FAPA Waivers

Oct 05, 2024 08:29 AM

The French Academy of Performing Arts
#30 Dronningens Gade Suite A3
St.Thomas, USVI - 00801


In consideration for permitting Participant to participate as student in FAPA as directed by the relevant staff, the undersigned, for themselves, and for their respective heirs, personal representatives and assigns, agree as follows:

Assumption of Risk: The undersigned hereby acknowledge and agree that they understand the nature of the Event; that Participant is qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate therein; that there are certain inherent risks and dangers associated with the Event; and that, except as expressly set forth herein, they, knowingly and voluntarily, accept, and assume responsibility for, each of these risks and dangers, and all other risks and dangers that could arise out of, or occur during, Participant’s participation in the Event.

Release and Waiver: The undersigned hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the French Academy of Performing Arts and its member institutions, The French ballet Theatre or any subdivision thereof, and each of them, their officers and employees, (collectively, the “Releasees”), from and for any liability resulting from any personal injury, accident or illness (including death), and/or property loss, however caused, arising from, or in any way related to, Participant’s participation in the Event, except for those caused by the willful misconduct, gross negligence or intentional torts of the above parties, as applicable.

Indemnification and Hold Harmless: The undersigned also hereby agree to INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD the Releasees HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, arising from, or in any way related to, Participant’s participation in the Event, except for those arising out of the willful misconduct, gross negligence or intentional torts of the above parties, as applicable.

Permission to Use Likeness/Name: The undersigned further agree to allow, without compensation, Participant’s likeness and/or name to appear, and to otherwise be used, in material, regardless of media form, promoting the French Academy of Performing Arts & the French Ballet Theatre, and/or its championships, events and activities, including those of its representatives and licensees.

Acknowledgment of Understanding: The undersigned have read this assumption of risk, release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement, and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the same. The undersigned fully understand this assumption of risk, release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement, that the undersigned are giving up substantial rights in connection therewith, and that its terms are contractual, and not a mere recital. The undersigned acknowledge that they are signing this agreement freely and voluntarily.

(Prices are subjected to change)

Program Registration Fee: $30 each season
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Workshop Registration Fee: *To Be Determined

FAPA Uniform:
(Uniforms are mandatory)

Individual items priced separately in FAPA Online Store.
*See Online Store for Prices.

Uniform Starter Pack: $150 (discounted package)
(1-Academy Dance Leotard, 1-Academy Ballet Skirt, 1- Academy Dance Top, 1-Tights, 1- Ballet Shoes)

Uniform Starter Pack- with Pointe: $250 (discounted package)
(1-Academy Dance Leotard, 1-Academy Ballet Skirt, 1- Academy Dance Top, 1-Tights, 1- Ballet Shoes,
1- Pointe Shoes with Point Accessories {toe pads & ribbons})

FAPA Professional TuTu $130 (advanced students only)
(used for advanced ballet/pointe training and live events)

FAPA Programs & Tuition:

TUITION: $180.00 per month
((All Divisions- Ages 4-18)
(3 days a week)

Little Ballerina Class $140.00 per month
(Ages 2 & up / 11:00am - 12:30pm)
Little Gymnasts Class
(Ages 2 & up / 12:00pm - 12:30pm)

Boys Club - Gymnastics $80.00 per month
Level #1 (Ages 2 & 4 / 9:30am - 10:00am)
Level #2 (Ages 5 & up / 10:00am - 10:30am)

SUMMER: $250.00 per week
Schedules are subjected to change.
(10 Week Program / Ages 4-18)
(Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)

WINTER: $299.00 per week
Schedules are subjected to change.
(2 Week Program Ages 10 +)

Other Services:

Student Pick-Up:
starting $60 per month *

**Possibility of being Postpone; Due to Covid Protocols, Spikes, etc...
**Pick-Up services charges are subject to change. Please review rates monthly at FAPA & FBT front desk.

Registration Fee, Tuition & Service Charges are Non-Refundable.


The French Academy of Performing Arts has a NO REFUND policy. All sales are final. There are no refunds. 

Recurring Membership-Tuition / Event Registration Fees / Event Tickets / Service Charges/ Online Store: 
Membership-Tuition, event registration fees, event ticket purchases, service charges, and online store purchases are non-refundable. For cancelled memberships which are being paid for on monthly basis, billing will stop at the time of cancelation. 

By making a purchase on the French Academy of Performing Arts Portal / Online Store, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the French Academy of Performing Arts No Refund Policy.


