Contract/waiver for 2022-23 season

Jan 05, 2025 06:25 PM

As the parent or legal guardian of the student(s) attached to this account, I understand that my electronic acceptance of this waiver constitutes acceptance of the following conditions of my child’s enrollment at Creative Edge Dance Studio.

Class Observation
Due to student distraction, I understand that parents are not allowed to enter the studio while class is in session. If my child’s teacher chooses to open the door, I may observe quietly from the doorway.

For the safety of my child(ren), I agree to the following -- Creative Edge Dance Studio cannot provide childcare for any children outside of regular dance classes.
Siblings of dancers in class should not be left alone at the studio. Students should not be dropped off more than 15 minutes before a class begins. If I am early, I must wait in the lobby with my child. CEDS cannot be responsible for children in the parking lot - parents should walk with their child entering or leaving the building.

Liability Release
By signing this waiver, I agree to release and forever discharge, Creative Edge Dance Studio and its staff members from any liabilities growing out of or related to any activities in which I or my child participate. I understand that this is a full and complete release of all injuries or damages which I or my children may sustain as a result of my/his/her participation in any activities, regardless of the specific cause thereof.

Photography Release
By signing this waiver, I grant Creative Edge Dance Studio permission to use the photographs of the above listed student in its promotional material and publicity efforts. I understand that the photographs may be used in a publication, print ad, direct mail piece, electronic media or other form of promotion. If I do not agree to this release or should our family circumstances change and require a change in this release, I will notify Wendie Aurin or Amanda Johnson in writing.

Authorization of Emergency Medical Care
I hereby authorize the staff and director to give consent for any and all necessary emergency medical care for the above listed student while said student is in the custody of CEDS personnel. I also hold CEDS or any other CEDS personnel harmless in such an event.

This release is effective for one year from the date signed.