Student Handbook
Jan 24, 2025 04:35 AM
Tuesday - Friday: 4:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
*If you need to reach someone immediately, you may call/text our virtual assistant at 682-847-5557 Mon-Fri from 9am-3pm.
Studio Closure and Fee Due Dates
August 22, 2023- First day of studio classes
September 4, 2023- Closed for Labor Day (No Preschool Classes)
November 20-24, 2023- Closed for Thanksgiving Break (No Preschool Classes)
December 18, 2023 -January 1, 2024- Studio Closed for Winter Break
December 25, 2023 - January 1, 2024 - No Dance Classes for Preschools
January 15, 2024- Closed for MLK Day (No Preschool Classes)
February 1, 2023- Deadline to opt out of recital (PRESCHOOLS INCLUDED)
*$100 per costume and $65 performance fee due.
March 11-15, 2024- Closed for Spring Break (No Preschool Classes)
March 29, 2024- Closed for Good Friday (No Preschool Classes)
May 27, 2024- Closed for Memorial Day (No Preschool Classes)
May, 2024 TBD- Class Photoshoot
June, 2024 TBD- Dress Rehearsal
June 9, 2024- Recital
1. There is a non-refundable individual registration fee of $65.
Two or more students from the same family will pay a flat $130 registration fee.
2. Registration is exclusively online through our website
Studio Tuition & Fees
One class a week - $75 per month
Two classes a week - $135 per month
Three classes a week - $200 per month
Four classes a week - $265 per month
Five classes a week - $325 per month
UNLIMITED - $375 per month
Multi child family discount 20% off
Drop-in classes for Adults $15
Tuition is due on the 1st of every month, beginning September 1st. Tuition is based on a 9-month curriculum and divided into 9 equal payments covering classes from late August to late May. Tuition for classes beginning the week of August 22nd will be prorated based on two weeks of tuition.
All VCPC Danzer accounts are required to have a credit/debit card on file and enrolled in Auto Pay. If you are not enrolled in Auto Pay, your danzer will not be able to be on the Vizual Content Performing Company. Credit/Debit cards are drafted on the 1st of the month for tuition, and the 15th of the month for team expense fees. If there is a problem with your transaction, you will receive notification, and must have payment in place prior to the system attempting to charge the amount due in three (3) days. A fee of $25 will be added for each declined transaction. A late fee of $10 per day will be applied for late payments beginning on the 6th of the month.
Preschool and Afterschool programs tuition is $50/month and is billed to your danzers account on the 1st of every month, and is late ON the 5th. If your tuition has not been paid by the 4th, a $15 late fee will be posted to your account on the 5th.
Make tuition payments by cash or credit card in person at the studio, or with card/apple pay/google pay directly through your Dance Studio Pro Account. If you need assistance logging into your DSP account, please email us at
iDANZ does not email or mail monthly statements. Check your online account for current statements, and set reminders on the 1st of every month.
Studio Parents, if you have questions about your tuition, please request assistance from a member of the Management team for assistance by emailing them at
Preschool/Afterschool Program Parents, if you have questions about your tuition, please request assistance from the Programs Manager for assistance by emailing them at
VCPC Team Parents if you have questions about your tuition, please ask the Accounts Manager for assistance by emailing them at
If you withdraw from a preschool/afterschool program class and /or studio class, you must notify the studio office 30 days prior to the last class.
Studio Registration for classes is for the full year (late August through the end of May).
Preschool/Afterschool Registration is ongoing, once enrolled your student will remain enrolled until notice is given. Classes continue at all Preschools throughout summer into the next year. IF YOUR CHILD WITHDRAWS FROM YOUR PRESCHOOL, YOU MUST NOTIFY US AS WELL. The schools do not notify the studio of withdrawals from the school.
A medically documented withdrawal (either temporary or permanent) will be accepted as a valid waiver of payment for the affected period.
Summer Camp/Workshop Cancellation
30 days or more from the first date of workshop/camp: the fee is refundable.
