Policies and Procedures

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM

1. REGISTRATION FEE: A 1 time, non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 per dancer is due at the time of registration.
2. TUITION PAYMENT: Class tuition is paid on the 1st of every month. There is a $20 late fee for any payments that are not completed before the 10th of each month. There will be a $25 fee for any NSF payments. If you fail to pay by the 1st of the next month, your child will not be able to participate in classes until your payment has been received.
3. RECITAL COSTUMES & FEES: Recital costume fees will average between $45-$120 per costume, with rare exceptions exceeding that. Most classes will only have 1 costume. Studio t-shirts will also be available for purchase. There will be a recital fee per family, for both Christmas and Spring recitals. This fee is $100 per family, so if you have multiple children in the recital, you will only pay $100. This fee includes 1 t-shirt and a video of the entire show.
4. DRESS: Dancers must be dressed appropriately to participate in class and have hair pulled back if it’s longer than chin length. The teachers have the right to ask your child to sit out of class if not in appropriate dance attire. I have enclosed the studio requirements page in this packet. It has required items for recitals as well as what is required for studio attire.
5. STUDIO ETIQUETTE: No street shoes, food or gum are allowed inside the dance studio. Water bottles are acceptable to bring to class. Please be respectful of all furniture and property, the studio is not a playground. It is ok to bring food or snacks into the waiting area, please be sure to clean up after yourself! If I have to clean up after anyone, food will no longer be allowed. If there is an ongoing problem with this, after the 2nd written warning, there will be a $50 clean up fee assessed to your account.
6. ATTENDANCE: Having good attendance is important to the progression of the dancer, as each week skills are taught that build on the previous week’s skills. Dancers with poor attendance slow the advancement of the class and inhibit personal growth. We reserve the right, if attendance is poor enough that it effects the progress of the dance, to remove any student from the dance, and all monies are non-refundable. If your child misses, and falls behind, private lessons to get caught up will be available at the rate of $40 per hour per week. This is the only option for your child to be put back in the dance, if they have been removed.
7. MISSED CLASSES: There are no refunds for missed classes. IF YOUR DANCER MUST MISS A CLASS, PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL THE STUDIO. We observe the following holidays and no refunds or makeup classes will be scheduled for them: New Year's Day, Easter weekend, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Though the studio is open for Labor Day and Memorial Day weekends, we understand if you are out of town. We have already accounted for 2 snow days, and if we go past that, make up classes will be provided. I also allow myself 3 weeks out of the year, without makeup classes, for personal travel.
8. INJURIES: If your dancer is injured within reason, they are still expected to attend class to observe. After the first occurrence, a doctor's excuse is required. No tuition will be reimbursed due to an injury.
9. CELL PHONES: Cell phones are not allowed in dance class. They may be brought to the studio to contact parents and should be kept in bag.
10. BAD WEATHER: At Mandi's Studio of Dance, your child's safety is top priority. If I feel that the weather is too bad to open, the studio will not open. I will send a mass text/email by 8am the morning of classes. It is your responsibility to check these messages.
11. SUMMER SESSION: Summer classes will start the week following recital and will end the last week of July. We will NOT have a recital at the end of summer classes. Summer classes will focus mainly on technique and we will learn short combos within the 2-month summer session.
12. ATTITUDES: Please leave your attitudes at the door. Mandi's Studio of Dance does not tolerate any form of bullying. If anyone sees or hears any sort of bullying please, let your child's teacher know. All teachers from Mandi's School of Dance has the right to permanently remove your child from studio if bullying is happening.
13. SOLOS: There will be a $50/month fee for 40 minute private lessons for solos. These slots are limited and some will be by invitation only. Your child will have a separate costume fee for their solo. They average anywhere from $55-$100 for their costume, with some rare exceptions. If I conclude that your child did not learn the solo dance, I reserve the right to pull the dance from the recital and all monies are non-refundable. This is where attendance, and self practice are important. There is only so much that can be done in 40 minutes a week, so practicing at home is very important.

I/we realize that participation in dance classes and activities could involve some possible personal injury. Despite precautions, accidents and injuries may occur. By signing this release form, I/we (the dancer and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by Mandi’s School of Dance.
I/we agree to release and hold harmless Mandi’s School of Dance including its teachers, dancers, staff members, and facilities used by both entities from any cause of action, claims, or demands now and in the future. I/we will not hold Mandi’s School of Dance liable for any personal injury or any personal property damage, which may occur on the premises before, during or after classes. Furthermore, I/we agree to obey the class and facility rules and take full responsibility for my/our behavior in addition to any damage I/we may cause to the facilities utilized by Mandi’s School of Dance.
I understand that Mandi’s School of Dance is a licensed and insured business. In the event that I/we should observe any unsafe conduct or conditions before, during or after my/our classes, I/we agree to report the unsafe conduct or conditions to the Owner, Director, Instructor or Staff member as soon as possible.