Student Waiver

Sep 17, 2024 03:01 AM

Waiver, Release, and Consent: I hereby state that the guest/student is physically and mentally capable of safe participation
in Infinity Dance Studio, Inc. (IDS) activities and will abide by the the studios POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. I understand
that IDS assumes no responsibility for injuries or illnesses which the guest/student may sustain as a result of his/her physical
condition or resulting from his/hers athletic activities, the programs, the use of any equiptment, exercise or other activities.
I expressly acknowledge that I assume the risk for any and all injuries and illnesses which may result from the
guest/students involvement in these activities, whether on or off IDSs premises. I hereby release and discharge IDS, its
agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims for injury, illness, death and loss or damage which the
guest/student may suffer as a result of his/her participation in these activities. I understand that IDS is not responsible for
personal property lost or stolen on IDSs premises or any other premises where IDS may conduct its events. I give my
permission to IDS to use, without limitation or obligation, photographs, film footage or tape recording of the guest/student
for the purpose of promoting IDSs programs or providing instruction in dance education. I explicitly give my consent to
IDSs instructors to gently lay their hands on the guest/student for the sole purposes of dance instruction.