7 - 29 days from the start of a workshop/camp: 50% refund
6 days before class to the start of a workshop/camp: fee is non-refundable except for a medically documented withdrawal.
iDanz has the discretion to transfer credits/refunds to past due accounts, or future accounts.
A $25 processing fee will apply to all iDANZ refunds.
On a rare occasion, we may find it necessary to cancel a class session. We will make every effort to notify those students involved, and advise you whether the class will be rescheduled or a makeup class should be attended. If severe or inclement weather conditions exist, the IDANZ studio follows the local school district's weather decisions.
No reduction or refund for missed classes. No Exceptions.
Dancers may make up class in a different styled class. Make up classes may be scheduled at the front desk or on your parent portal.
iDANZ appreciates an email notification if you know that your child will be absent. Please put your instructor's name in the subject line.
Students and parents may not be in the dance rooms, unless a staff member is present and has invited dancers in the room. Staff members are not responsible for supervising students until the class time begins. We request an arrival time no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of your class. Unless otherwise permitted by iDANZ staff.
Age 6 and under: Parents/Guardians must walk dancers into the iDANZ studio and supervise the dancer until the class begins. Parents/Guardians will pick up dancers at the door of the classroom when class is dismissed. If the dancer's parent or guardian is not present when the class is dismissed, the child will remain in the classroom until a parent/guardian arrives.
Age 7 to 16: Parents and Guardians are to make sure the child has entered the iDANZ studio before leaving the premises. The child will wait inside the front door until his/her ride arrives. Under no circumstances will the student be allowed to wait or loiter outside the front door of the iDANZ studio.
Do not leave children unattended at the studio if they are not in class.
Dancers should wait quietly for their class to begin.
Dancers are not allowed in the dance studio rooms until invited by an instructor.
Dancers must enter and exit the studio with a cover up, and non dance shoes. DANCE SHOES (including sneakers worn in Hip Hop or otherwise) WORN OUTSIDE ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE DANCE FLOOR.
Tardiness is a detriment to the dancer and disruption to the class. A dancer who misses the first few class exercises runs the risk of injury by not being properly "warmed up." However, if a student arrives late due to unforeseen circumstances, the student should enter the classroom quietly and be ready to dance only when an exercise is completed. At this point, they may walk quietly into the room, acknowledge the teacher and join the class in progress. Students should not walk into class during the middle of an exercise since this is disruptive to the class and instructor.
The staff welcomes parent communication and also encourages parents to share information about their children that will help the teacher to do the best possible job. All such information will be held in the strictest confidence. If at any time you wish to speak to a teacher, please email the studio office and your message will be given to that teacher, or message them on the BAND app. (Please allow a few days for a teacher response, as many teachers are not here every day).
Black Leotard
Pink Tights
Ballet slippers
Hair secured in a bun
Optional-ballet skirt, warm-up shrug
Hair pulled back securely, out of face
Ballet slippers
Black Ballet slippers for boys
Acro/Technique /Jazz/Contemporary /Lyrical/Leaps, turns/Drill Team
Tank top
Sports bra
Hair pulled back securely, out of face
Bare feet-acro
Jazz shoes-jazz, technique
Bare feet, 1/2 soles, Bare paws-Contemporary, Lyrical
Hip-hop/Afro Jamz/Breaking
Sweat pants
Tank top
Tennis shoes
Barefoot (Afro Jamz)
tap shoes
sports bra
Hair pulled back securely, out of face
tank top
Valuables should be left at home or brought into the studio classroom, NOT left in the lobby, or bathrooms and dressing areas. Valuables lost can be found at the front desk, all others in a basket outside studio B. All dancers are strongly encouraged to write their names on the inside of ALL dance shoes and attire. Periodically, lost and found items will be sorted and donated to appropriate agencies.
Flyers and notices are posted in the waiting area, as well as emailed to the email on file. A newsletter with updates on events, recent studio news, and more, will be emailed monthly to all students enrolled in an IDANZ class (Studio and Programs).
Snacks and beverages are available for purchase at the front desk. All trash goes into the trash cans. Please empty liquids and ice in a sink before depositing them into trash receptacles. NO FOOD IN THE DANCE STUDIOS.
