Privacy Policy

Sep 16, 2024 02:31 PM

Privacy Statement
Dance Smart Pty Ltd trading as Sunshine Coast Performing Arts College takes the privacy of its clients, employees and business associates very seriously. It is committed to observing guidelines that ensure the collection, use, storage, security and disclosure of personal and sensitive information is done fairly and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Guidelines.
The Dance Smart Pty Ltd trading as Sunshine Coast Performing Arts College Privacy Policy is based on the National Privacy Principles from Schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
This policy statement explains:
• how we collect, use, store and disclose personal information about you; and
• how to resolve any privacy issue you have with us.

When and how do we collect information about you?
We collect personal information from you when you:
• seek our advice or assistance; and/or
• request information about us or the services we provide
• enrol into our studio for classes.

When providing our services, in most circumstances we collect personal information directly from you. We also may obtain information about you from publically available sources.
The kinds of personal information we collect and store may include:
• Name
• Address
• Date of birth
• Telephone numbers
• Email addresses
• Bank account details
• Financial records
• Business details
• Property details

We only collect information about you by lawful and fair means and will not collect information about you in an unreasonably intrusive way.
How do we use personal information about you?
Subject to the particular circumstances of our relationship with you, we may use your personal information in one of more of the following ways:
• to provide the services you requested or require;
• to provide you with information about the firm and services available to you from us; and/or
• to market our services to you.

We agree not to rent, sell or otherwise exchange to third parties any personal or confidential information we collect about you except where you consent, or where you would expect the information to be disclosed. The circumstances where we would exchange information about you include the following:
• we may contract some of our activities to third parties, for example, we may provide your name and address to a mailing house to mail our information or material to you. If this occurs, we state to the third party that they may only use your personal information for the specific purpose it was supplied for, e.g. mailing information or material to you; and/or
• to a government department or agencies, for example, child support;

We may also disclose personal or confidential information we collect about you if such disclosure is required to comply with the law, or we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to:
• comply with law or legal process served on us;
• to protect or defend our personal and property rights or those of our client; and/or
• protect the personal safety of any person in an emergency.

Data quality
We take all reasonable steps to ensure personal information disclosed to and used by us is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We need your assistance in keeping our information accurate and ask that you contact us should any of your details change.
How do we secure information about you?
We may store your personal information in hard copy documents or electronically.
Information stored in hard copy is held on secured premises which may include secure archiving off site with third party service providers.
Information stored electronically may only be accessed externally through our IT system firewall and is password protected.
Our employees are subject to confidentiality obligations.
Information gathered is systematically archived and deleted from our records in accordance with our retainer arrangements.
How do you access and correct information?
Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) you are able to access the personal information we hold about you, subject to some exceptions allowed by law. In particular, if we hold information about you and you are not our client, it is unlikely we will be able to disclose information about you to you unless our client consents. This is because of duties we owe to our client as a result of our adviser-client relationship.
Please let us know if you wish to access information we hold about you. We will then determine whether or not we are able to allow the requested access.
We may supply, on your request, such information that is accessible and which may lawfully be provided without breaching our professional obligations. We may recover from you reasonable costs incurred in supplying you with this information. We require reasonable time from the date of your request to provide you with this information. If we do not disclose the information, we will give you reasons for this.
Likewise, we like to keep the personal information we hold about you accurate at all times. Should any of your details change, please let us know.
This privacy policy was last updated on 28 November 2023.
Should you have concerns about how we deal with your personal information or have any inquiries about this Policy Statement, please contact our office on 07 54912511. Alternatively, you may wish to visit the National Privacy Commissioner's website at