Service Portal
Effective Date: December 23, 2022

The purpose of this privacy policy (FAPA Privacy Policy) is to inform users of our site of the following:
The personal data we collect;
The use of collected data;
Who has access to the data collected; and
The rights of sight users.
This privacy policy applies in addition to terms and conditions of our site.
By using our site users agree that they consent to:
The conditions set out in this privacy policy; and
The collection, use, and retention of data listed in the privacy policy.
How we use Personal Data
Data collected on our site will only be used for the purposes specified in this privacy policy or indicated on the relevant pages of our site.
We will not use your data beyond what we disclose in our privacy policy.
Who we Share Personal Data With: Employees
We may disclose user data to any member of our organization who reasonably needs access to user data to achieve the purposes set out in our privacy policy.
Other Disclosures: We will not sell or share your data with other third parties, except the following cases:
If the law requires it;
If it is required by any legal proceeding;
To prove or protect our legal rights; and
To the buyers for potential buyers of the company in event that we seek to sell the company.
If you follow hyperlinks from our site to another site, please note that we are not responsible for or have no control over their privacy policy and practices
How Long We Store Personal Data
User data will be stored until the purpose the data was collected for has been achieved.
You will be notified if your data is kept for longer than this period.
While we take all reasonable precautions to ensure that user data is secure and that the users are protected, there always remains the risk of harm. The Internet as a whole can be insecure at times and therefore we are unable to guarantee the security of the user data beyond what is reasonably practicable.
How to Access, Modify, Delete or Challenge the Data Collected
If you would like to know if we have collected your personal data, how we have used your personal data, if we have disclosed your personal data and who we disclosed your personal data, or if you would like your data to be deleted or modified in anyway, please contact our privacy officer here: Lea Scott (tel:340-626-1545) / Laurence Paquin (tel:340-514-2249)
This privacy policy may be amended from time to time in order to maintain compliance with the law and reflect any changes to our data collection process. When we amend this privacy policy we will update the effective date at the top of the privacy policy. We recommend that our users periodically review the privacy policy to ensure that they have been notified for any updates. If necessary, we may notify users by email of changes to the privacy policy.



-----PAYPAL {Payable in FAPA & FBT Portal}
{Payable at FAPA & FBT front desk}
#30 Dronningens Gade Suite A3, STT-USVI

{Payable To} French Academy of Performing Arts (or) Lea Scott 
(Please Note: Returned Check Fee is $50)


You authorize regularly scheduled charges to your credit card. You will be charged the amount indicated below each billing period. A receipt for each payment will be provided to you and the charge will appear on your credit card statement. You agree that no prior-notification will be provided unless the date or amount changes, in which case you will receive notice from us at least 10 days prior to the payment being collected.

I authorize THE FRENCH ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS to charge my credit card listed in your FAPA registration for your selected tuition on the 1st of each MONTH.

I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I cancel it in writing, and I agree to notify FAPA – Lea Scott in writing of any changes in my account information or termination of this authorization at least 15 days prior to the next billing date. I acknowledge that the origination of Credit Card transactions to my account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. I certify that I am an authorized user of this Credit Card and will not dispute these scheduled transactions; so long as the transactions correspond to the terms indicated in this authorization form.


All FAPA & FBT activities are approached with professionalism and integrity. We are committed to providing a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment that seeks not only to instill a love of dance in our students, but to develop important life skills as well – respect, commitment, reliability and teamwork included.

To ensure a happy and positive experience for all involved, it is important that students, parents (including careers or legal guardians), extended friends and family members and staff understand and comply with the below.

*Student etiquette
Demonstrate respect for teachers, parents, staff and other students at all times.
Arrive at least five minutes prior to your scheduled class. Latecomers may be refused entry, due to the risk of injury.
Present to class in a tidy and well-groomed manner with hair tied back neatly off the face.

Dance uniforms and dance shoes must be worn for classes, where specified.
School uniform is not appropriate dance attire and therefore not permitted.
Teachers may refuse entry to dancers not groomed appropriately.

We recommend:
-Bring a clearly named bottle of water to every class.
-Attend class regularly unless ill or injured, or in the event of a family emergency.
-Honor prior commitments made to the studio by attending classes, rehearsals and performances above other social events.
-Serve as a role model to younger dancers at all times, including appropriate language and behavior.
-Mobile phones should be switched off or on silent mode and are not to be used during class.
-Put garbage in the bins provided and clean up after yourself.
-No eating in the studio area.
-Show respect and care for studio equipment and facilities.
-Ask for help if you need it – we are here for you.

