Privacy Policy

May 18, 2024 11:51 PM

Chance 2 Dance, INC is a 501©3 non-profit organization, based in Central Florida. We offer a full range of dance classes for children, youth, and adults with varying disabilities and special needs. The mission of Chance 2 Dance is to give everyone, no matter their ability, the opportunity and Chance 2 Dance and to Foster the love of dance by simply having FUN, and to promote self-awareness of one’s own abilities in a safe and comfortable environment with a C2D trained and certified instructor that enhances and encourages both social integration and confidence through the exploration of movement.

As Chance 2 Dance, INC is a non-profit organization, family, friends, and community involvement is an integral part of our success. Contributions, both financially and through volunteerism, are appreciated and needed. No contribution is too small, and all donations help to ensure the viability and growth of the Chance 2 Dance Program.

As an organization that is openly inclusive and accommodating to all types of disabilities and special needs, we aim to group classes that dancers will work well with in a social setting. There may be exceptions where we are unable to accommodate a child due to the severity of his/her disability and possible threat/danger to other participating dancers. The child’s first class will be on a trial basis and from there, accommodations and recommendations for classes will be provided.


Upon C2D registration, Parent’s/ Caretakers will be added to our online Dance-Studio Pro App where tuition, invoices, and statements will be managed. Parents/ Caretakers can access statements, communicate with teachers, and update classes via this online communication software.

Tuition is charged on a monthly basis; the first trial month of dance classes may be prorated if dancer starts classes in the middle of the month; months thereafter will NOT be prorated regardless of dancer’s attendance.

You will receive an emailed Tuition Statement Invoice on the 1st of every month, regardless of the date or time of month when dancer was registered.

If you are signed up for Auto-Pay, that payment will be fulfilled on the 1st of the month (If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, Tuition Statements and Auto Payments will be populated the following business day)

If you do not sign up for auto-payments, you are expected to fulfill the emailed tuition invoice via the web or may pay upon the next class in check or credit card form. Unless the 1st of the month falls on a holiday or weekend, tuition is due by the 7th of each month. For tuitions not paid by the 7th of the month, there will be a ONE-time documented grace warning with an email and phone call or in person. A late fee of $15 will be applied to all late balances.
*No exceptions will be made if we do not receive financial updates/notice of personal struggles before monthly tuition is posted.

Chance 2 Dance accepts Auto Payments, Personal Checks (Returned checks will result in a $25 processing fee) and All Major Debit/Credit Cards. Cash will be accepted in a sealed envelope with the dancer’s name, class day and time written on the envelope.

Currently Chance 2 Dance is REIMBURSEABLE through the Gardiner Scholarship & CDC+.

We are approved by Down Syndrome Foundation Scholarships and accept their scholarships in semester payments.

An electronic receipt will be sent for received payments.

Should at any time you wish to add or drop a dance class please contact Chance 2 Dance immediately. Monthly tuition will NOT be reimbursed for dancers who drop classes in the middle of the month.


Your first month with Chance 2 Dance may be prorated contingent to the enrolled dancer’s first class start date. Tuition will be posted on the 1st of each month. Monthly tuition will not be prorated past the first month even if there is a holiday break.
*Dancers MAY attend a makeup class for any classes missed due to holiday or missed day*

*Should any unexpected personal/ family circumstances arise, please reach out to Chance 2 Dance Executive Director: Nicole Warren at 407.402.6662 to discuss your personal payment/ class attendance options.


Dancers are required to wear a ‘Chance 2 Dance’ shirt to dance class as their class uniform. If you do not have one, the studio has them available for purchase for $15.00.

Dancers may wear Athletic Bottoms: leggings, work out bottoms/ mesh shorts or pants of their choice. NO jeans, skirts, khakis, slacks, belts, or dresses. The attire should be athletic wear that is not too baggy, as we like to see the dancers’ silhouette in dance attire.

NO OUTSIDE SHOES IN THE STUDIO! If dancers are going to wear Tennis Shoes during dance class, they must be shoes bought specifically for dance class use ONLY. Shoes that have been worn outside of the dance studio will NOT be permitted on the dance studio floors. No exceptions for parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, dancers, etc. We recommend dancers arrive with a dance bag, shoes and water in bag and any other fidget or sensory toys/items they may need to have a successful dance class experience.

It is HIGHLY recommended, but not required, that you purchase appropriate dance shoes (jazz, ballet, tap, half soles). Inquire with your instructor which shoes are best for class. Studio- Only designated Tennis Shoes are fine. NO Flip Flops.
*Please note: Tap shoes ARE NOT optional, if your dancer is in a class that provides tap instruction they will need BLACK TAP SHOES.

*Please notify us of any attire sensory issues your child may have.


We understand that there will be a variety of personality types in our dance classes. All of our participants will learn and develop at their own level. We will teach dancers to show respect for teacher and classmates and we will focus on how to stay focused and attentive and encourage our peers.

Safety for all participants is of the highest focus. We expect dancers to socially engage with one another in an appropriate setting. Should a dancer begin to become violent or uncontrollable, whether it be physically or verbally the participant may be removed from class for that session. The Dancer will have an Incident Report written and parent/caretaker must acknowledge and sign. If a dancer receives 3 incident reports, they will be asked to leave C2D for the remainder of the season. Should behavior become an unmanageable issue, the dancer may be removed from the class at the discretion of the C2D Staff. (private lessons or a separate class may be recommended to accommodate the dancer.)

We understand that different personality types and developmental levels will be combined in our inclusive classes. With that we will constantly monitor and work with the dancers as individuals and as a group to maintain the safety level of each dance class.


All dance participants are encouraged to perform in our December Production and the Chance 2 Dance Annual May Showcase Performance. Performances are not mandatory; however, we highly encourage families to save the date for our events, as these are genuine-performance experiences contributing to enriching and enhancing the dancers’ life skills. There may also be optional performance that may arise throughout the dance season where we invite classes to perform for fellow organizational outreach events. i.e Orlando Magic Basketball Games, DSACF Step Up Walk, Nathaniel’s Hope.


In the event of a natural disaster or any inclement weather, we will follow the decision of Orange County Public Schools as to hold class or not.

We will hold dance classes on a weekly basis throughout the month. We typically follow the OCPS Calendar Schedule. Please add to your email contact list to stay up to date with all C2D communications.