2024-2025 MTADA Policies

Sep 07, 2024 06:57 PM

Miss Tammy’s Absolute Dance Academy
2024/2025 Policies
• Late fees: $25 late fee added 10 days after due dates
• Any costs that are not paid within the due date month can result in dismissal from the team
• Bounced check/Insufficient Funds: $25 fee added
• Pay tuition in full: 10% discount
• All tuition, competition fees, gear and costumes are non-refundable
• 7% sales tax will be added to all tuition, gear and costumes.
All of the following are acceptable forms of payment: Credit Card (Parent Portal), Check (make out to Absolute Dance Academy), or Cash. If using checks, please write separate checks for each cost listed below.

Pink Stars
One-time Costs
Expense Amount Due Date
Registration Fee $40 Date of Registration
Costume Fee $100 September 1st
Practice Gear $125 July 15th
Competition Gear (1 outfit) $180 July 15th
Competition 1 Fee $85 November 1st
Competition 2 Fee $85 January 1st
Competition 3 Fee $85 March 1st
Showcase Fee $30 January 1st
Monthly Costs (9 months)
Tuition (2 hours/week) $120 1st of the Month
Pink Stars
• Ages 6 and under
• Monday 6:15-7:15 pm (Jazz/Lyrical/Tap Technique), Wednesday, 6:15 – 7:15 pm (Group Practice)
• 1 hour technique and 1 hour choreography
• 1 routine
• Dance Shoes: Jazz and Tap
• Summer Dance Optional-Wednesdays 5:15-7:15 July and August, $125/month
• MTADA Tumbling Optional-Wednesdays 5:15-6:15, $60/month September-May

Silver Stars
One-time Costs
Expense Amount Due Date
Registration Fee $40 Date of Registration
Costume Fee $240 October 1st
Summer Dance/ month $120 July 1st & August 1st
Practice Gear $125 July 15th
New Member Competition Gear (Warm-up + bag) $260 July 15th
All Members (additional outfit) $100 July 15th
Competition 1 Fee per routine $85 November 1st
Competition 2 Fee per routine $85 December 1st
Competition 3 Fee per routine $85 January 1st
Competition 4 Fee per routine $85 February 1st
Competition 5 Fee per routine $85 March 1st
National Competition Fee per routine $85 June 1st
Showcase Fee $30 January 1st
Monthly Costs (10 months)
Tuition (4 hours per week) w/ 15% discount $204 1st of each Month
Silver Stars
• Ages 7 and up unless previous competition experience
• Monday, 6:15 – 8:15 pm (Jazz/Lyrical/Tap Technique), Wednesday, 6:15 – 7:15 pm (Line Practice), Group Practice = 1 hour (30 min each group)
• 2 hours technique, 2 hours choreography
• Up to 3 competition routines
• Dance Shoes: Lyrical, Jazz and Tap (required) + Group dance shoes (example: lyrical, hip hop, or clogging)
• MTADA Tumbling Optional-Wednesdays 5:15-6:15, $60/month, Sept.-May

Elite Silver Stars
One-time Costs
Expense Amount Due Date
Registration Fee $40 Date of Registration
Costume Fee (up to 3) $270 August 1st
Summer Dance/Month $125 July 1st & August 1st
Practice Gear $100 July 15th
New Member Competition Gear (warmup + bag) $260 July 15th
All Members (additional outfit) $100 July 15th
Competition 1 Fee per routine $85 September 1st
Competition 2 Fee per routine $85 October 1st
Competition 3 Fee per routine $85 November 1st
Competition 4 Fee per routine $85 January 1st
Competition 5 Fee per routine $85 February 1st
National Competition Fee per routine $85 March 1st
Showcase Fee $30 January 1st
Monthly Costs (10 months) Sept. - June
Tuition (6 hours per week) w/ 20%
discount $346.00 1st of each month

