Savannah Ballet 2019-2020 School Policies

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM

Savannah Ballet School of Dance 2019-2020 School Policies
● A $45 registration fee is required to reserve a place in class for your student. Fee is waived if annual tuition is paid in full at time of registration.
________ (Initial)

● Missed Classes: Students may make up a class that is missed as long as it is done within one month. There are no refunds or reductions in tuition for missed classes due to weather or holidays. ________ (Initial)

● CANCELLATION/WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If I find that my child is unable to continue classes for any reason, I understand that I MUST GIVE A WRITTEN 30 DAY NOTICE to the office and that I am responsible for paying the following month's tuition. ________ (Initial)

● I understand the Savannah Ballet School of Dance will take photographs/videos which my child may or may not appear, in class/performances from time to time during the school year. I hereby give my permission for SBSD to do so.
________ (Initial)

● In keeping with the traditions of classical ballet; Girls MUST wear their hair securely in a bun on the back of the head for all classes. Boys hair must be neatly combed. Laces and/or ribbons MUST be tucked into the shoes. DO NOT wear Jewelry in class (earrings, watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets). Please leave these items at home.
________ (Initial)

● SCHOOL TUITION PAYMENT POLICY - Class fees are based on number of dance weeks, divided into 9 monthly payments for your convenience. You have the option to:
1. One time payment of the annual tuition in one payment due at registration;
2. Per semester, with 1/2 annual tuition due by August 30th & 1/2 due by January 7th;
3. Monthly automatic debit/credit payments made by the 5th of the month.
*Should you choose the monthly payment option, you must provide a valid Debit/Credit card number at the time of registration. Please note that a 3% fee will be added to monthly tuition.
4. Monthly checks, Due the 1st of every month. No later than the 5th. A $10.00 Late fee. $25.00 fee will be added for any returned checks.
5. Additional Fees: Accounts will be charged one dollar per minute that the parent is late picking up their child.
And the account will be charged 15% of the teachers hourly rate to compensate the teacher for staying later.
________ (Initial)

● RELEASE FROM LIABILITY: I do hereby release and hold harmless Savannah Ballet School of Dance and its staff from any liability occurring on or around studio premises, or at any function held at other locations in connection with the dance classes in which the student(s) is enrolled. I declare that the student(s) is in good health and can participate in dance education classes. Given the nature of dance classes, and with the knowledge that injuries sometimes occur, I have taken the necessary steps to obtain accident, health of hospitalization insurance which would cover any sustained injury. In the event of an injury or emergency when I cannot be contacted, I give my permission for you to obtain medical services.
________ (Initial)

I have read and understand all of the above policies and information. Be a part of the movement!

__________________________ __________________________________ ____________
Parent/Guardian Student Date