*Parent (including careers or legal guardians) etiquette
-Demonstrate respect for teachers, students, staff and other parents at all times.
-Take responsibility to read email updates and keep up-to-date with current activities and important information.
-Ensure siblings are supervised at all times, equipment is treated with care and the waiting areas are left tidy.
-Refrain from entering either dance studio unless invited by a teacher. This includes studios not in use and extends to siblings.
-Understand and support the FAPA & FBT approach by encouraging children to show commitment and positivity while working to the best of their own ability.
-Refrain from taking photographs or video without permission.
-Respect our approach to establishing and maintaining professional relationships with our students and parents by (1) ensuring all contact is made via the office in person, by phone or email and (2) refraining from direct communication with staff via personal email, text, phone or social media unless on platforms managed directly by FAPA & FBT (e.g. a private Facebook group) or deemed necessary (e.g. rescheduling a private lesson).
-Raise any concerns with a teacher or staff member by making an appointment.

*Staff and volunteers must not:
-Develop any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favoritism (for example, the offering of gifts or special treatment for specific children);
-Exhibit behaviors with children which may be construed as unnecessarily physical (for example inappropriate sitting on laps);
-put children at risk of abuse (for example, by locking doors);
-do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes;
-engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children (for example, personal social activities);
-use inappropriate language in the presence of children;
-express personal views on cultures, race or sexuality in the presence of children;
-discriminate against any child, including because of culture, race, ethnicity or disability;

*Disciplinary actions:
-Inappropriate, disrespectful or aggressive behavior by students, parents (including careers or legal guardians), extended friends and family, staff or volunteers will NOT be tolerated and may result in immediate cancellation of enrollment with no refund or further discussion or immediate termination of employment or contract.
-A breach of the Code of Conduct will result in one written warning.
-Further breaches may result in immediate cancellation of enrolment with no refund or further discussion or immediate termination of employment or contract.

FAPA & FBT is a Child Safe environment committed to understanding and abiding by the Child Safe Standards.
Information on these standards is available on the Department of Human Services website.
For the benefit of all FAPA & FBT families, your cooperation is appreciated.


Non-Compete Agreement
The Recipient shall not solicit any client/customer of the FAPA for the benefit of the Recipient or the Recipient's private business when offering services within the walls of FAPA. This includes, but is not limited to; items, products, digital information, or service offerings for sale by the Recipient or the Recipient's private business.

Confidentiality Agreement
FAPA staff have a responsibility to safeguard confidential information for FAPA clients and customers. Clients seeking services at FAPA will be assured their personal information or any other disclosures will be held in strict confidence amongst staff of FAPA.

I understand that I may come in contact with confidential information during my time at FAPA. While training or participating in events at or associated with FAPA, I hereby undertake in strict confidence any information regarding any client, employee, consultant, customer, contractor or business associate of FAPA. This includes, but is not limited to, client intake forms and personal information, customer personal information (address/phone number/email), company rules & regulations, company prices, and digital information owned by FAPA.

-I shall not verbally discuss client/customer personal information with other client/customers or employees on or off the premises of FAPA.
-I shall not remove information from the premises of FAPA.
-I shall not publish this information.
-I shall not share this information, material or documents with persons outside who are not authorized to have this information.
-Should I receive any such information, I will accept full responsibility to ensure the confidentiality and safe-keeping of this information.

-I shall take every reasonable step to prevent unauthorized parties from examining and/or copying any such information. I will contact leadership when this occurs. 

-I understand this contract applies both during and after my training/association with FAPA and that any infringement by me of these rules may be grounds for legal action. 
-Only FAPA employees and contractors are allowed access to FAPA electronic devices, including but not limited to, phones, laptops, computers, iPads.


It is always important for students to abide by a Dress Code policy . At FAPA & FBT we want to teach our students to respect the art of dance. ​Full participation in class isn't possible unless each dancer is in proper dance attire. Students not properly prepared for class will be asked to sit out and watch.

Dance wear, Shoes and Tights can be purchased at our FAPA & FBT Portal Store.

● Adhering to a dress code in dance looks more professional and is part of the long history of dance.
● Dress codes cut down on distractions in class and help promote unity.
● Dance is a discipline and begins with the way a student dresses for class.
● By dressing the part, a student looks like, behaves like and becomes a dancer.
● A neat and tidy appearance sets an attitude of attentiveness and respect for students, teachers and the art of dance.
● Teachers must be able to see a dancer’s alignment, lines and positioning from head to toe to make the proper corrections when needed.

