Studio Handbook 2020-2021

Oct 26, 2024 02:52 AM


*While we generally try to keep students with other dancers their age, we do place by ABILITY and DO NOT place anyone in any class solely based on age.*

a. No refunds, transfers or credits at any time for any reason.

b. All tuition payments are due the first week of each month. Payments not received by the 5th of the month are subject to a $15 late fee. Payments not received by the 1st of the following month are subject to a $25 late fee. Students whose accounts are 20+ days past due on tuition or any other fees will sit out of class until the account is brought up to date.

c. Bounced check fee = $25 service charge applied to repayment of bounced check. After one instance of a bounced check, payments will no longer be accepted by personal check- they will be accepted via bank check, money order or cash only.

a. Registration Fee = $30 per for first dancer, $15 for each additional dancer. Non-refundable and valid for the entire season.

b. Music Fee = $10 per student. Non-refundable, covers music rights and professional editing of music for choreography and valid for entire season.

c. 1st Monthly Installment for all classes student is participating in.

a. Monthly tuition due on the 1st of each month September to June

b. Recital Costume deposit-$25 for youth sizes and $35 for adult sizes for each class that dancer is in. Due on or before October 31st, 2020.

NEW* c. Competition Costume deposit- -$35 for youth sizes and $45 for adult sizes for each competition costume that the dancer needs. Due on or before October 31st, 2020.

d. Costume balance of $20 for each class the dancer is in due on the 15th of each month for November, December, and January.

NEW* e. Competition Costume balance of $25 for each class the dancer is in due on the 15th of each month for November, December, and January.

f. Recital and Performance fee. The recital fee will be $75 per dancer.

These discounts are valid if tuition for the season is paid in full by October 31, 2020.

a. Tuition paid in full for the year by check or money order: 8% discount applies.

b. Tuition paid in full for the year by cash: 10% discount applies.

c. FAMILY DISCOUNT: Students in the same family/household may combine their hours of instruction for maximum savings. The family discount does not include the following: Unlimited Program, Solo, Duet/Trio lessons.

Students will be assessed by the director, as well as their instructor. After assessment has taken place, the director will place students into the correct level that corresponds with their ability at the time of assessment.

a. Students who miss two or more consecutive weeks of their class(es) are subject to immediate termination.

b. Students and/or parents should provide The Premier School of Dance with prompt notice of a pending absence. Emergencies are understandable and notice should be given to The Premier School of Dance as soon as the student/parent is soundly able to do so in such a situation.

b. Students are eligible for attendance awards at the end of season show in June. These awards are based on the number of days each student has scheduled classes per week.

c. BEFORE OR ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020: If a student no longer wishes to continue their dance education with The Premier School of Dance, for any reason whatsoever, The Premier School of Dance is not responsible for refunding or transferring any monies already paid in advance securing the dancer’s spot in their class. There are NO exceptions. Parent or any other financially responsible adult will be required to pay half of the remaining tuition for the entire season upon leaving The Premier School of Dance, and notice must be provided in writing.

d. ALL students are REQUIRED to attend ALL classes for the entire two weeks leading up to any performance event. There are NO exceptions and any student missing class during this time may be denied performance at that venue.

e. Absences or Cancellations: Makeup lessons are not given for any missed lessons that are not canceled by the director or instructor. If the lesson IS canceled by the director or instructor, a makeup lesson will be given prior to May of 2021.

f. Weather Related Cancellations: Should The Premier School of Dance have to cancel classes due to weather conditions or any other emergency situation, The Premier School of Dance will notify affected students in a timely manner. Dancers should not assume the studio is closed based on any other factors and should wait to hear from a staff member of The Premier School of Dance. Weather Related Cancellations will follow the county’s guidelines of school closures in your designated area. All cancellations will be posted to the website and sent via email.

a. All costumes are made to order and consist of a deposit for each costume (number of costumes will be determined by each dancer’s schedule). The cost of the deposit is $25 for youth and $35 for adult size recital costumes.

b. The size of your child’s costume is not determined by their age, rather by where their individual measurements align with the costume companies’ guidelines.

c. These deposits are due no later than October 31st, 2020. Remaining balances will be paid off in intervals of $20 per month for three consecutive months per class the dancer is in. Payments are due no later than the 15th of each month. Costume charges cover the following: costume, accessories, and embellishments. Students/parents are responsible for the purchase of their own shoes, tights, hair and makeup supplies as directed by their instructor.

