Code of Conduct

Jul 26, 2024 06:48 PM

The registration fee is due 2 weeks before the 1st term begins. Anyone joining after the first term must have the registration fee paid before being able to attend classes.
Upon registering, you have until the Friday of week 2 of the current term to cancel or drop any classes. If you do not let us know in writing of your cancelation/dropping of classes, you are agreeing to pay for the entire terms fees.
Bullying will not be tolerated at all and will result in immediate dismissal from Scorpion Allstars. Fees will continue until term ends if you are dismissed.
Fees are expected to be paid on time. If fees are 3 days overdue a late fee will apply for direct debit only. If 3 payments are missed in a row, the athlete will be unable to attend until payments have been fixed up in the entirety.
Competition fees MUST be paid by the due dates in order to attend a competition.
All competitions MUST be paid for wether the athlete is in attendance or not as this is a team commitment.
Scorpion Allstars reserves the right to turn over all outstanding accounts to a collections agency and the parent/guardian/athlete will be responsible for all additional associated costs.
Private class fees are NOT included in the $90.00 unlimited class package.
Active and creative kids vouchers are accepted in our gym to go towards class fees and/or registration.
No refunds or credit will be given for absence to class/es including privates. This also includes injury/illness absences.
There are no refunds forbid competition fees.
Public Holidays, scheduled days off and general time off given by the discretion of management have already been prorated/accounted for in the yearly/termly/monthly, fortnightly, or weekly tuition/training fees and will continue as normal on a public holiday that falls in the term.

Taking classes at another gym/studio is not allowed as this prevents technique/form clashes with how other venues coach.
You allow Scorpion Allstars to use photos and videos of myself/ my child/s for relevant promotional, social media purposes.
Parents must NOT contact coaches via personal social media. Please contact via Scorpion Allstars email, phone or social media page.
Parents and athletes are NOT to add/friend/follow any staff members personal pages, even if displayed as public. Whilst we do want to communicate with our families, we want to do so in a professional manner through email or in person. We ask that you respect our staffs personal social media pages.
Negative, inappropriate posts, comments, messages on social media relating or mentioning Scorpion Allstars, their staff, or athletes is strictly not allowed and will result in immediate dismissal from Scorpion Allstars. Fees will continue until term ends.
Social Media is a great way for communicating and staying informed. Here at Scorpion Allstars, we always expect our members to conduct themselves appropriately when using electronic communication, especially when sharing information with other members or posting material on public websites connected to our club.
Members must not publish any deemed inappropriate/provocative material or content on social media that identifies themselves as being associated with Scorpion Allstars. Remember athletes of all ages see posts/tagging of photos regarding Scorpion Allstars.
Athletes are to have their phone either off or on silent and can not use it during class. If parents need to contact, we expect they contact the coaches directly.

Please inform your coach of any injury ahead of a training session. If your child is seriously injured, we ask that you discuss the details of the injury and the recovery process as advised by a medical expert with your child’s coach.
A detailed physiotherapist report / certificate must be provided for any injury that prevents an athlete from participating (unless the injury is obvious).
All injured athletes MUST attend classes to watch so that they do not miss any important additions or changes to routines.
Any injury that occurs at Scorpion Allstars is NOT to be posted on any social media sites including but not limited to, personal Facebook pages and messenger groups.
Should an injury occur it is the responsibility of the parent to seek professional advice and proper rehabilitation. Parents must regularly communicate with the coach on the progress of the athlete’s injury.
If the injury occurs in the gym, a Scorpion Allstars staff member will contact the parents (or emergency contact) and inform them of the situation. If the parents cannot be contacted, the coach has the discretionary right to call an ambulance.
Scorpion Allstars has the right to replace an athlete in training or for a competition if an athlete is injured and cannot train in the lead up to a competition or cannot compete.
For injuries requiring more than 3 weeks absence from training, parents must complete a medical clearance form prior to the athlete returning to Program.
Should you acquire an injury and need to stop training after informing us after week 2 of the term, your fees will still continue until the end of the term.
Medical requirements/conditions injuries and allergies must be provided to coaches. Athletes are required to bring required medical needs i.e inhaler.
All athletes must be cleared to be able to continue training. If my child has had a significant injury Scorpion Allstars will require a medical certificate to prove he/she is able to recommence training safely, along with our medical clearance form signed by the athletes’ parent/guardian.
Ambulance cover is not included in the athletes insurance. Scorpion Allstars reserves the right to contact an ambulance on behalf of an athlete regardless of coverage & will not bear any responsibility for costs this incurs. Parents will be notified immediately.

Merchandise - You cannot sell, recreate, or create your own Scorpion Allstars clothing or branded items. This includes team names and logos affiliated to our brand. If you have a merchandise idea, please see our staff. We are always open to suggestions.
Training - All athletes must be dressed appropriately for training with the club t-shirt and black leggings/bike shorts OR club apparel. We will not except any other club apparel, colours outside of our branding, branded clothing, inappropriate/impractical clothing.
Hair must be neat and tied up. All jewellery removed prior to each training session (including earrings).
Fingernails must be kept short.
Cheer shoes & dance shoes must be worn to all training sessions.
Competitions – All athletes must wear competition uniform, club t-shirt / jacket, competition bow/scrunchies/hair cuff, cheer shoes.
Competition uniforms are for official functions and competition use only; they are not to be worn at outside events (eg. themed parties).
Athletes are responsible for their own uniforms. If lost you must order a new costume.
All athletes are to abide by our uniform policy as this is an expectation we set to create uniformity, community and a training standard.

