Spotlight Dance Studio Waivers and Liabilities

May 18, 2024 02:56 PM

Waiver and Liability Statement
By participating in any activities or programs offered by Spotlight Dance Company, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
1. Assumption of Risk: I/we understand that my child participating in dance classes and related activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to physical exertion, contact with other participants, and the potential for injury. I/we voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation and release , Spotlight Dance Company its staff, instructors, and affiliates from any liability for injuries or damages that may occur during or as a result of my participation.
2. Physical Condition: I/we certify that I/ my child is in good physical condition and have no medical conditions that would prevent me from participating in dance classes or related activities. I/we will inform the instructors of any changes in my health or physical condition that may affect my ability to participate safely.
3. Release of Liability: I/we hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Spotlight Dance company, its staff, instructors, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of my participation in dance classes or related activities, including but not limited to personal injury or property damage.
4. Medical Treatment: In the event of an injury or medical emergency, I/we authorize Spotlight Dance Company and its staff to obtain medical treatment on my behalf for myself or my child, including but not limited to calling emergency services and administering first aid.
5. Photography and Videography: I/we grant Spotlight Dance Studio permission to capture and use photographs or videos of me/my child during dance classes or related activities for promotional purposes, without compensation or further consent required.
6. Personal Belongings: I/we understand that Spotlight Dance Company is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal belongings brought onto the premises.
I/we have read and understood the terms of this waiver and liability statement and voluntarily agree to its contents. I acknowledge that by signing up for dance classes or participating in any activities offered by Spotlight Dance Studio, I/we are waiving certain legal rights and assuming full responsibility for my/my child’s own actions.