Policy & Procedures

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM

Time to Dance Studio Basic Policies for 2024-2025 Session. If you register for and take a space in a class *You are committed to the class *Agree to pay tuition for that class until either the end of the session *Agree to participating in the end of session *Agree to participate in recital(s) *If you drop the class a Class Cancellation Form MUST be filled out to stop charges for the class. *If you request to be added to the class, you are REGISTERED for the class.

1. Membership Fees: Each student will be charged a non-refundable annual membership fee payable upon registration. Membership fees are not prorated.

2. Tuition:
Tuition for class(es) may be paid by the month. Monthly tuition charges from August-June. Tuition is based on a yearly rate broken into 11 (monthly) payments.
Tuition fees are billed and due on the first calendar day of the month. Because we hold a space for your child in a class as of the first calendar day of the month.
Tuition/Accounts must be paid by our auto pay in our Studio system. Credit cards must be on file at the time of registration.
Cash/Check payments must be made a week prior to the first or the card on file will be automatically charged on the first.
All fees (tuition, registration fees, recital performance fees, costume fees, and tickets) are non-refundable.
Costume week and Picture week classes are charged as regular classes.
TTD closes for a two weeks at spring break as well as a two weeks for December Break and no credits will be given for school vacations or holidays. Monthly tuition rates are not affected by holidays or school vacations.
If TTD's physical location is closed by governmental authorities or public health departments, the TTD season will continue by virtual classes through it's Online Academy at same rates.
Late membership (after the season starts) will require payment for any costumes/recital fee up to that date; which will be broken down into your monthly payment. In addition, if you withdraw from class after costumes are ordered (approximately November 1st), the full price of the costume is still due.
Please be aware that accounts 30 days past due dancers will only be able to observe classes. 6o days past due Dancers will not be allowed to participate in class until accounts are brought current.

3. Dance Dress Code:
Required dance-wear & dance shoes must be worn to all classes.
Failure to wear required dance-wear to class could result in students being asked to sit out of class. Repeated failure to wear required dance-wear could result in termination of lessons.
Students are not permitted to wear jeans or shoes worn on the street/outdoors, to any dance class.
For safety reasons dancers are not permitted to wear jewelry.
Hair must be tied back.

4. Class Cancellation/Drops:
Classes may ONLY be cancelled after the 4th class or by December 1st!
To cancel/drop a class, you must complete a Class Cancellation Form. Your cancellation will be time and date stamped when it is submitted. Non-attendance in a class is NOT considered notice that you want to cancel a class. No class cancellations will be taken by phone or by email.

5. Other Fee Policies:
TTD reserves the right to have dancers sit out of classes, without make ups, for ANY outstanding account balances.
All outstanding balances must be paid in full before (i) costumes are handed out, (ii) any student can perform in the Recital, and/or (iii) registering for any other classes.
All unpaid charges as of the 10th of each month are subject to late charge of $15, including auto-debit accounts with balances.
Accounts with a history of non-payment or non-compliance with studio policies may be barred from registration and may be asked to leave the studio or may be asked to prepay tuition.
Tuition bills will not be emailed or mailed to student's homes. An additional servicing fee of $10 may be applied if TTD staff mails or emails more than one delinquent account statement per session. All account information is available on the parent portal to our families at any time

6. Make Up Policy: Any missed classes may be made up by attending a class of the same level or lower and same age range only within the same calendar month.
If the dancer misses a class in the last week of a calendar month, the make up class can be done in the following calendar month.
No credits or refunds are given for missed classes.
Students may not make up more than twice in the exact same class.
To make up a class, get a make up slip from the front desk before class.
There are no makeups for classes missed because of holidays, or for classes missed in a past calendar month.
Make ups cannot be done by siblings or friends. g. Make up classes cannot be done after the start of Costume Week.

7. Classroom Rules: Parents, friends and younger siblings are NOT allowed in classrooms during class; it helps students keep focused without distraction.
Families are encouraged to attend Open House and Parent's Week for the dancer's full class.
No Dancer will be admitted to class if they arrive 15 or more minutes after the class start time; without prior notice that they will be late.
If your child has not attended the class for 3 consecutive weeks without a parent request and payment to maintain his or her space, your child may be dropped from a class to allow others to participate without a refund or credit for tuition paid or owed.
Please be mindful of your dancer's class end time and pick them up promptly. Dancers picked up 10+ minutes passed dismissal time of their class will be charged $10 per occurrence on their account.

8. If your child has a behavioral issue or special need, please advise the front desk so that we may help you with your dancer's needs and goals.

9. If your child has an injury or illness that a physician has suggested he or she be limited from physical activity, we can hold your child's class space, with a doctor's note.
Your child must be cleared by the same physician in writing to return to dance.
If your child has a cast, crutches, brace etc., your child will not be allowed to participate in dance without written clearance from a physician; however they may come and watch classes, take notes and learn choreography from a chair.
If your child reports not feeling well in class, we will take their temperature and contact you to pick them up ASAP.

10. Studio Communication:
TTD communicates primarily by email based on the email address YOU provide the studio and our Private FB page.
Monthly newsletters and other studio-wide information is sent by email ONLY. Our newsletters are also available on our Private FB page. If you are NOT receiving our studio-wide information, please check your spam for an email from timetodancestudionf@gmail.com and then contact the Front Desk. Please note that if you UNSUBSCRIBE to our email service, we cannot add you back on our email list and it's your responsibility to speak to the Front Desk to re-subscribe - leaving a voicemail message will not re-subscribe you.
All communication about classes, enrollment, policies or billing must be done through TTD's Office during the hours of 5pm-8pm Monday thru Thursday via email; timetodancestudionf@gmail.com; NOT THROUGH INSTRUCTORS. We will get back to you within 48 hours

11. Parent's Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events:
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or adult student to be aware of all studio activities, such as viewing days, recitals, extra classes, dates the studio is open or closed and maintain the studios policy/procedures.
The parent/guardian will give the studio their email address to email all such notices home.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to regularly check their email and the office to ensure they are informed.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or adult student to inform the school of any change to email address, physical address or telephone number.