Tip Toes and Taps, LLC Contract Agreement

Sep 07, 2024 06:27 PM

If you have any questions about our policies and guidelines during the year, please click on the "Policy" tab on your parent portal main screen. If you prefer a paper copy please ask the office. It is expected that you have discussed with your child/children Tip Toes and Taps, LLC policies and guidelines outlined on the registration form, and that you and your child/children agree to abide by the studio procedures, regulations, and policies discussed. The topics addressed are not inclusive and are subject to discretionary interpretation by the director. Tip Toes and Taps, LLC retains the right to amend our policies, guidelines and registration form for just cause at any time. Parents will be given prompt notification if changes are made.

We have read and discussed the Tip Toes and Taps, LLC registration form, guidelines and policies for Parents/Students. We agree to abide by the studio procedures, regulations, and policies as stated on this registration form. We understand that all parents and students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Code of Conduct on this registration form.

I/we, the undersigned registrant/s (parent/s or legal guardian/s of the applicant) recognize that there is a risk of possible illness, injury and/or paralysis arising from the applicants participation in programs at Tip Toes and Taps, LLC. Therefore, in considerations of such applicants in the instructional recreational programs of Tip Toes and Taps, LLC, I/we do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the said Tip Toes and Taps, LLC, its officers, instructors, employees and representatives from any and all liability, loss or damage. Including reasonable attorneys fees resulting from claims, cause of action, demands, and costs of judgment against the said Tip Toes and Taps, LLC, its officers, instructors and employees, without limitations. As well as any injury, illness, or accident to such applicants, arising from such applicants participation in any way, in any program, course of instruction or travel with the said Tip Toes and Taps, LLC. I/we further expressly give a member of Tip Toes and Taps, LLC staff the power to consent for medical treatment during an emergency situation for health and safety for my/our child, in the event that I/we cannot be immediately contacted.

By completing and submitting this form you agree to the terms and conditions.
A full copy of the Tip Toes and Taps, LLC policies can be viewed at www.tiptoesandtaps.net and in your parent portal.