Ace High Code of Conduct
Sep 19, 2024 09:56 AM
Ace High Cheerleading Squad & Ace Gymnastics Club wishes to provide the best possible
environment for all young people involved in this sport. Young people deserve to be given
enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities, free of abuse from any kind. These participants have
rights, which must be respected and responsibilities that they must accept. Young people should
be encouraged to realize that they have responsibilities to treat other participants and sport
leaders with fairness and respect while enjoying their time there.
All Members are entitled to:
ï¶ Be safe and feel safe
ï¶ Be listened to and believed
ï¶ Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
ï¶ Have fun and enjoy their sport
ï¶ Experience recreational/competition classes and learn new skills
ï¶ Make complaints to the coach and have them dealt with appropriately
ï¶ Get help against any type of discomfort within the club i.e. bullying issues
ï¶ To protect themselves and be treated equally on basis of safe skills
ï¶ Confidentiality without prejudice
Members should always:
ï¶ Treat each other/coaches/leader with respect
ï¶ Put all electronic items ie phones/tablets & valuables in Secure Box till class
is dismissed
ï¶ Play fairly and do the best of their ability
ï¶ Respect other club members, even when things go wrong
ï¶ Respect all others visiting the club
ï¶ When travelling abide by the club travelling rules
ï¶ Behave in a manner that avoids bringing their club into disrepute either inside
or outside of the club no matter what the age of the athlete is
ï¶ Talk to coach/leader if they have any problems
ï¶ Be honest and treat others the way they would like to be treated
Members should Never:
ï¶ Cheat
ï¶ Use offensive language or violence or physical contact gestures towards any
club member
ï¶ Speak negatively about another member – be open and approach the member
to discuss any issues
ï¶ Bully another athlete in any way
ï¶ Keep secrets, especially if they have caused harm
ï¶ Tell lies about adults/young people or spread rumors
GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS Ace Club appreciates parental support by:
Being a role model for your child and maintaining the highest standards of conduct when
interacting with children, other parents, coaches and organizers.
Never intentionally expose any young athlete to embarrassment at any time
Always recognize the value and importance of the coaches and other leaders who provide
opportunities for your child.
Never publicly question the judgment or honesty of club coaches.
Approach (text/phone call/e mail or in person at a suitable time) the head club coach
Fiona Collumb with your concern where a return call will be made to discuss same.
Please note I strongly request using another means of reprimanding your child (if they are
misbehaving) other than missing from any Ace High Class. As this is seen as an absent
day and needs to be challenged. Absent athletes also have a direct knock on effect on the
remainder of the squad, as each squad is dependent on all members being present to be
able to execute their routines well.
Encourage your child to understand their responsibility towards all others-teach them the
importance of fair play and good example at all times.
Parental support of fundraising efforts for the club are very much appreciated – funds
raised will be put towards upgrading of equipment / uniforms when needed / trips.
Other fundraising will be notified and passed onto Pieta House
Any effort is gratefully received by your club for your child.
Please allow the coaches to do their job - I would request strongly that parents abstain
from watching through the window or open door when dropping off or collecting their
children. To do this is very distracting for the athletes.
Plus, as a developing club we like to promote independence within your child.
Parental support of all efforts to remove or resolve any difficult issues in relation to their