Alma Viva Dance Studio Required Policies 2024-2025

Sep 18, 2024 08:56 PM

1. 10-Month Program (2024-2025)

1.1 Term Length and Holidays
Students receive a minimum of 33 classes; some may receive bonus classes due to holidays or breaks.
Tuition is based on the full season (Sept 2024–June 2025) and is a course fee, not a monthly fee.
The 10-month program is a contract; no refunds are provided.
55-minute classes, ages 6 and up: $900/year. Monthly payment of $90
45-minute classes, ages 4-5: $800/year. Monthly payment of $80

1.2 Tuition and Fees
Alma Viva Dance Studio reserves the right to cancel classes with low enrollment and will place students in an appropriate class.
A non-refundable registration fee of $40.00 per student is required for full-year classes upon registration.
Tuition is prorated for missed classes if joining after the start date.
Payments are accepted via Visa and Mastercard, with accounts automatically charged on the 1st of each month (September through June).
Declined payments incur a $40 admin fee. Please update payment information promptly.
Students with outstanding balances may not participate in classes or recitals.
No refunds or credits for missed classes or studio closures.
All prices are subject to GST, effective September 2024.

1.3 Absences
No refunds for missed classes.
Tuition continues during vacations or extended absences to keep a student’s place in class.
Make-up classes are available from September to January 31st. No make-up classes are available from February to June due to recital preparation.
If unable to attend a class due to injury or other reasons, contact Tuition will not be prorated.

1.4 Costumes
Dance costumes must be paid in full by February 15th.

2. Class Pass, Seasonal Programs, and Drop-In

2.1 6-Class Pass
Price: $180 (55-minute classes, ages 6 and up); $162 (45-minute classes, ages 4-5)
Validity: 3 months from the date of purchase.
Payment: Full payment is required at the time of purchase.

2.2 12-Week Season Program
Price: $360 (55-minute classes, ages 6 and up); $324 (45-minute classes, ages 4-5)
Duration: 12 consecutive weeks.
Payment Options: Pay the full season upfront or monthly via the Student/Parent Portal.
No refunds or credits. Class transfers are permitted within the first two weeks of the program, subject to availability.

2.3 Drop-In Classes
Price: $30 (55-minute classes, ages 6 and up); $27 (45-minute classes, ages 4-5)

3. General Policies (Applicable to All Programs)

3.1 Classes
Classes will be held unless canceled due to extreme circumstances (e.g., government-mandated closure, health risks).
Optional make-up classes will be offered for cancellations due to extreme weather or other uncontrollable events, within the same month.
Urgent information (e.g., cancellations) will be communicated via SMS/phone. Please keep contact information up to date.
If a teacher is unavailable, Alma Viva Dance will arrange a replacement class or find a suitable solution.
Alma Viva reserves the right to refuse service for disrespectful behavior or unresolved payments.

3.2 Illness Policy & Waiver
Do not send children to class if they are sick.
Legal guardians permit Alma Viva Dance Studio to seek medical treatment if necessary. Guardians must declare any physical/mental conditions.

3.3 Photo & Media Release
Alma Viva reserves the right to use pictures and videos for marketing purposes.
Contact us if you do not consent, and we will ensure your dancer’s photo is not used.

3.4 Dress Code
Follow the outlined attire, with the student’s name inside dance shoes.

3.5 Code of Conduct
Bullying or disrespectful behavior from dancers or parents is not tolerated and may result in dismissal.
Email us with any concerns to ensure a positive experience.

3.6 Miscellaneous
Alma Viva Dance is a NUT-FREE studio.
Alma Viva is not liable for lost items.
No gum, food, drinks, or personal items (except water bottles) are permitted in studio rooms.
Students are responsible for any damage to studio property.
Parents must wait in designated areas until classes are dismissed.
We do not supervise students before or after classes; it is the parent's responsibility to ensure timely pick-up and drop-off. Contact the studio in case of delays.
Students must have clean indoor shoes for dance classes.