Jan 08, 2025 06:06 AM

Please ensure you read and understand Phoenix Dance Company’s terms and
conditions outlined below. We kindly ask that you respect these terms and conditions
as this enables us to continue to provide you & your children with the best possible
By enrolling at Phoenix Dance Company you are acknowledging that you agree to the
following terms and conditions.

Any student wishing to enrol at Phoenix Dance Company must first complete
online registration via the Parent Portal (DSP). This is available on our website
www.phoenixdancecompany.com.au and must be completed for each new year of
enrolment (or prior to the commencement of any dance classes for enrolments
taken throughout the year)
All active Term 1 enrolments will automatically continue into each new term within
each calendar year and will be invoiced accordingly. If you do not wish to continue
into a new term, or wish to make any changes to your enrolment, written
notification must be given by the end of the previous term. If notification is not
received, then full current term fees will be payable
It is the parent / guardians responsibility to keep all contact information up to date
via the Parent Portal (DSP)
Phoenix Dance Company reserves the rights to close online enrolments at any
Phoenix Dance Company reserves the rights to combine or cancel classes at any
time, specifically where there are 5 or less students enrolled
Phoenix Dance Company reserves the right to refuse enrolments

All fees are inclusive of GST
Fees are advertised in this ‘Welcome Pack’
Tuition / fees are calculated on a yearly basis and then divided into 4 equal
payments. They are then invoiced per term
Once enrolled, term fees will be invoiced to the email address provided on during
online enrolment
Students who enrol after the term has commenced will be provided with a pro-rata
invoice reflecting the number of weeks left in the term
The number of weeks in each term will not alter the invoice amount. Public
holidays that fall within a particular term will not alter the invoiced amount. The
number of classes the student wishes to attend (or actually attends) will also not
alter the invoice amount
Phoenix Dance Company has a “No Pay No Play” policy and students will not be
permitted to participate in classes unless fees are paid
If your invoice is overdue without prior arrangement, you will be charged an
administration late fee. The administration late fee is charged at $10.00 per week
overdue and will be added to the original invoice

A non-refundable annual registration fee of $25.00 per student charged once per
year at the time of enrolment. This fee is used each year to cover administration
costs, insurance costs and intellectual property (copyright) fees for music
The registration fee is not a credit or payment against any Term fees

Phoenix Dance Company do not offer any refunds, credits, or transfers for any
missed lessons. This includes reasons such as being away due to an illness, family
holiday, school camp etc.

The uniform set out by Phoenix Dance Company is compulsory for all students
Students, who do not wear the correct uniform to class (including shoes) will not
be able to participate in the class
Uniform items that have been cut, are ripped or torn, or are damaged are not
permitted in class.

All enrolments must be completed with a valid and current email address and
contact phone number
Important information, invoices and newsletters will be emailed to the provided
email address
It is the responsibility of at least one parent to read newsletters and emails that are
sent from Phoenix Dance Company to keep informed
All account enquiries should be addressed to our Accounts Manager Linda
Mrnjavac via email at accounts@phoenixdancecompany.com.au
All communications should go through our studio email addresses, studio mobile,
studio Facebook page or studio Facebook group. Messages sent to staff social
media accounts or personal phone numbers will not be answered

It is a conflict of interest to attend more than one studio. Students are not
permitted to attend another dance studio as well as Phoenix Dance Company

Private lessons must be paid for at the time of each lesson via correct cash placed
inside a labelled envelope, inside the cashbox
Private lessons will be put on hold if more than 3 payments are missed

Students/Parents are not permitted to video or photograph classes, students or staff
at anytime, unless given permission by the staff or individuals involved
All students are required to agree or disagree to the Phoenix Dance Company
media release agreement upon enrolment (box can be ticked or unticked whilst
completing enrolment via the Parent Portal (DSP

A $10.00 late fee will be applied each week from the due date until the balance is
Students with outstanding amounts on their account may be excluded from
classes and / or private lessons until their fees have been brought up to date
Students will be permitted to dance in the end-of- year concert whilst they have
outstanding fees
Parents / guardians will also not be permitted to purchase tickets to the end endof- year concert whilst they have outstanding fees
Costumes will not be handed out until they are paid in full
Overdue invoices will be handed over to a debt collector after being re-emailed
more than 3 times

Phoenix Dance Company have set up and will maintain safe dance environments
for their students. Appropriate emergency procedures exist and staff understand
the procedures relevant to their location. Phoenix Dance Company staff have the
responsibility and authority to ensure that health and safety objectives are
achieved. They will identify and eliminate unsafe acts, procedures, conditions,
equipment, and hazards of all kinds
Behaviour from students, parents or visitors that may cause an unsafe
environment, will not be tolerated
It is the responsibility of the student or parent/guardian to keep their medical
information up to date via the Parent Portal (DSP)
In the event of an injury, Phoenix Dance Company will administer First Aid
treatment by a qualified first aider. Physical contact may be required
If medical services are necessary and an ambulance required, the student/parent
will incur the costs.
Phoenix Dance Company MUST be notified of any allergies that a student may
Any student who has been diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner as being at risk of
anaphylaxis should bring an epipen to class and leave it at reception, labelled with
their name. This epipen will be administered by a first aider if required, under the
instruction of 000 staff if an emergency arises.

Food and/or drink is not permitted in the classrooms, with the exception of a water
Food and/or drink must only be consumed in the allocated waiting areas or break
Phoenix Dance Company request that nuts are not brought on the premises,
however cannot ensure that the premises is 'nut free'
The possession or consumption of illicit or non-prescribed drugs or alcohol is not
acceptable at any time
Parents, students, volunteers and/or employees must not arrive at Phoenix Dance
Company or any event representing Phoenix Dance Company, impaired by the
effects of illicit drugs or alcohol

Phoenix Dance Company does not tolerate swearing, indecent or disrespectful
language, defamatory comments, or indecent or disrespectful conduct from
students, parents/guardians, family members, or visitors
Any individual who demonstrates any of the above will be asks to withdraw from
Phoenix Dance Company immediately. This behaviour includes at the Premises or
outside of the Premises, social media or on the internet
Negative communications between parents and/or students will not be tolerated
by Phoenix Dance Company. Where negative communications take place, the
parents and students involved will be asked to withdraw from Phoenix Dance
Company immediately. This includes at the Premises or outside of the Premises,
social media, or on the internet
Any person who does not comply with Phoenix Dance Company Terms and
Conditions will forfeit their position at Phoenix Dance Company and, to the extent
permitted by law, will not be entitled to refund

The following will not be tolerated in person, via email, via text messaging or via the
internet; Verbal abuse or shouting, Physical Abuse, Excluding or isolating a person,
Psychological harassment, Humiliating a person through sarcasm, criticism or
insults, Ignoring or belittling a person’s contribution or opinion
Where any persons feel that they are the victim of bullying, they should discuss the
matter directly with the person/people concerned and request an end to the
behaviour. Should this approach fail or be inappropriate, the victim can contact the
Phoenix Dance Company office for assistance in resolving the matter.

For the safety of our students, staff, and visitors, we kindly ask that all those
attending Phoenix Dance Company park on the street and walk their child in.
Please do not park in the staff car parks in front of our building.