2024-2025 Season Waiver
Jan 06, 2025 08:59 PM
Please read the following information:
Please be on time to classes so the student may participate in stretching/warm-up to prevent any injuries.
Students should not arrive at their scheduled class more than 10-minutes prior to their start time. If a dancer is dropped off prior to this time, their account will be charged $10 per incident.
Adagio is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property.
Due to recent situations, our lobby area is for dancers only. We invite parents to bring their dancer to the studio, but ask that they wait in their car during classes. When your dancer arrives for class, they will be checked in at the table in front of our main entrance. Parents are welcome to walk their dancer to the check in table, but will not be allowed to enter the studio without an appointment. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding of this policy and keeping the studio environment safe for all of our dancers.
Adagio will follow the Clover School District calendar for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break. Any other closings will be posted at the studio and on the website.
In order to avoid distractions, we ask that all students do not bring any toys, wear jewelry, or chew gum/eat snacks.
If Adagio has to cancel a class due to unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather, a make-up class will be offered either virtually or in person if possible.
Although it is unusual for a teacher to need a substitute, Adagio may at any time use a substitute teacher.
Adagio is not responsible for any injury that occurs in the studio or in the parking lot in front of the studio.
All dancers must follow the mandatory studio dress code when attending class.
Tuition is always due by the 1st of every month. If tuition is not paid by the 5th of the month, a $20 late fee will be added to your tuition. Please be aware that any account with more than one month’s tuition past due may be placed on attendance suspension. During this time you will remain responsible for additional tuition and costume fees.
Please be aware that costume fittings for all spring recital costumes will be done prior to the first week in December. Parent’s are required to purchase performance wear for the recital. Unless you inform Adagio staff in writing by November 30th that you do not wish to participate in the spring recital, a costume or costumes will be ordered for your child and you will be held responsible for all costume accounts. Recital costumes are due January 15th, 2024. A one-time recital fee of $45(per dancer not per class) is due December 1st, 2023. All costume and recital fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
If at any time a student decides to drop or change a class, a drop/change form must be filled out at the studio. This form must be turned in with a 30-day notice(tuition is still due during 30-day notice), as tuition is still active until notice is satisfied.
A $45.00($50 for new families) registration fee and one month of tuition is due at the time of registration and are both non-refundable. All dancers who are registered for fall classes are scheduled to perform in the spring recital. In order to maintain a level of the highest quality instruction, Adagio regulates the number of dancers in each class. Therefore, both fees are non-refundable and will serve as the dancer’s participation agreement in the spring recital, which is held in May.
Please note that Christmas recital participation is optional. Christmas recital sign-ups will be first come, first serve and will take place mid-September.
If the studio is closed for any reason out of our control, all classes will be done virtually until we are able to re-open. During this time Adagio will maintain our drop policy and tuition rates.
If a dancer or family member is ill at anytime we ask that you stay home from dance and request a recorded link of missed choreography and/or skills taught. Each dancer is allowed to request two recorded links throughout the season. Please request your link within a day of the missed class.
I have read the Adagio School of Dance and Performing Arts policies(above) and will take the responsibility to carefully read and follow the rules and policies therein. I understand that Adagio School of Dance and Performing Arts does not give credit and/or refunds for class(es) missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather, etc. I further understand that there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from my or my child’s participation with Adagio School of Dance and Performing Arts, and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation.
I Accept
Electronic Signature Agreement. By selecting the "I Accept" checkbox, I am signing this agreement electronically. I agree this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this agreement.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.