All Classes: 
Hair should be pulled away from face and off the neck for all dance clases.
All dance shoes should not be worn outside the studio space.
It is extremely important to only wear tap shoes on the dance floor.
Concrete or other hard surfaces will scratch the metal tap, which in turn will scratch the studio dance floors. 

Boys may wear any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.

Tap: Academy leotard; uniform attire. Boys: No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans. Feet must be visible. Tap shoes required.  

Hip-Hop :Academy leotard & shorts; uniform attire.
Comfortable clothing. No tight jeans. no skirts, no boots, no flip flops, no elevated shoes of any sort. Sneakers preferred. Baggy dance pants acceptable. For breaking, pants below the knee is suggested. 

Jazz/Contemporary/Lyrical: Academy leotard; uniform attire. No clothing may be worn to obstruct the view of the body (i.e. baggy shirts/pants). Jazz or ballet shoes are required for jazz class.  

All Academy uniform articles can be purchased at FAPA & FBT Studio or Parent Portal Online Store.

Academy Uniform:
Level 1: Purple Academy leotard; uniform attire.
Level 2: Purple Academy leotard; uniform attire.
Level 3: Purple Academy leotard; uniform attire. Lilac Tutu.
Level 4: Purple Academy leotard; uniform attire. Lilac Tutu.

*All levels must wear pink tights.
This will help as we work on perfecting details in class.

*Levels 1-4 are required to wear split sole canvas ballet shoes provided by FAPA & FBT Store.
This will help the student develop strong feet and set them up better for pointe, if they choose to take it in the future.

Pointe Shoes:
*All Students must get fitted by Lea Scott or Laurence Paquin for pointe shoe size selection. Should be fitted at FAPA & FBT Studio. Purchase at FAPA & FBT Studio or Parent Portal Online.

TARDINESS - Dancer must arrive at class on time. If a student is later than 10-15 minutes, the dancer will sit and watch the class. The first 10-15 minutes are crucial warm up time. Stretch exercises prevent injuries. 

NO TALKING - No talking during class. Talking means that you are not hearing what the teacher is saying. Listening carefully is a critical part of the learning experience. 

RESPECT - All students should have respect for their teachers and classmates. They should listen when their teacher corrects another student as the suggestion may also apply to them. Students should NOT correct each other or make remarks.

ATTENDANCE - Consistent attendance is crucial for real progress. FAPA & FBT Dance Program requests full commitment by students and parents. If you want to become a successful dancer, you will need discipline. Dancers must use good time management skills to ensure they don't miss classes. 

The observation of classes is only permitted the first week of each month. This will allow your dancer to be more capable of focusing on his / her dance classes. Focus in class is important to ensure that the lesson is learned in a confident and capable manner. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in supporting this policy.

Here are some rules & regulations we ask of you:

• Drop off is @ 9 am
• Pick up is @ 5 pm
• Summer Program tuition must be paid in full before attending program (via portal)
• Uniforms/Tee must be ordered and paid before attending program (via portal – store)
• Please label all personal belongings!!!
• DO NOT bring any personal toys or accessories
• Only (one) 1 ipad is allowed per person– FAPA is not responsible for damage,
theft or lost…
• NO Jewelry Allowed – FAPA is not responsible for damage, theft or lost…
• NO hair accessories (bubbles, clips, etc…) Please keep hair pulled back away from face in comfortable hair styles… please take in consideration: For gymnastics class we need the student to be able roll and place head flat -comfortably on the mats etc..


1. ALL FAPA WAIVERS & SUMMER PROGRAM waiver must be signed before attending program
-sign via portal & sign at your first drop off
2. Provide FAPA with names & contact information of person/s that drop off & pick up in a detailed letter
3. Please bring a labeled blanket & (one) 1 small pillow for nap time
4. Please bring a labeled water bottle for easy refill
5. Please bring an extra change of clothes in a labeled bag
6. Please bring your own LUNCH in a personal-labeled lunch bag – we recommend not to give any high sugar beverages especially Soda…

7. For those who need special medical attention:
Please bring all medication & emergency medication with detailed letter describing medical condition & medical instructions including emergency contact information.
8. For those who have allergies:
Please bring a detailed letter describing all allergies (including food allergies) Also, please bring an Emergency EPI- PEN or allergy medication including emergency contact information.

Please find FAPA has provided a "LOST & FOUND" area in the studio for Students & Parents to retrieve lost items.
FAPA is not responsible for damage, theft or lost of any student belongings.

The Company
The French Academy of Performing Arts (FAPA)
Lea Scott & Laurence Floquet, Business Owners/Executive Directors