*NEW*d. Competition Dancers: The cost of the deposit is $35 for youth sizes and $45 for adult sizes due on October 31st, 2020. Remaining balances will be paid off in intervals of $25 per month for three consecutive months per class the dancer is in. Payments are due no later than the 15th of each month. Costume charges cover the following: costume, accessories, and embellishments. Students/parents are responsible for the purchase of their own shoes, tights, hair and makeup supplies as directed by their instructor.


The Premier School of Dance will hold an annual recital in June of 2021. The dates are still in the works. We will have more information regarding the recital in March.

ALL DANCERS attending The Premier School of Dance will follow dress code.

a. Ballet- Female dancers taking ballet (with the exception of adult classes) must have a black leotard, pink convertible tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair in a proper bun. Male dancers taking ballet must have tight black shorts or black tights and a black or white tank top.

Ballet shoes can be purchased from Discount Dance Supply online the preferred style is the So Danca Girls “Bliss” Stretch Canvas Split Sole Ballet Shoes

*If your dancer’s feet are smaller than the size available please just get a shoe that will feet their tiny feet

b. Jazz, lyrical, acrobatics, conditioning, and contemporary- All dancers in these classes are to wear tight formfitting booty shorts, crop tops, or leotard only. (Preferred color is black). No loose clothing at any time. See instructor for required shoes for each class.

Jazz shoes can be purchased from Discount Dance Supply online the preferred style is the Capezio E-Series Slip On Jazz Shoes (color will be determined based on costume)

Lyrical shoes can be purchased from Discount Dance Supply online the preferred style is the Capezio Adult Piroquette II Canvas Lyrical Shoe

*If your dancer’s feet are smaller than the size available please just get a shoe that will feet their tiny feet

c. Tap- All dancers are to wear a leotard and tights with shorts or capris. Tank tops are also permitted, but pants are not as we need to be able to see the dancer’s feet clearly. See instructor for required tap shoes.

Younger Dancers Tap shoes can be purchased from Discount Dance Supply online the preferred style the Bloch Child “Tap On” Buckle Tap Shoe

Older Dancers Tap shoes can be purchased from Discount Dance Supply online the preferred style is the Capezio Adult “Flex Master” Split-Sole Lace Up Tap Shoes

*If your dancers feet are smaller than the size available please just get a shoe that will feet their tiny feet

d. Hip-hop- All dancers taking hip-hop should come prepared wearing baggy clothes on bottom with a form fit crop top or tank top. Dancers should be wearing CLEAN, black sneakers as well.

e. Baby Dance- Dancers can wear and color leotard and tights, they will also need pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes.

f. Mommy and Me- Dancers can wear and color leotard and tights, they will also need pink ballet shoes

Ballet shoes can be purchased from Discount Dance Supply online the preferred style is the So Danca Girls “Bliss” Stretch Canvas Split Sole Ballet Shoes

*If your dancer’s feet are smaller than the size available please just get a shoe that will feet their tiny feet

g. Competition Class: All dancers are required to wear black clothing, example: leotard, leggings and top, shorts and top, etc. Shoes will be determined based on costume selection.

Solos/Duet/Trios: Please follow the same guidelines as style of dance.

Hair must be up at all times! Buns are preferred. “Messy buns” are also not acceptable as they fall out frequently during class.

**Any student that shows up unprepared for class will not be able to participate in class until they are dressed in the correct attire/have the correct hair done.**
There are absolutely NO exceptions to this rule!

Payments are set on a 10 month grace period, but are broken down on a monthly basis. This is the required monthly payment EACH month from September 2020 to June 2021.

