Recital 2024

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM

We are excited to begin work on our recital for this season! Please note these important guidelines in order to participate:

The shows are scheduled for Saturday, June 8 (tentatively 6 p.m.) and Sunday, June 9 (tentatively 1 p.m.). The dress rehearsals will take place Friday, June 7 during the afternoon/evening and Saturday, June 8 during the morning/afternoon. Your dancer must be available during this entire weekend so that they can attend their specific class time slots and performances. Creative Movement, Pre-Combo and Combo 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4 plus all Mini classes will be in ONE designated show. All other classes perform in BOTH. If you have a specific conflict that you are wanting to work around, you must contact us to see if it can be pre-arranged.

Costume deposits of $25 per class are due December 11th. In order for your dancer to be ordered the appropriate costume(s), you must pay this deposit on time. It will run on your autopay on that date, just as tuition does. The balance of costume fees will be due on March 4th. The average costume total is $50-75, with younger classes typically on the lower end and older, more advanced classes often toward the higher end. We try to keep every costume price within this range, but there are a few exceptions as costs keep increasing. Once you agree to this waiver and to participating in the recital, the full costume balance is your responsibility - regardless of future plans changing.

We will be taking measurements of your dancer over the next few weeks. This gives us the most accurate way to order sizes based on each company's size chart. Costumes are NOT custom-fitted and just like ordering anything online, the size charts are not perfect. We do allow some growth room, and try to order 1-2 extras to allow for size swaps when necessary, but this does increase the cost of each costume and sometimes, they are not available. We expect dancers and parents to be patient as we find the best array of costume fit to ensure the whole group is costumed appropriately. In very minimal cases, minor alterations may be needed.

Each class will have required tights and shoes that must match the group. We will place a large order of tights to get the bulk pricing. Watch your email in early spring for details. Dancers must have properly fitted shoes in the style required by the teacher. There will also be designated hair style and suggested make-up. We ask that dancers avoid unnatural hair colors (such as pink, blue etc.) during the performance time as it takes away from the uniformity of the group performance. Nails must also only be natural colors during recital weekend.

Finally, we ask that if your dancer chooses to perform with their class(es) for the upcoming recital, they are committed to having good attendance for the remainder of the year, but especially from February through June. Dance recital routines are very much a group effort and require all students to be present in order for the group to feel most confident in their formations, choreography, ripples, etc. As a general guideline, we expect dancers to not miss more than once per month. If your student has extreme absences during the spring and is not prepared to perform, it is up to teacher discretion to remove them from the group number. Just like for any team sport, players missing practice wouldn't play in a game. This is VERY rare, and teachers would absolutely communicate their concerns with students/parents first.

One last thing...Our recitals are generally 3.5 hours long. We know this is long. We have a lot of amazing students who have worked really hard all year to grow their skillset and prepare their dances. In the scheme of things, it is one long football game ONCE every two years, so we hope that you will plan to stay and give every dancer the audience they deserve; and encourage your guests and family to as well! Ticket sale information will be available in the spring and is all done through the Lied Center Box Office.

Thank you for reading all these important details. We look forward to putting on a creative and entertaining show at the prestigious Lied Center for Performing Arts with our fabulous students!