Studio B Waiver/Policies & Procedures

Sep 07, 2024 06:36 PM

Studio B Dance Academy teaches our classes in a creative, encouraging, yet structured dance environment. Classes are held in either our Fairhope Studio, Daphne Studio, or at your dancer/dancers' school during or after school. If your child is enrolling in one of our on-campus school locations, on their class day, send a separate dance bag with their dance attire to school or daycare with them. If they have a morning class, please bring them to school in their dance clothes with a change of clothes for after class. We will teach them to dance, changed them into their school clothes, and return them to their classroom. It’s easy, it’ s convenient, the children have a blast learning to dance with friends, and there is no hassle on you! If you are enrolling in our Fairhope Studio or Daphne Studio, please be sure to arrive to class on time & with a dance bag that contains all appropriate shoes.

It is the responsibility of the parents to be aware of all dance studio activities, such as recitals, opening or closings, and picture days. Studio B follows the Baldwin County Public School System calendar. If schools are closed due to inclement weather, the studio will also be closed. The studio notices are posted on the website, on our Facebook page, in our newsletter and in your email. Please notify us if your address, e-mail address, or telephone number has changed.

We work hard to make the dance experience organized and fun. Keeping you informed is one of our primary goals. Please read all newsletters and other dance class information. Monthly newsletters are sent out via email, posted on the Parent Portal, and a physical copy is sent home with your child on their dance day. The studio's primary method of communication with parents is via e-mail. If you are not receiving any e-mails from the us, then please contact us to ensure your current e-mail address is on file. Additionally, please add the studio e-mail address to your e-mail contact list so that all communications will display in your e-mail Inbox and not a spam folder.


No parents or visitors are allowed in the dance classroom. Instead, we invite families to attend classes during Visiting/Observation days (to be announced), to see their child’s progress. Everyone is welcome! Bring your camera if you like. Dancers are more focused and perform better with less people in the room. Dance is also about learning independence. You will see your dancer grow so much in confidence from their dance classes. If your child is feeling anxious about being in class without you, you can help by explaining to your child that they can show you what they learned after class.


Students must attend classes regularly for their own benefit as well as the growth and development of the class as a whole. Our dance classes are based on individual commitment; however they are fueled by the entire class. If you are sick or running fever, please stay home for the safety and wellness of our dance family and community. By coming to class we assume that all students are healthy and able to dance. If your child has a sprained ankle, cast, etc. PARENTS should let us know about the situation in advance and we will let your child observe the class.

Dress Code (Does NOT apply to Summer Dance Camps)
Our dress code was adopted by our staff for the purpose of improving the quality of our students' dance education. By making dancewear simple and uniform, instructors can more clearly see students' bodies and therefore make more accurate corrections regarding positions and movements. This policy will be strictly enforced.
2 year olds-5 year olds (Ballet/Tap/Tumbling/Jazz): Pink tights, black leotard, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, tan jazz shoes.
6 year olds and up (Ballet/Tap/Tumbling/Jazz/Lyrical/Hip Hop): Leotard & tights of choice, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, tan jazz shoes, tan lyrical shoes (or foot undies), full sole sneakers.
You only need the shoes for the class your student is taking. For example, if they are enrolled in a ballet/tap/tumbling class, they do not need jazz shoes.
Hair should be secured up and away from the face for all classes. Ponytail, French braids, buns, etc. for long hair – short hair must also be pulled back on the sides and fastened with barrettes away from the face. Loose hair inhibits the students' movement and placement.