This means that the yearly tuition rate is broken down into 10 equal monthly payments, and all time off of dance for scheduled studio closings is already taken into consideration.

Monthly Class Rates:

Monthly Class Prices Per Hour:
• 0.5 hours per week= $30.00
• 1 hour per week= $50.00
• 1.5 hours per week= $70.00
• 2 hours per week=$87.00
• 2.5 hours per week= $103.00
• 3 hours per week=$120.00
• 3.5 hours per week= $135.00
• 4 hours per week=$150.00
• 4.5 hours per week=$162.00
• 5 hours per week= $175.00
• 5.5 hours per week=$187.00
• 6+ hours per week (Unlimited Classes)= $200.00

Additional Class Prices:
• Private ½ hour per week= $20.00
• Semi private ½ hour per week=$15.00

*Prices are subject to change.


Acknowledgment of Risk and Waiver of Liability
I give permission for my child to participate in The Premier School of Dance. I recognize that dance may cause accidental injuries of varying degrees of severity. I acknowledge that although The Premier School of Dance Staff will take all proper precautions to make sure that your child is safe and injuries are prevented, sometimes accidents happen and maybe unavoidable. I accept the risk associated with participation and allow my child to use all training materials, props, and equipment under supervision of the Teaching Staff. I waive the option to sue should my child incur an injury and agree to forever release The Premier School of Dance and its instruction staff from all liabilities for such injury. I agree to be responsible for any medical bills incurred resulting from such an injury.

Signature Date .

Touch Policy
Students and parents need to be aware that dance teachers correcting all types of dance technique will at times need to touch students so they understand the proper alignment, placement of arms, head, feet, ankles, legs, back and stomach. This will help students to understand the proper muscles they should be using for dance. I agree that good dance training involves touching and adjusting of the student's body by the instructor. The face, neck and head may need to be gently turned; the shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists and fingers may need to be adjusted for proper alignment; the hips, thighs, knees, ankles and feet are very important for proper alignment and injury prevention. These positions may need to be turned or lightly moved for correction. Parent observation is encouraged and all questions and any concerns will be addressed. I agree to this practice and The Premier School of Dance, The Premier School of Dance Instructors, or the class venue shall not be held liable in any way for injuries sustained during attendance in The Premier School of Dance/Exercise/Movement Program.

Signature Date .

Releases --Photo Release
The Premier School of Dance is hereby granted permission to take photographs of students to use in brochures, the studio’s website, posters, advertisements, or other promotional materials the studio creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the studio to copyright such photographs in its name.

Signature Date .

I agree to participate with The Premier School of Dance and programs as follows:

1. I recognize the risk of injury common to any performing arts program, and that I am participating in this program upon the express agreement and understanding that I hereby waiving and releasing the company and its staff from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, liabilities, expense of judgements, including attorney’s fees and court costs, arising out of my participation in this program. INITIAL __________ 

2. I hereby understand and will comply with all policies regarding the STUDIO POLICIES. 

3. I understand fully that a registration fee, music fee and the1st monthly installment is due at registration. 

4. I understand that my account will be considered delinquent after the 5th of the 
month and $15 late fee will be applied to my account. I understand that the 
student’s absence does not waive this late fee. 

5. I understand that if I wish to drop any class I must complete a signed Withdraw Notice within 2 weeks prior to the next tuition to avoid responsibility for the following month’s tuition. I am aware that no prorating or refunds will be issued due to withdrawing from classes.

6. I understand that the recital and costume fees are in addition to normal monthly tuition and are non-refundable, 

7. I give The Premier School of Dance permission to use my child’s photo and video imaging for advertising and marketing purposes. 

8. I understand that if my account is not in good standing two weeks before a performance that my child will not perform. I also understand that there will be no refunds given. 

I have read the Waiver and Release, as well as the Studio Policies and understand them completely.

I have executed this waiver and release _________day of ____________________, 20_________

Sign: ______________________________________________________

Print: _______________________________________________________