Elite Silver Stars
• Ages 8 and under w/previous competition experience
• Monday, 6:15 – 8:15 pm (Jazz/Lyrical/Tap Technique), Wednesday, 5:15 – 8:15 pm (Tumbling and Line Practice), Group Practice = 1 hour (30 min each group)
• 4 hours technique, 2 hours choreography
• Up to 3 competition routines
• Can include a Solo, Duo, or Trio
Dance Shoes: Jazz and Tap (required) + Group dance shoes (example: lyrical, hip hop, or clogging)
Gold Stars
One-time Costs
Expense Amount Due Date
Registration Fee $40 Date of Registration
Costume Fee $480 October 1st
Summer Dance/ month $120 July 1st & August 1st
Practice Gear $125 July 15th
New Member Competition Gear (warm-up + bag) $260 July 15th
Current Member (additional outfit) $100 July 15th
Solo, Duo, & or Trio Choreography Fee per routine $200 July 15th
Competition 1 Fee per routine $85 November 1st
Competition 2 Fee per routine $85 December 1st
Competition 3 Fee per routine $85 January 1st
Competition 4 Fee per routine $85 February 1st
Competition 5 Fee per routine $85 March 1st
National Competition Fee per routine $85 June 1st
Solo Competition Fee per routine per competition $195 Same as above
Duo/Trio Competition Fee per routine per competition $100 Same as above
Showcase Fee $30 January 1st
Monthly Costs (10 months)
Tuition (8 hours per week) w/ 25% discount $360 1st of each Month
Gold Stars
• Ages 7 and up
o Previous competition experience required
• Monday & Wednesday, 5:15 – 9:15 pm
• 5 hours technique, 3 hours choreography/week
• Dance Shoes: Lyrical, Jazz and Tap (required) + Group dance shoes (example: lyrical, hip hop, or clogging)
• Up to 6 routines
• Opportunity for Solo, Duo, Trio
Private Lessons/Extra Practices
Expense Amount Due Date
Private Lesson 60-minutes $50 All extra practice fees are due at the time of practice.
Private Lesson 30-mintues $30
Group Extra Practice 60-minutes $10

Other costs could include competition make-up, hair accessories, jewelry, media fees, dance shoes, etc.
Summer Dance:
The Silver and Gold Stars are required to take summer dance. Summer Dance is in the months of July and August, Wednesday nights from 5:15 – 7:15 pm. Summer dance is optional for Pink Stars.
Saturday Practice:
The all-day Saturday Practice will be on January 11, 2025. The Pink Stars will be required to come from 9 am to noon. The Silver Stars will be required to come from 9 am to 3 pm. The Gold Stars will be required to come from 9 am to 4 pm. Dancers will need to bring $5 for lunch.
The Preview Showcase will be held at Underwood High School on January 18th or 25th. Tickets will be an extra cost of $10/ticket.
Competition Routines:
The maximum number of competition routines (groups and solos/duos/trios) are not guaranteed for your dancer. Your dancer’s routine placement is determined by the MTADA staff according to the student’s ability and level (not age) and will be decided based on their performance in their classes. Music selection, choreography, costuming, and spacing of all routines are at the choreographer’s discretion.
Extra Classes:
• Tumbling – Pink and Silver Stars have the option to take competition tumbling. Dancers are not allowed to take tumbling at another studio unless approved by the Director, Tammy Leehy.
• Clogging or Hip Hop – Pink and Silver Stars have the option to take ADA Recreation clogging and/or hip hop if not in the competition class.
By not abiding by the attendance policy, your dancer could be removed from a routine, a competition(s), or the team. This is at the discretion of the Director, Tammy Leehy.
• Summer dance attendance is required for Silver and Gold Stars. Students are allowed 2 excused absences.
• In season practice attendance is required for every dancer on the competition team. Students are allowed 4 excused absences from September to December and then 4 absences from January to June. Excused absences are determined by the Director, Tammy Leehy (not the instructor) via phone or email. Students are not allowed to miss practice 2 weeks before a competition.
• Unexcused absences could result in dismissal from the team.
• Extra Choreography Practices attendance is required. There will be no excused absences or make-up lessons.
• Saturday all-day practice attendance is required. There will be no excused absences.
• Preview Showcase attendance is required. There will be no excused absences.
• Competition attendance is required. There will be no excused absences. Competitions are typically during the months of January – May. Nationals is in July.
Photos and videos taken in class of the dancers are often included on ADA’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram), website, and potentially a local newspaper. By registering your student, you are agreeing to the use of your child’s picture and/or video.
All students are required to have their own medical insurance, and if an injury occurs, it is understood that the student and their family are responsible for any medical costs.
Please check email and Facebook prior to leaving for class when the weather is bad. Typically, the studio closes when Tri-Center closes for bad weather. Ultimately, the director, Tammy Leehy, has the final say.