Tuition Policy
I understand that tuition is based upon the number of scheduled classes for the year. The first month’s tuition and registration fee are due when you register and are non-refundable. There is a $10 late fee per month charged to any account that is not paid by the 10th of the month. If your account becomes 2 months delinquent, your child will not be permitted to attend further classes. Tuition is based on a yearly rate, from September through May/June, paid in nine payments. Some months have three classes while other months have five classes. Monthly payment installments remain the same throughout the year. We do not prorate tuition for sickness, holidays or days missed for personal reasons. Holidays and closures are already calculated into your nine payments. If joining a class after the first week of that month, the full payment installment must be made for that month and makeups in similar classes are encouraged for any missed weeks. There are absolutely no refunds. Tuition may be paid online, sent to class with your child or by mailing a check or money order to P.O. Box 1658, Fairhope, AL 36533. There is a 3.5% service charge on all credit cards. If you are sending a payment with your child to give to Studio B or mailing in your payment, please place your check/money in a sealed envelope with their name & what the payment is for on the outside of the envelope. There is a $30 service charge on all returned checks. Statements will be sent in class to past due accounts only. Also, please remember to put your child’s name on the “memo” section of your check.

I understand that if I withdraw my child from class I MUST provide a 30 day written notice with their last months tuition. If this written notice is not received by Studio B Dance Academy within 30 days of your child's last day counted for attendance, you will be charged the following months of tuition along with a $50 fee. Until we have written confirmation, your child will be considered absent for that month and monthly tuition will still be due. 

Recital/Costume Policy (Does NOT apply to Summer Dance Camps)
When you register your child for dance, you have the option to check or uncheck the option for participating in recital. All students who mark "yes" for recital participation will be responsible for the payment of costumes & recital fees. These payments are spread out throughout the year so that you do not have to pay the full amount all at once. If your child withdraws from their class after December 1st, you will still be responsible for the payment of the costumes & recital fee. All costume and recital fees are non-refundable.

Past Due/Outstanding Balances
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. If tuition is not paid by the 10th of each month, a late fee of $10 each month late will be added to your balance. This is non-negotiable. All payments must be made and a balance of zero dollars must be applied prior to recital in order for your child to participate in the performance. No exceptions will be made. All accounts more than 90 days past due will be turned over to collections. Any fees accrued by Studio B in the process of obtaining payments from past due accounts, including but not limited to, accounting fees, collection fees, postage fees, & hourly wages from staff, will be the responsibility of, you, the account holder and not Studio B Dance Academy or its employees.

I understand that there are risks of physical injury associated with, arising out of, and inherent to dancing. These risks include the potential for slips and falls, sprains, strains, dislocations, soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal injuries, podiatric conditions, and other risks not specified here.
Understanding these risks and the potential for others not listed, I agree to personally accept and assume all of the risks present in my participation at Studio B Dance Academy. My participation at Studio B is entirely voluntary, and I choose to participate in spite of the risks.
Dance education sometimes requires hands-on instruction as well as verbal instruction. Instructors may correct dancers by touching their arms, legs, feet, hips, back and head to move them in the correct position. I acknowledge that this is a common standard in dance instruction and understand that it is my responsibility to communicate clearly with my teacher and/or the director if any form of touch is unacceptable to me.

Release from Liability
We, the undersigned parents and/or guardians understand that as a minor, upon signing this agreement does hereby acknowledge that the activities that I have requested my daughter/son participate in may be stressful on the body and involve the risk of physical injury. I represent and warrant that my child is healthy and that I will ensure, prior to each class, that my child’s state of health is sufficient for safe participation in the classes. On behalf of my child and as her/his parent and/or legal guardian, I assume the risk and agree that Studio B Dance Academy, its employees, Brandi Walker/Owner, and the owners or operators of any facility shall not be liable in any way for any injuries sustained or loss of property resulting directly or indirectly from attendance at the dance class, any of its related functions, as a participant or an observer on or off the premises. My child has permission to receive any necessary emergency medical care. Students must be covered by their own family health insurance. It is understood that the student’s own health insurance policy will be the only source for payment for any medical services, out of pocket expenses, and pain and suffering that may be incurred or result from treatment due to any injury or condition related in any way to attendance or any participation in any activity associated with Studio B Dance Academy, on or off campus. Undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Brandi Walker/Owner, as well as Owner’s servants, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, successors in interest, and assigns, from and for any and all actions, causes of action, costs, demands, debts, liability, damage, expense, fees (including the fees for attorneys and other professionals) or claims arising from or related in any way to the services provided hereunder.