Parent Observation Policy

Apr 28, 2024 03:06 PM

Parents are encouraged to observe class during Observation Weeks. They may be in the studio at this time, or watch from the observation area. All other classes are closed to observers. Please remind parents of our drop off/pick up only policy, which is to help maintain a smooth, calm, and safe transition between and during classes. Students often have difficulty focusing in class when they have a built in “audience.” Some dancers may be intimidated by people watching them and need time to work in class before they are ready to be on display in front of an audience. It is important to enforce our Observation Policy in a kind and supportive way. Students are also not allowed to bring siblings or friends along to class. This is a liability for our studio as we have no permission to be teaching them or contact information for their parent.

Parent Observation Weeks:
September 25-30th - Parent Observation
October 30-November 4th - Parent Observation
December 11-16th - Parent Observation
February 5-10th - Parent Observation
April 1-6th - Parent Observation
June 10-15th - Parent Observation