Tips & Rules

Jan 07, 2025 09:30 PM

Mark your child’s belongings, including dance shoes, jackets, coats, etc. Many items get misplaced and I easily can find the owner if their items are marked.
Please have your child bring a filled water bottle to class each week. We work hard and need to re-hydrate. The studio has no drinking fountain and water is so important to keep your young dancer healthy and replenished. (we do sell water $1.00)
In Studio Rules:
NO running or horse play in the studio or lobby.
NO food and only water allowed in the studio and cubbies
I have found that students just do better and have increased concentration when parents are not a distraction. The exception for classroom visits is for parents with very young children– those parents are allowed in class per instructor “ok”. I would appreciate these parents to respect my studio and keep the noise level down. If it gets too noisy, I will ask parents to please leave.

Outdoor Rules:
How it will work:
Prior to arrival, each student will need to fill out a COVID Self check Questionnaire
Students will be dropped off one at a time. One car per cone. If you’re driving yourself you can park want walk up to a cone.
Drop off process will begin 9:45
-Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 will not be admitted.
Parents must wait in their cars or return at pickup time.
Please respect social distancing guidelines while outside.
All dancers will be required to sanitize their hands before, during, and at the end of class
Dismissal/ pick up will be at each cone just like drop off.
Please be prompt picking up your dancer, so we may complete our cleaning procedures.
If you arrive late please wait for one of us to check you in.
If you cannot attend class, please let us know along with the reason so we can keep accurate records.
Don’t forget:
- Face mask
-Water bottle
-Yoga mat - children must know how to set up their own mat and close it. (We will not be allowed to handle their items).
- Bathrooms are open but we recommend using bathrooms at home before arrival.
- Please note class will be given extra rest time due to the fact we have mask on.
- We will remind dancers before class that if needed to take a rest at anytime and sit on their mat.
I am looking forward to working with you and your child and hope this will be a terrific year for her/him.
Owner/Director : Kumu/Ra’atira Pamela Locquiao-Fabro 408-728-3637
Co-Owner: Kumu/Ra’atira Mike Fabro 408-799-0900

Please Text you Dance Instructor if you will not be attending class or will be late.