Policies & Procedures

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM

Policies & Procedures
Our goal at Dancing for a Difference is to make dance and the arts more accessible to all ages and abilities in the Tampa area. We strive to offer an inclusive environment, while making an effort to instill our
values of acceptance, inclusion, and giving back.

Everyone will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner while at Dancing for a Difference, including performances and events in which Dancing for a Difference is being represented. Proper respect for instructors is expected of students and their families in addition to volunteers and outside organizations that choose to partner with Dancing for a Difference.

Dancing for a Difference does NOT discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, ancestry, nationality, or disability and health-related conditions in its registration process and other activities. Dancing for a Difference also recognizes the importance of equal access and therefore, our studio is in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act of 1990.

Please inform Dancing for a Difference of any injuries, allergies, or special needs that may require extra attention from our teachers. We will NOT share your child’s personal and medical information or dance progress with any person, unless done so anonymously, or you have given permission for us to do so. Our teachers at Dancing for a Difference will reach out to you if we feel it is in our best interest to request additional information about your child to help best teach them.

We allow 10-20 students to be enrolled in each class. Once maximum capacity is reached, there will be no further enrollment. If this happens, your child will be put on a waitlist.
Registration and tuition is done through our online portal. Please visit https://dancestudio-pro.com/online/dancingfordonations to make an account. The information in your account should match the information you provided on this registration form.
Payment is to be made NO LATER than the 10th of each month and should be done through your account on our online portal. If not paid, the dancer will have a $10 late fee added to their account. Class tuition is the same for all months. There is no reduction for short months or any increases for months with 5
lessons. There will be no prorating or refunds given due to missed and/or canceled classes. Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE!

Class will start at the designated time. Dancers should arrive 10 minutes early to prepare. This includes going to the bathroom, putting on appropriate shoes, and practicing dance steps.
Dancers may NOT be allowed to take class if more than 15 minutes late.
Our teachers encourage dancers to observe their class even if he or she is unable to dance (e.g., injured). However, if there is a presence of fever, vomiting, or the student is contagious, please keep them at home.
Dancers can makeup one missed class per month. Makeups must be scheduled within 30 days of the missed class. More than one makeup per month is not allowed.

Disrespectful behavior among students and their families will NOT be tolerated. Students being disrespectful will receive a warning and their parent or guardian will be informed. If the behavior continues, we reserve the right to dismiss the student from class and a teacher conference must take place before returning to class. Families that are being disrespectful will also receive a warning and in some cases, may be asked to leave.
Our teachers advocate a professional and respectful atmosphere and expect the same from our dancers and their families. Bullying will NOT be tolerated. If we are informed of bullying taking place, there will be consequences. Dancing for a Difference is an inclusive studio and therefore, has dancers of all abilities.
The dance room is a learning environment. Please show respect for the entire facility and dance room equipment. Dance room equipment and the facility includes, but is not limited to, props or costumes in the area as well as lobby furniture. Remember to clean up after yourself as we want our studio to be clean and presentable for our dance families.
With the exception of water, NO gum, snacks, or dangling jewelry is allowed during class.
PARENTS! Dancers and their siblings must be attended to before class starts, during class (for siblings), and after class. Bathroom breaks before and after class are ideal to limit class interruption. You are welcome to leave during your child’s class, but if your child needs to use the restroom, you are giving us permission to help them.
Dancers need to be picked up inside the studio.

While our teachers will verbally correct students, dance education also requires “hands-on” instruction. Understand that physical contact between a teacher and the dancer may be required. Teachers may regularly touch their arms, legs, feet, hips, back, and head in order to demonstrate, correct, and assist with dance movements and avoid injury. If you have questions or concerns about this, do not hesitate to ask us.

Dancers need to be in appropriate attire for class. Leggings or tights with leotard preferred.
Please NO jeans, dresses, crop tops, or clothing that is not easily moveable. Hair should be pulled up and secured back.
If your dancer is in acro, a leotard is REQUIRED. This is for the safety of your dancer as we spot them.
The following shoes will be needed:
Combo 1 and ALL ballet: pink ballet shoes (leather or canvas)
Combo 1 and ALL tap: black tap shoes
Jazz classes: black jazz shoes
Hip Hop: tennis shoes (black tennis shoes for performances)
Boys can wear black jazz OR ballet shoes and black tap shoes


Dancing for a Difference will have an annual recital in addition to community performances during the year.
Performances are not required; however, our teachers will inform dancers and their families of all community events and performance opportunities. Dancers are encouraged to participate to help prepare for recital.
For dancers participating in recital, the 2 weeks BEFORE the show are MANDATORY. Unless otherwise discussed and given director approval, dancers who are not in class during these weeks will be removed from the show lineup. There will also be a mandatory dress rehearsal that will be required for all participating dancers.
Participating in Dancing for a Difference annual recital will require a non-refundable performance fee per class per child and will include costume rental. Tickets will be available to purchase before the show and at the door.

Helping you be aware of upcoming events and details of Dancing for a Difference is very important. Be sure to do the following to keep up to date with studio announcements and reminders:
-Request to join & follow the Facebook group
-Following other social media such as Instagram and Facebook page
-Visit www.dancing4adifference.com
-Check the bulletin board for more updates
-Text d4dfam to 81010 to receive studio updates
It is the responsibility of AT LEAST one parent/guardian to provide a valid email address and to keep informed.
Contact to teachers outside of class is prohibited. All contact should go through Sara Battaglia, the director.

Dance is a very physical and demanding activity, as this art form is done on the body. Registering your child(ren) and attending classes, summer camps, and other events with Dancing for a Difference means you understand that there is always an element of risk, just as in other physical sports or activities, and despite precautions, injury may occur.
This agreement also releases Dancing for a Difference and its teachers, assistants, and volunteers from ALL liability relating to injuries that may occur during dance classes and other events hosted by Dancing for a Difference.

To contact Dancing for a Difference, please email us at dance4donations@gmail.com or call us at 813-601-3009. Please understand that phone calls will only be returned during business hours.