Parent Conduct

Apr 27, 2024 10:29 AM

Parent Conduct

1. Understanding and Trust:
Trust the Process: Understand that dance instruction is a systematic process that involves building skills over time. Trust the studio's methods and the expertise of the instructors.

Seek Clarifications Respectfully: If you have concerns, approach instructors or studio managers politely and outside of class time to discuss them.

2. Punctuality and Preparedness:
On-time Attendance: Arriving late can disrupt class and distract dancers. Ensure your child arrives a bit early to warm up and be mentally prepared.

Proper Attire and Equipment: Make sure your child has the required attire and any necessary equipment for the class, showing respect for the studio's guidelines.

3. Observation Etiquette:
Quiet Observations: If the studio allows parents to observe classes, remain quiet and avoid distractions. Avoid talking or offering unsolicited advice during sessions.

Limit Interruptions: Avoid entering the dance space or pulling your child out in the middle of a lesson unless absolutely necessary.

4. Communication:
Open Lines: Maintain open communication with the studio about any issues, such as upcoming absences or concerns about the class.

Feedback Gracefully: When providing feedback, be constructive and kind. Understand that instructors work hard to offer the best lessons for all students.

5. Support Studio Events:
Attend Performances: Show respect for the studio and its dancers by attending performances, competitions, and recitals. Your presence is an affirmation of the hard work put in by everyone.

Volunteer: Assist with backstage preparations, costume fittings, or other activities when possible.

6. Be Respectful of Space:
Cleanliness: Encourage your child to keep the studio space clean, picking up after themselves, and disposing of trash properly.

Use of Facilities: Ensure that both you and your child use the studio’s facilities, such as changing rooms or waiting areas, respectfully.

7. Respect the Dance Community:
Positive Attitude: Encourage a positive attitude in your child toward their peers, understanding that every dancer is on their journey and has their strengths and challenges.

Avoid Gossip: Steer clear of negative conversations about other students, parents, or instructors. Encourage open dialogue and conflict resolution instead.

8. Financial Responsibilities:
Timely Payments: Respect the studio’s operations by ensuring tuition and other fees are paid on time.

Understand Policies: Familiarize yourself with the studio's refund, cancellation, and other financial policies to avoid misunderstandings.

9. Family is responsible for all costume, accessories when received from DanzStar

10. Parents should not leave young students unattended in the waiting area before or after class.