Holidays will not be refunded.
• Classes missed due to NZ Government mandates will not be refunded.

Behavioural Expectations
• Physical contact maybe necessary when helping to demonstrate or correct a student. To realign students bodies and put them into the correct positions to improve their technique.
• Any damage done to DAPA property will be the individual’s financial responsibility. You will be required to pay for any repairs necessary as a result of the incident.
• All students and parents/caregivers must show respect towards the teacher at all times during the class. If you are having ANY issues with your teacher please come and discuss with the Admin Team immediately.
• All students must be appropriately dressed for class with the correct dance footwear. No primary or secondary school uniforms are to be worn in dance classes and no excess jewellery is to be worn in class.
• All students, except adults, must purchase and wear the correct Dreams Academy of Performing Arts regulation uniform for their grade and/or genre if required within the first term of starting classes. Hair should be neatly groomed and secured off the dancers face.
• Any student inappropriately dressed or groomed will not be able to participate in class activities due to health and safety regulations.
• All students should bring a water bottle to each class. For health and hygiene reasons we cannot provide glasses for general use, but we do provide a chilled drinking fountain.
• No food or drink may be brought into the studio, with the exception of water.

Health, Safety, Injury & Medical Conditions Policies & Procedures
• Dreams Academy of Performing Arts is not liable for any personal injury sustained or any loss or damage of personal property whilst on the premises.
• Dreams Academy of Performing Arts will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury. It should be recognised by all students, parents/guardians that dance by its very nature carries a risk of injury or accident.
• Dreams Academy of Performing Arts provides qualified and/or experienced dance teachers, who actively promote safe dance practice. This being the case it should be realised that injuries do occur from time to time and students must accept this element of risk.
• It is the student, parent/caregivers responsibility to notify the teacher before the class starts of any prior injury, medical condition or treatment which may prevent a student’s full participation in class.
• A first aid kit is available to any student through their teacher. DAPA does not provide anyone with Panadol or the equivalent, or administer any medication without prior written consent from a parent/caregiver.
• If an injury occurs at the school DAPA has a register of Notifiable Events so that records can be made of any injuries should ACC or other government agencies require information in the future.
• Dreams Academy of Performing Arts students are under supervision whilst in class time only, While we endeavour to provide a safe environment, staff cannot be responsible for students outside of their allocated class time.

Class Attendance Policy
• Regular class attendance is vital for students to develop and keep up with their syllabus work. Students must be punctual to classes to ensure they receive a complete warm up.
• If you are going to be late or not able to attend your class a parent/caregiver needs to advice the office prior to class beginning. A message can be left on the office phone – (04) 297-0039 or an email sent to info@dapa.nz

Examinations, Presentations and Tests
• All classes that are working to a syllabus are taught with the intention of students working towards sitting an examination during the course of the year. Students will be entered into examinations at the discretion of the teacher in consultation with students and parents/caregivers.
• Examination fees and Exam Rehearsals are in addition to term fees. Exam fees are not refundable except in cases of injury, with a medical certificate and according to the Syllabus body’s own terms and conditions.

Concert & Costume Policies & Procedures.
• It is not compulsory for a student to be involved in the annual concert performances, however it is encouraged.
• Students participating in the concert are required to attend extra rehearsals, dress rehearsals and all performances.
• Parent and caregivers are permitted backstage and in the changing room area if they are an allocated helper for that performance. Non-helpers are asked to leave due to the theatre fire regulations for maximum numbers that are allowed backstage. All children are supervised during concert rehearsals and performances.
• Each dancer must have a concert consent form signed by a parent/caregiver in order to participate in the Concert. This is to allow filming of your child.
• Costs of costumes for concert can be anywhere from $45-$150+ per costume and remain the property of the dancer. DAPA will always endeavour to keep these costs to a minimum. If a specific costume is to be purchased that is of a higher amount, then consultation with parents will happen before invoicing. From time to time costumes are hired and must be returned to the studio.
• All concerts are professionally filmed and DVDs are available for parents to purchase.
• Any student with unpaid term fees at the time of the concert will not be eligible to participate.

Photography & Videoing Policies
• Photography or videoing of students in class and at concerts is not permitted. This is for the safety & well-being of each individual student and to ensure DAPA comply with individual’s rights not to be photographed or videoed, and to comply with the Privacy Act 1993 regulations.
• Images or video footage of students may be used for marketing and website purposes. Please make the office aware if you do not wish for your child to appear in any photos or videos.

Lost property
• DAPA does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property. Please make sure all uniform items are named. Any items found will be placed in lost property box in the dressing room. Any items that are not claimed by the end of the term will be disposed of.

• Choreography for classes, performances and competition remains the artistic and intellectual property of Dreams Academy of Performing Arts and /or the syllabus providers. Choreography must not be copied or used without the prior permission of Dreams Academy of Performing Arts.
• Students who leave DAPA are not permitted to perform choreography that was developed specifically for them or as part of a team/group by DAPA teachers without prior permission.

Privacy Act
• Dreams Academy of Performing Arts enrolment portal collects personal information about the student. Under the privacy Act 2020 you are entitled to have access to and request correction of this information at any time. All personal information is held in the office at Dreams Academy of Performing Arts Ltd, 302 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand.
• Vaccine status of Students and Parents may be held on file either at the office or online in the portal.

Contact Information
• It is the responsibility of parents to advise DAPA promptly of any changes in address, telephone and email addresses.

• Dreams Academy of Performing Arts maintains the right to dismiss any student who breaches any of the stated terms and conditions, damages property, causes severe disruption in any class, or does not fit within our Company values. This decision is made at the discretion of the Directors.