Scorpion Allstars management has the right to cancel classes due to extremely hot weather and members do not receive a refund or make-up class. This will be determined by management and parents/athletes will be notified as soon as the the decision has been made.
Scorpion Allstars management also reserves the right to cancel classes due to extenuating circumstances such as but not limited to power outage, flood, fire etc.
During the hot weather, please ensure your child has a water bottle and hand towel/ sweat towel to dry themselves off during training.
Classes that run on hot weather days may be adjusted to accommodate the heat.

Focus on the participants efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
Never ridicule or yell at participants for making a mistake or not winning a competition.
Show appreciation for good performances by all participants (including opposing teams).
Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with or in the vicinity of persons under 18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example to others.
Respect officials’ decisions and teach others to do likewise.
Do not physically or verbally abuse or harass anyone (participant, coach, judge, staff member, opposing athletes, opposing parents etc).
Be a positive role model to all athletes, parents, and other spectators.
Report behaviour of individuals that are not adhering to the code of behaviour policy to either an event provider staff member or Scorpion Allstars staff member.
Always show good sportsmanship and actively promote athletes to do the same.
Be aware of the repercussions that any breaches of this code of behaviour may incur.
If the above should be breached, Scorpion Allstars has a three-strike policy and has the right to dismiss the offending family/families from the club forfeiting all payments received by the club.
If an athlete is injured we still expect they come along to watch the lesson so they don't fall behind. If an athlete falls sick, you must inform the coach immediately and more than 2 hours prior to class starting.
Competition uniforms must only be worn to competitions and events that it requires. Strictly NOT to be worn as a costume to parties, halloween etc.
Competition athletes must be available for ALL competition dates. Any missed training dates due to school camps etc, must be informed to the coaches well in advance to avoid being removed from the routine in the event that it is too close to a competition.
Parents and athletes understand that coaches place you on a team based on age & skill requirement, not friendships. This is to ensure athletes are progressing effectively and safely.
Absolutely no video's of routines/stunt sequences taken can be posted on social media until AFTER the final competition of the season.
Competition uniform will be used for 2023 & 2024 unless the IAS uniform regulations change resulting in new uniforms. If you lose a uniform or need a different size it is your responsibility to order one ASAP. Costumes take 8 weeks minimum to arrive after ordering.
Athletes are NOT to miss any training sessions for the three weeks leading up to a competition.
Athletes must arrive to competitions/events with hair & makeup done and competition costume under t-shirt/jacket and pants over the top. Bring all competition shoes in a seperate bag, do not wear them to the competition.
No acrylics, nail polish or jewellery to be worn at competitions.
Athletes are expected to be at all training sessions and event that their team is attending. If a holiday is planned you must tell a coach straight away which dates you are absent. Having too many absences (to be decided by the coach) may result in not participating or removal from the team.
Competition arrival times are non-negotiable. These are set by the coaches to ensure enough time to get the teams organised with their entry wristbands, last minute hair/makeup fixes, getting costumes and shoes on/organised and to meet their check in time for warm up. If the warm up is missed, the team will be unable to compete.
This is a rule by the event providers.

Athletes are expected to arrive 5 minutes before class to prevent being late. Being a team sport, late arrival/absence greatly impacts the team.
Absolutely no soft drink, or energy drinks to be brought into the gym and consumed by athletes. Alcohol is strictly banned at our venue and any Scorpion Allstars events. Water & Powerade/Gatorade is acceptable.
Scorpion Allstars will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged goods. Please leave expensive goods at home.
Athletes are to have their phone either off or on silent and can not use it during class. If parents need to contact, we expect they contact the coaches directly.
All athletes are expected to show consideration and respect to all coaches, staff, parents and to each other. This will ensure a happy and pleasant environment for everyone.
All athletes must conduct themselves with honesty and courtesy.
All music, choreography, class structure, logo, uniform designs are the sole property of Scorpion Allstars and must not be used or shared without permission. This includes the use of creating custom items that allude to or replicate the Scorpion Allstars brand
Do not under any circumstances contact other gym owners/coaches/athletes/parents.
Parents are strongly encouraged to drop and go – we do not allow parents to stay and watch training sessions as this can be distracting and a safety hazard to the athletes. The only exception to this is if it is you are invited to stay by Staff, or it is a parent viewing day. Please do not watch at the door/roller door if they are left open.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background, or religion.
Visitor parking is allocated at the front of the complex, parents and athletes are to ONLY use these spots and not utilise the staff parking or other businesses car spots.
Parents and athletes are not permitted behind the reception desk, upstairs (unless for a class), in the storage area at any time.
No food or drink is permitted on the cheerleading mats or any of the equipment.
Parents will be notified if their child’s behaviour becomes unacceptable, to which we will issue a warning, on the second time the child will be dismissed.
Parents wanting to ask a question or have a discussion with a coach must do so either before or after a class, not during.
To participate in any Scorpion Allstars classes, clinics and/or events you must agree to our code of conduct and/or waiver form.
I understand that risk, injury, death or property damage, can be results of cheer and dance and here by assume full responsibility for all consequences my child experiences.
AlI SA members, supporters, athletes, parents & coaches must display excellent sportsmanship, kindness, & support during but not limited to training, competitions and events.
Parents/members are to contact staff for reasons relevant to Scorpion Allstars ONLY and at reasonable hours. Between Monday-Friday 10am-7pm is acceptable to reach out to the staff. We ask that anything out of this time frame is emailled and to expect a response within 48 hours. We ask that you do NOT contact staff via phone call or text on weekends what so ever.

I do hereby release & forever discharge Scorpion Allstars, their predecessors & successors,
employees, agents & assigns & all other persons, corporations & entities from all claims,
expenses, attorney fees and causes of action or suits of any kind of nature associated with the
participants involvement with Scorpion Allstars.