Sep 19, 2024 08:46 AM

1.No food or drink (besides water) will be allowed in the studios. No cups allowed, only closable water bottles.
2. No discussing another child’s progress by parents in the waiting room.
3. No profanity in the studio or waiting area.
4. Please clean up any of your trash in the waiting area or the studio. Please do not put dirty diapers in ANY studio trash can! Take them to the outside cans.
5. Please take all dance shoes and clothing home with you. Socks will be thrown away!
6.. Please no parents in the studio during class time.
7. Address all problems to the director. She will pass along any complaints to the instructors and will handle them accordingly.
8. No chewing gum in the studio.
9. Please make sure to attend all classes enrolled for especially comp classes. The month before comp and recital attendance is mandatory. If there is an issue, call the director. Tardiness to comp classes will not be accepted. The beginning of class is used to warm up the dancers and being late to class will cause your child to miss the warm-up and therefore put them at risk for injury.
10. If you drop off your child for class, make sure to leave good contact numbers for the director.
11. Please make sure to have your child dressed appropriately. No baggy clothing.
12. Please make sure that all bathroom visits are taken care of prior to class.
13. Please do not rearrange the chairs in the lobby or take the chairs into the studios or gym.
14. If your child is in the first class of the day, please do not drop your child off any earlier than 3:45. If they are the last class of the day, you must be on time to pick them up. After 5 minutes of the completion of their class a late charge of $5 per 5 minutes will be added to your account.