Yearly Agreement & COVID Waiver

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM

New Students are required to pay a one-time $35 enrollment fee. Please pay this fee when you enroll to secure your dancer's placement in class.

One half months tuition is due for August classes. Regular monthly tuition begins in September, continuing through May, and is due the 15th of the month previous (i.e. September Tuition is due August 15th). Tuition is charged on a monthly basis, not by class lessons. There will be long months and short months due to holidays or snow days.

Cash, checks, and money orders are acceptable forms of payment in studio or credit cards are acceptable forms of payment through the parent portal. Partial payments may be made when necessary to accommodate extra fees due for costumes, competition entry fees, etc. If you make cash payments please wait for a receipt.

If your check is returned for non-sufficient funds, it must be redeemed with cash and a $30 penalty will be added. If this problem becomes a pattern, your account will be placed on a cash basis only.

Students are considered to be enrolled August through May and will be charged for classes unless we are notified by phone call or e-mail of their withdrawal. We require two weeks notification.

Monthly statements will be emailed the 10th of each month. All tuition is due on the 15th of the previous month. A ten percent late fee will be assessed on the "balance due" if not paid within 15 days of the due date.

I have reviewed and understand the payment policies above.
I agree to pay the full tuition of each month for the entire dance year (August/September-May) in exchange for the dance instruction services that Patti Parrish School of Dance will provide for unless I have withdrawn from enrollment according to the rules and policies of the Patti Parrish School of Dance.

Proper dance training is best achieved with prompt and regular attendance for all classes. Perfect Attendance Awards will be given on stage at our Spring Recital to those students who attend all classes. Missed classes can be made-up but will not count towards perfect attendance. No credit is given on tuition due to absences.

When a child is ill or absent from class for any reason, please notify the studio of the situation before the beginning of the class.

Please remember that dance is like any other sport and requires dedication, hard work, and regular attendance for improvement. With this said, it is very important that the student, whether it is you or your child, be at all the classes possible throughout the entire dance year.

Our first Visitors Day is held in November. There will be another Visitors Day scheduled in late spring. Parents are invited to observe their dancers classes. You will be notified as to the exact date and time one week in advance.

The annual dance recital requires the use of professionally made costumes. The costumes are planned by the studio and furnished by the parents. We try to keep the costume expense at a minimum. A costume deposit is due October 1st for the regular class costume ($70 for ballet & tap combination class or $85 for ballet, tap & jazz combination class). An additional $50 costume deposit will be due no later than November 1st for each add-on class (i.e. Pointe, Acrobatics.) ******Costumes WILL NOT be ordered unless the costume deposit and all tuition and outstanding fees are paid in full****** Costume deposits are not refundable.

A recital fee of $70 for the first child and $60 for the second will be due the first week of April. This fee helps pay for the auditorium rental, stage crew, and other recital expenses and includes a recital t-shirt & one program book for each dancer. There is no admission charged for our recital, and you are encouraged to invite your family and friends.

Our recital is tentatively set for the first week of June. While participation of the recital is not mandatory, we do feel that it is an important part of childrens dance training, and their participation is encouraged.

Patti Parrish School of Dance and the instructors are not liable for personal injuries or loss of, or damage to personal property for any and all students or their guests. Each student may decline to participate in any activity. Please inform the instructor of any physical limitations you may have. If you have any doubt as to your physical abilities, please consult with your physician before participating. I give my consent to have an employee of Patti Parrish School of Dance seek emergency medical treatment and transportation if needed. I agree to be financially responsible for the cost of any and all treatment.
I have read and agree to the Liability Disclaimer as stated above.

COVID Waiver
Safety-First Assumption of Risk Waiver
Due to the 2020 outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at
Patti Parrish School of Dance, we are following strict cleaning
protocol. As any other public place, we cannot guarantee that your
child will not be exposed (whether at Patti Parrish School of Dance or
elsewhere) or if exposed, that your child will not contract the disease.
By signing below, you agree to waive any claims of liability against Patti Parrish School of Dance
and to hold Patti Parrish School of Dance harmless if your child contracts COVID-19 despite our
best efforts to prevent it.
COVID-19 Liability Release Waiver
The CDC describes COVID-19 symptoms as: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, or
difficulty breathing, fatigue, body aches, headaches, sore throat, congestion or runny nose,
nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Please read and initial each of the following:
I understand the above symptoms.
I affirm that I, and all of my household members do not currently have the above symptoms,
nor have experienced these symptoms within the last 14 days.
I affirm that I, as well as all of my household members have not knowingly been exposed to
anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 30 days.
I affirm that I, as well as all of my household members have not traveled outside of the country
or to any city considered to be a “hot spot” for COVID-19 infections within the past 30 days.
I understand that Patti Parrish School of Dance, its owner, and representatives cannot be held
liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus caused by misinformation on this form or the
health history provided by each family.
By agreeing to each statement above you release Patti Parrish School of Dance, its
owner and representatives from any and all liability for the unintentional exposure or harm due
to COVID-19.