The telephone lines are for iDANZ business only.
Exceptions: students make necessary phone calls to parents in any situation with staff approval.
PeeWee triple threat/Mini Triple Threat: Intro to Ballet, Tap, Jazz Combination
Ballet /Adult Ballet- Focusing on technique and choreography based on skill level
Jazz: Jazz technique and choreography based on skill level
Tap: Focusing on technique, and proper usage of taps, while learning to hear music differently, and incorporate those learnings through to your taps
Technique: Focusing on the in and outs of all steps, ensuring dancers are learning proper technique. This allows dancers to prevent injuries
Moms with Moves: A dance class created for moms by moms, to boost confidence and restore self confidence after having children
Hip Hop/Adult Hip Hop: Diverse dance style focusing on musicality, execution and performance
Afro Jamz Kidz/ Afro Jamz Adultz: Afro fusion with traditional African dance
Street Hip Hop: Trendy movements, taught by tic-tok stars
Hip Hop Trendz: Trendy movements with up and coming Hip Hop Dancerz
Breakin' & Trickz: Break Dance training suitable for all dance levels, intro to basic break dancing trickz
Improv: Feeling the music and moving freely with guided structure
Freestyle and Krump: a unique extension of hip hop dance, incorporating street style and movement
Acro & Tumbling: Flexibility, dance tricks and tumbling
Latin Fusion: Latin base with a fusion of various styles of dance.
iDANZ schedules a performance every year. It includes all studio classes, Preschool/Afterschool Program classes, as well as Vizual Content Performing Company and M.O.M CREW.
To receive costumes in time for the performance, we must order early. To do this we require the $100 per costume fee and a performance fee of $65 per student to be paid by February 1st, 2024. Dancers enrolling after February 1st, will be responsible not only for tuition, but costume deposit, and recital fee.
A Special Note About Our Performances
iDANZ takes a special interest in presenting high-quality, professional productions for all dancers. This includes all areas of dance: choreography, costumes, sets and scenery, lighting, and programs. Parental support is vital to a successful production. Your volunteer time is needed and appreciated, in addition to bringing your dancer to class regularly, specific volunteer opportunities will be posted. Please take your turn, Volunteering lets your dancer know that his/her participation is important to you.
One of the many lessons to be learned from production is performance etiquette. While many students will not continue formal dance training as adults, many will continue to participate in the arts as an audience. Courteous and attentive behavior is, of course, expected. Photography and videography are prohibited at performances. We ask that you turn off all cell phones. Please do not leave the performance after your child's dance; it is disruptive to others in the audience. Please set a good example for the children in the audience, our future arts supporters.
Dancers show respect for themselves by:
Arriving promptly for class
Dressing properly for class
Having their hair up off the neck, and out of their eyes
Dancers show respect for others by:
Keeping their hands to themselves during class
Waiting quietly for others to have a turn
Talking only during share time, or when spoken to by the instructor
Dancers show respect for their teacher and the art form they are learning by:
Being properly dressed and ready for class on time
Listening when the teacher speaks
Raising their hand to be called upon and asking for classes relevant to the class work
Addressing the teacher as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss
When sitting on the floor, sitting criss-cross style with backs up straight
Being prepared for their turn
Always ask permission before leaving the room for any reason
Dancers show respect for the studio by:
Leaving gum, outside the studio
Never hanging on the barres
Never running or doing gymnastics in the lobby
Putting trash in the proper places
Parents show respect for the dance class, teacher, and studio by:
Knocking before entering the classroom if a class is in progress
Standing away from the viewing window if it is obvious dancers are distracted
Have dancers ready for class before entering the studio
Picking dancers up promptly after class
Restroom breaks during class:
Please remind all dancers to use the bathroom before class
Water breaks:
Dancers may bring water bottles into class so they do not need to leave the dance room.
Do not leave dancers unattended at the studio who are not in the class.
Siblings must be completely supervised at all times and are not allowed to play on the equipment. Running and horseplay can cause injuries and excessive noise is a disturbance to the dancers and staff.
Please pick up your personal belongings and put trash in the appropriate containers.