Terms of Enrolment / Policy & Procedure

Jul 26, 2024 08:06 PM

I understand that there is an annual Registration Fee that is payable upon enrolment. Enrolment cannot be finalised until payment has been made.

I understand that fees are payable termly in advance (in accordance with Saint Stephen’s College (SSC) and Coomera Anglican College (CAC) term dates.

I understand that payment may be made to Dare 2 Dance (D2D) by way of the D2D app, cash, bank transfer or use of Eftpos facilities at the dance studio. Merchant Fees will be applied to payments made via Eftpos (surcharge applies) and the D2D app (surcharge applies).

I understand that a late payment fee of $50.00 will be incurred for fees that are still outstanding after Week 3 of any given school term. I also understand that fees that remain unpaid at the end of Week 7 will attract a late fee of $100.00.

I understand that if fees remain outstanding for a whole term, my child will not be allowed to attend classes the following term until they have been paid in full.

I understand that there are no credits or refunds for missed classes; however, students are welcome to ‘make-up’ the lesson with a comparable class. It is the parent’s duty to email D2D to advise which class they would like their child to attend as a make-up lesson.

I understand that the D2D staff are to be informed via the D2D app if my child is not attending their dance lesson that day.

I understand that written notice must be given to D2D prior to the commencement of a term if my child wishes to cease dance tuition, otherwise I will be liable for the full terms fee.

I understand that there is an annual dance concert held in November and that every student performs in both a matinee and evening performance. I understand that my child’s involvement in the annual dance concert requires me to purchase costumes, hair piece, accessories and tickets outside of the term fees.

I understand that if I choose for my child to be involved in examinations, eisteddfods, or competitions there will be a cost for performance troupe lessons, competition entry fees and costumes.

I understand that all dancers must be correctly and neatly dressed and groomed for all lessons (as per the Uniform Requirement Sheet).

I understand that all choreography and dance sequences remain the intellectual property of D2D and cannot be used outside of the studio without written permission from D2D.

I understand that D2D has the right to discontinue enrolment at its discretion.

I understand that D2D is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our teachers, students, parents/guardians and visitors. In the case of injury, I will be contacted. In the event of a medical emergency an ambulance will be called, and I will be notified immediately.

I hereby agree to the above terms of enrolment as set out by D2D and consent to the following points:

1. I am the parent/legal guardian and I hereby consent to Dare 2 Dance using photography/videography of my child for publicity purposes. This may include but is not limited to posters/publications as well as Dare 2 Dance’s website, Facebook and Instagram page unless you have selected the 'opt out' option on the D2D App by: Parent Portal > More > Waiver and Release > Photo Opt-Out

2. I acknowledge that all students at Dare 2 Dance partake in dance classes at their own risk. I hereby release, discharge and indemnify Dare 2 Dance and its employees, staff, representatives and agents from all and any liability, loss and damage arising from or in connection with the provision of dance classes and the monitoring of students prior to and after dance classes.

3. I have read and understood Dare 2 Dance’s Policy and Procedure document received in the info pack (SSC ONLY). Please contact admin@dare2dance.com.au if you need a copy of this document.

SAINT STEPHEN'S STUDENTS ONLY (See Below). **The below does not apply to our Coomera Anglican Students:
1. Before Dance Classes
1.1 Students participating in dance classes are required to make their way to the dance studio immediately after school.
1.2 Students in Prep, Year 1 and 2 will be collected by a Dare 2 Dance (D2D) staff member from their classrooms and walked to the changerooms to get dressed.
1.3 Prep-Year 3 students waiting for a class to commence (from 4:15pm onwards) are required to either:
a) Sign into the homework room under the supervision of D2D assistants. All students entering the homework room will be charged a nominal fee of $5.00 per student, per afternoon during the operation times of 3:15pm-5:00pm; or
b) Remain under a parent’s supervision until a nominated time (i.e parent stays on campus with the child or the child is taken home).
1.4 Year 4-6 students waiting for a class to commence (from 4:15pm onwards) are required to either:
a) Sign into the homework room under the supervision of D2D assistants. All students entering the homework room will be charged a nominal fee of $5.00 per student, per afternoon during the operation times of 3:15pm-5:00pm; or
b) Remain under a parent’s supervision until a nominated time (i.e parent stays on campus with the child or the child is taken home); or
c) Complete homework in the iCentre with parent’s written consent (emailed to admin@dare2dance.com.au).
1.5 Students in Years 7-12 waiting for a class to commence (from 4:15pm onwards) can choose from the following options:
a) Sit in homework room under the supervision of D2D assistants; or
b) Complete homework in the iCentre; or
c) Remain under a parent’s supervision until a nominated time (i.e. parent stays on campus with the child or child is taken home); or
d) With permission of a D2D staff member, sit outside the dance studio or in the line of sight of a dance teacher.
1.6 Students are expected to adhere to College policies relating to the use of the iCentre and movement around the College grounds during these times. This includes but is not limited to:
a) Wearing school uniform when completing homework in the iCentre;
b) Wearing suitable footwear at all times. This includes walking to and from dance lessons as well walking to and from the changerooms and toilets;
c) No access through the MPH by students and parents.
1.7 Parents are to inform D2D staff via the D2D App if their child will not be attending a dance lesson at any given time.

2. Dance Classes
2.1 Students in Prep - Year 6 are expected to wear the D2D uniform. This varies between age groups and the style of dancing the student participates in. Please refer to the uniform requirements (available on our website).
2.2 Students in Years 7 - 12 are expected to wear tight fitting dance attire/aerobic wear. No loose clothing is permitted.
2.3 Those junior school students who participate in a dance class that is combined with senior students are allowed to wear their own dance attire.
2.4 Hair is to be taken off the face and neatly restrained for all dance classes. Ballet buns are expected for all ballet classes.
2.5 Students in Prep - Year 3 are required to travel in pairs to the toilet or be escorted by a D2D assistant.
2.6 Students are expected to be courteous and respectful during their dance lesson. Should a student misbehave, D2D reserves the right to remove the student from the class. Depending on the severity of their misbehaviour, a parent may be called to collect the student.

3. 3.1 D2D’s duty of care ends at the conclusion of a dance class. Therefore, parents are to be punctual in collecting their child.
3.2 Students in Prep - Year 3 are to be handed over to a parent/guardian at the conclusion of their lesson.
3.3 Students in Year 4 and above need to be able to point out their parent to a D2D staff member or assistant before leaving the dance studio area.
3.4 If a parent wishes for an older sibling or person under the age of 18 years to collect their child from dance class, written permission will need to be provided to authorise D2D to hand over the student into the sibling’s care.
3.5 If a parent hasn’t collected their child within 10 minutes of the completion of the class, the student will be supervised by a D2D assistant in the homework room. The charge during operation hours of 3:15pm-5:00pm is $5.00 per student, per afternoon. If the student is not collected by the closing time of 5:00pm, a further charge of $10.00 per 15 minutes will be incurred.
3.6 In line with the College rules:
a) Students are to wear suitable footwear at all times whilst they are on campus. Therefore, at the conclusion of a dance class students are expected to put on shoes;
b) Students waiting with a parent for a sibling to finish their dance lesson, must also abide by College rules and this includes the MPH being out of bounds, no climbing/swinging on railings or playing ball games near the car park.
3.7 Older students with a driver’s licence and with written permission from a parent may be dismissed to use the prearranged method of transport home.