Studio H Dance Company General Policies and Waivers

Sep 07, 2024 06:20 PM

• Time adjustments are made to classes based on 4 or less students in attendance
• The Studio Director/Instructor has discretion to require that a student observe a lesson for appropriate reasons
• For their safety, all students must be escorted into the studio before lessons and wait inside the studio to be picked up after lessons
• Ensure each student age 5 or under is with an Instructor and in a lesson before leaving
• No gum chewing in the studio at any time
• No Food or Drink allowed in dance rooms or lobby (water ok)
• Parents are responsible for monitoring all siblings not in lessons
• Studio H Dance Company, LLC and its staff are not liable for any damage to or losses of personal property or valuables
• Any choreography learned by a student is the sole property of the Studio and may not be copied or used for any activity outside of the Studio’s scope. Permission must be granted by the Studio for any student to use Studio choreography at any venue where the member is not with the Studio or acting on behalf of the Studio
• All imagery including, but not limited to, photographs and video recordings of a student is the sole property of the Studio and may be used at the discretion of the Studio for advertising/promotional purposes
• NO person(s) allowed in the dance space without permission, or a Studio H Dance Company, LLC instructor present
• It is the responsibility of the parent to inform Studio H Dance Company, LLC of any changes of enrollment – accounts will not be refunded if a dancer takes a month off and has not informed Studio H Dance Company, LLC
• Studio H Dance Company, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at the directors discretion

• Please find all level descriptions on our website
• Please email the studio if you have any questions when registering your student
• ALL class placements are solely at the discretion of the Instructor and/or Studio Director

• Students are required to wear appropriate shoes and attire to all lessons; sports bras, spandex, leotards, and tights; Jeans are not acceptable for any lesson
• Ballet students are required to wear tights and tight, two-piece outfits or leotards
• Hip Hop students are allowed to wear leggings and other street clothes
• Hip Hop students are required to wear tennis shoes specifically designated for the class
• Parents are responsible to supply all appropriate shoes & dance attire
• Hair must be pulled away from the face and securely fastened
• No excessive jewelry should be worn during lessons
• No outside shoes allowed on the dance floors
• Dance shoes must not be worn outside

• Students should strive for perfect attendance year-round. For students to participate in any performances they must attend regularly
• Please notify the studio as soon as possible if a student will be absent from a lesson
• There are no credits given for missed lessons
• Dancers excessively absent from class within the 60 days prior to show may be removed from the show at the Directors discretion
• Long term absences (more than 3 weeks) without notice will automatically forfeit a student’s place in a class and Account Holder will be required to pay for all missed months
• The Studio Lesson Schedule is subject to change without notice

• All students are given the opportunity to perform, with the exception of students that only take Tumbling
• Parents are responsible for purchasing necessary costumes from Studio H by the due date
• Costume payments are non-refundable and non-transferable
• Parents are responsible for purchasing tickets to Studio H performances in advance – Studio H makes no guarantee that tickets will not sell out
• Tickets are non-refundable and no exchanges
• Students must be enrolled by February to participate in June show
• At the Director’s discretion a new student may be invited to perform regardless of enrollment date
• Any dancer who is absent within the 60 days prior to a show can be removed from the show at Directors discretion
• Dress Rehearsals and Show are held in a venue as determined by the Studio Director
• No video/flash photography allowed at studio performances
• NO PARENTS are permitted backstage

• Tuition is paid in nine monthly increments due from August through April. All fees must be paid in order to receive costumes for the recital and to order tickets to the show
• Studio H Dance Company has an annual registration fee of $25.00 per student, up to two students

Monthly Class Fees for Recreational Students
1 Class $50.00
2 Classes $80.00
3 Classes $110.00
4 Classes $130.00
5 or more Classes $150.00

• Studio H Dance Company offers a family discount of 50% for the second child enrolled in a family. If a family enrolls a third child, they will pay 25% of the prices listed above. Any children enrolled after the third, will not be charged tuition
• Monthly tuition is due on the 20th of the month. Tuition runs one month ahead of schedule. For example, in August you will pay September tuition and so on and so forth. Statements and late payment notifications will be emailed to the email used in our system, Dance Studio-Pro. A $10.00 late fee is automatically applied by Dance Studio-Pro ten days after the due date
• Payments can be made online through the parent portal or in the studio. Payments made in the studio can be given to a receptionist or placed in the mailbox on the front desk. If you are paying with cash, please make sure to hand it to the receptionist or Miss Hayley. Checks should be made out to Studio H Dance Company. Any returned checks will be charged a $40.00 fee

• We will not give tuition, or costume refunds. The full tuition amount is due even if your student is absent, as our tuition covers a dancer’s spot in the class
• Please refer all account questions to the receptionist or Miss Hayley directly

I, the participant, am freely signing this agreement. I certify that I have read this agreement, that I fully understand its content and that this release cannot be modified orally. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract and that I am signing it of my own free will.

Participant’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Participant’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________

In the event that the participant is under the age of consent (18 years of age), then this release must be signed by a parent or guardian, as follows:

I hereby certify that I am the parent or guardian of ____________________________, named above, and do hereby give my consent without reservation to the foregoing on behalf of this individual.

Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________

I, the undersigned give permission to Studio H Dance Company LLC, its directors, officers, employees, and volunteers to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event that they are not able to reach a parent, guardian, or emergency contact. I also agree that I will be responsible for any financial debt incurred by said action. I have declared on this form any physical/mental disabilities, limitations, restrictions, or condition and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health.

I understand and agree that in participating in any dance class, workshop, rehearsal, performance, or any activity held by Studio H Dance Company there is a possibility of physical injury or death. I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me or my child during any of Studio H Dance Company’s classes, rehearsals, performances, or activities. I also exempt, release, and indemnify Studio H Dance Company, its owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, contractors, guest artists, faculty members, and/or students from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from any damage, loss, injury, or death to me, my children, or property which may arise out of or in connection with participation in any classes or activities conducted by Studio H Dance Company. I further hereby voluntarily agree to waive my rights and that of my heirs and assigns to hold Studio H Dance Company, its owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, faculty members, and/or students liable for such damage, loss, injury, or death. I understand that I should be aware of my physical limitations and agree not to exceed them. If I am signing this waiver for my children, I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights.

I have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the above statements.

Participants Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________

I give full rights to Studio H Dance Company and its staff to use photos and video images of me or my child to use for promotional purposes of Studio H Dance Company. Photos and video will be used in brochures, websites, advertisements, social media, and other promotional material created by the studio. Photos may appear with or without names in press releases and other print advertising. I have read, understand, and agree to the above stated photo release.

Participants Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________