MSB Studio Wavier
Jan 08, 2025 12:33 AM
Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC Waiver and Release
Media Release:
I authorize Micaiah's Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC to use, without compensation, my child likeness in photographs and/or video in any and all of its publications and in any and all other media. I grant Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC all rights to use images in any medium and I understand that all rights to these images belong to Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC.
Assumption of Risk and Release of Agreement:
We the parent(s) or legal guardian agree and acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied myself/my child to attend and participate in all Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC activities and events.
I understand that Ballet, Tap, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Cross Conditioning and Acrobatic training at Micaiah's Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC students requires a sustained, repetitive and vigorous physical activity, usually performed on a hard or lightly padded surface without protective footwear. It is also understood that dance instruction involves kinetic corrections that may include physically touching the student as part of regular class work and rehearsals.
I understand that participants engage in a broad range of quick movements, bending, twisting, running, leaping, Acrobatic movements (cartwheels, Summersaults, Aerials, ETC) and lifting, which place extreme demands on the human body, Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC is not staffed to monitor and supervise the activities of its students at all times, and the tuition schedule does not contemplate constant supervision.
I also understand that there are inherent risks of serious personal injury involved in all of the above activities as well as in the general participation in Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC and events. I voluntarily assume and accept such risks of personal injury and illnesses arising from my child’s/my attendance and participation in such activities and events.
Indemnify and Hold Harmless:
We the parent(s) or legal guardian hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC, its trustees, officers, employees and agents from all actions, claims, or demands that I and my heirs or representatives now have or may hereafter have for personal injuries or property damage resulting from attendance at and/or participation in Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC activities and events.
I agree that this release includes personal injury or property damages caused in whole or in part by alleged negligence, active or passive, or Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC, its trustees, employees, and agents. This release does not apply to liability for willful injury or fraud.
Electronic Signature Agreement. By selecting the "I Accept" checkbox, I am signing this agreement electronically. I agree this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this agreement.
Parents understand that Micaiah's Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC will do all they can to prevent the spread of germs however it is at the parent's discretion to allow their child to participate in classes in person. Parents understand that their child is still welcome to attend via zoom as a last resort.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.