Tuition&Payment Info 2023/24

Sep 11, 2024 10:08 PM

{Classes run from Sept 16, 2023 to Mid May 2024)

Please reserve your student's spot by providing a minimum first payment of $50/Student before classes commence, which is non refundable.

Payment Options:
By Etransfer to No Convenience Fees.
OR By Cheque to Le Pas de Danse Or By Credit Card in the software (does require convenience fees).

1) Payment in full in September, No Admin Fees

2) 3-Payment Plan Payment Plan at the beginning of each 10wk term.

3) Monthly Payments (Total Tuition divided by 9 and paid by the 15th of each month)

There is a $30 fee for NSF cheques, $25 Late Fee on tuition payments a Month Overdue, and then $10 each consecutive late month. Large unpaid accounts will be sent to collections.

Other Costs:

Proper Dance Attire purchased online or from a dance store. Please See Attire Policy.

Art's Festival Solo, Duet or Group Fees range from $5-$30/competing student depending on how many Art's Festival pieces the dancer is in.

Competition Fees (Unknown at the moment). There are Competition registration fees for solos and group pieces and in addition families are responsible for meals/accommodation if in another city.

::Late Fees are $25/missed payment by a month + $10/month there after

::Costume Fees $100/class/student to be paid before the end of January, otherwise they will not have a costume. Sometimes we are able to loan costumes from previous years.

Refund Policy
Upon receipt of written notification to withdraw from classes, our refund policy applies as follows:
- a $30 Refund Admin fee is retained.
-Once classes have commenced but prior to Dec 31st, 2023 refund will be calculated based on classes remaining.
-After Dec. 31st 2023 no refunds issued for withdrawing from class unless it’s due to medical condition (Doctor’s note required)

Tuition amounts for 30 Week Session
30 mins/week $199.50 (190+GST)
45 mins/week $346.50 (330+GST)
60 mins/week $409.50 (390+GST)

First and Second Class are full price, third Class per Household, 5% off.
Fourth Class/Household and Every class after that, 10% off.