2024-2025 Policy

Oct 17, 2024 09:04 PM

Premiere Dance Center Tuition Payment Policies:

Tuition is due by the 5th of each month.
Tuition rates are not prorated for personal vacations or missed classes.
There will be no credits, refunds or transfers for missed classes. (See “Attendance” below for class make-up information.).
We will invoice all New/Currently enrolled Students.
Annual Registration Fee:
A non-refundable annual registration fee will be charged.
New families: $40.00 is charged for the first student and $15 for each additional student in the same family.
Returning families: $35.00 is charged for the first student and $15 for each additional student in the same family.
Weekly Technical Tuition Payment Options:
Tuition payment invoices will be emailed on the 25th of each month. Payment due by the 5th of the following month or late fee will incur.
Tuition Discounts:
Monthly with Auto Pay:
A 4% discount off full monthly tuition rates will be automatically charged to credit card on file on the 25th of each month beginning on September 25 and ending on April 25. Find the tuition rates on our website.
Auto-pay required. If an NSF occurs you will be charged $30 and the tuition amount will be charged at the full rate.
6% discount when paying for the year in full. Due on or before September 15, 2024.
Family Discounts:
Premiere Dance Center will provide a Family Discount when there are multiple siblings simultaneously enrolled.
Yearly with Sibling Discount:
First Child - 6% discount off full tuition rates when paying for the year in full. Due on or before September 15, 2024
Additional Child - 6% discount off full tuition rates when paying for the year in full. Due on or before September 15, 2024.
Yearly Additional Sibling Rebate:
2% of yearly discounted tuition rate paid to each additional sibling that completes the 2024-2025 Season. This will be refunded to the original payment method, on June 30th 2025.
Delinquent Accounts:

Late Fee:
A late fee of $30.00 will be added if the tuition invoice is 30 days late.

All account balances unpaid for a period of 90 days/three months will be sent to collections.

Add/Drop Policy for classes.
Add Policy:
If a student adds a class during a 4-week session, tuition will be charged at a standard hourly rate.
Drop Policy:
Once a student is enrolled, we continue to hold a place for your child in the class until an email from the parent has been received with the specific drop date listed. Frontdesk@premieredancecenter.com must be notified by the 15th of the month. If you do not send an official drop email to the above email address, you will continue to be invoiced for all future sessions in the 2024-2025 season until formal notification is given.

A $25 re-registration fee will be charged for students who drop a class without 2-week notification prior to the next billing cycle and then choose to re-enroll in the same class within the 2024-2025 school year.
Students who participate in 1 or more hours per week of classes, and drop class during a session will not receive a credit for that dropped class & will have their hourly rate adjusted in the next billing cycle.

Class Transfer Policy:
All transfers of classes can only be approved by the teacher of the class.

Returned Checks/Declined Auto pay Credit Card:
If your check is returned from your bank for any reason or your auto pay credit card is declined, you will be charged a $35 processing fee.

NO REFUNDS. Tuition is non-transferable and non-refundable.

Private Lessons:
Private lessons are to be paid in full at time of private. If you schedule a private lesson and fail to attend, are late or fail to notify the instructor at least three hours prior to your scheduled time, you will be charged the hourly rate with no exception.
All private lessons require a card on file with the exception of your first private.
If your credit card is declined by your bank for any reason, you will be charged a $35 re-processing fee at each attempt.

PDC Classroom and Attendance Policies:

Class Placement:
Placement is determined by the instructors and is based on ability and certain age restrictions. Due to recital requirements, all class placements must be finalized by March 1st 2025.
Arrival Times:
Dancers should arrive in full dance attire 10 minutes prior to their scheduled class time. Missing “warm-ups” due to tardiness may cause injury and is disruptive to the class.
Attendance & Make-up Classes:
Attending class on a regular basis ensures progress for all students. We would appreciate an email if you or your children are unable to attend class. Students can make-up classes within the session of the missed class. Missed classes must be made up by the student that misses the class and cannot be used by friends, family, etc. The make-up class should be the same dance genre and the same level of class that is missed, (unless the class is not offered at another time). For instance, if a ballet class is missed, students must make-up in a ballet class. If class is not made-up within the session, the make-up class opportunity does not roll over into the next week unless the missed class falls within the last week of the session and there is no available class to make up within that last week.

Extended Absence:
Holding a student’s spot in a class for 4-weeks of absences or more,
A Tuition payment must be paid in full for the next attending session prior to the student’s extended absence.

Canceled classes:
If Premiere Dance Center cancels class, the student is encouraged to make up the canceled class in another similar level class of their choosing.
Closures due to snow or weather will correspond with Bellevue School District closures, so please check radio/TV for school closures.

All dancers must have their hair pulled back, away from the face and off the neck. Ballet students must have hair in a ballerina bun. A bun or ponytail is okay for all other disciplines.

The front desk and our website has all necessary dress code requirements for all genres/levels of dance. (Large jewelry and watches are not allowed, especially long earrings due to potential danger.)

Each Spring, Premiere Dance Center holds a recital.
Students performing in the recital will be required to purchase a costume for each participating class.
Adults or parents of students choosing not to perform in the recital must notify the office by March 1, 2025.
If a student pays associated costs of recital including costume, tickets, or video production, and decides they no longer want to or cannot participate, there will not be any credits or refunds given for these costs.

Studio Rental:
Premiere Co Competition Team members:
The Premiere Co. Members have the privilege of using the studio space at no cost when space is available.
Students 18 and under who have paid a choreography fee to a Premiere Dance Center teacher/choreographer will have the studio rental fee waived for the duration of time that is included in the fee paid to the choreographer/teacher.

Medical Termination -
If the student must stop dancing for medical reasons, you must submit in writing, from a parent/guardian and the medical doctor, the nature of the medical condition. Credit will be given upon review of medical submission.

Premiere Dance Center Cancellation Of on-going classes
If Premiere Dance Center cancels a class that has been paid in full, and no other class is substituted, a student account credit memo for the remainder of the classes will be added to the student’s account which will have a 3 month expiration date of class cancellation. Credit memo must be used for tuition first and if no other class is available, options for credit memo use will be discussed with the director.

Pandemic/National/Natural disasters Payment Policy:
We appreciate the challenges presented in operating the dance studio under unforeseen Pandemic/National/Natural disaster scenarios. Our dancers can be assured that once the studio is allowed to reopen, we will follow all guidelines required by applicable Washington State and local authorities. Until the studio is allowed to reopen and conduct in person classes, we will continue to offer online class options from our instructors. Once the studio is allowed to reopen, the studio will continue to offer both online classes and in person classes at the studio. Under these circumstances, the studio cannot offer tuition refunds once dancers sign up for classes as the students will be able to take such classes either in person or online. If a student is diagnosed with a pandemic virus and provides medical proof of such diagnosis, the studio will refund the prorated portion of the tuition payment made by the student.