2019-20 Polices and Procedures

Jan 21, 2025 10:50 PM

Payment of Tuition: Tuition will be paid by automatic withdrawal (ACH) from a checking account. Automatic payments may also be made from a debit
or credit card payment for an additional 3% processing fee. Tuition will be charged on the 1st day of each month from September-May. Tuition is the
same each month regardless of the number of classes attended or being held during that month. If you do not have a bank account/debit/credit card
you may pay the entire year or semester upfront by cash or check. Charges will be recharged after the stated date if the charge does not clear the account on that date. A $10 late fee will be charged to accounts not paid by the 10th of that month.
Roll-Over Membership: New this season, in May 2020 your membership will automatically “roll-over” for 2020-2021 classes that begin September 8,
2020. You will be given the opportunity to opt-out of this roll-over in April 2020 if you choose to discontinue classes.
Studio Recital: Our end of the year recital is held each year in May. Most studio classes participate in the recital. Most students will only perform in one
recital performance. We assume all students taking recital classes will be participating in the recital unless notified otherwise.
Recital Costumes: To allow for delivery the studio must order and purchase recital costumes very early. Costume payment will be due November 14th.
Costumes may be paid for by check, cash, or debit/credit card. Costumes not paid for by November 14th will be automatically charged to the account on
file at the studio. Students/families with 3 or more costumes may set-up a costume payment plan. Refunds will not be given for costumes. Costumes
cost between $60 and $90 a piece. Students have a different costume for each class they are in. Students enrolling after November 14th, that plan to
participate in the recital, must pay for their recital costume at the time of enrollment.
Withdrawal and Refunds: There is a two-month minimum for all classes. When you enroll you are agreeing to pay tuition for a minimum of two months.
Withdrawal must occur before the 1st of the month to not be charged for that month. To withdraw from classes a parent must: 1. Inform studio
administration, and 2. Complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the studio office. All automatic charges will stop after the student has been
properly withdrawn, no refunds will be made. The studio reserves the right to terminate classes to any students without notice. In such a case a refund
for unused classes will be given.
Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parent to be aware of all studio activities, recitals, and dates the
studio is open or closed. The studio will post all such notices on the studio bulletin board and web site as well as sending notices home with students. It
is the parent’s responsibility to regularly check these items to ensure they are informed. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the studio of any
address or telephone number changes.
The studio is closed during Thanksgiving, Christmas/ New Years (2-weeks), and Carthage Spring Break. See studio calendar for exact dates.
Extreme Weather or Unexpected Interruption of Classes: If the studio must cancel classes due to extreme weather or events beyond our control
cancellations will be posted on the studio phone, web site, and sent out via email. A decision about cancellations will be announced by 2:00pm. The
studio does not reschedule cancelled classes, in some cases we are able to make-up classes, but this is not guaranteed. No refunds for classes missed
due to these reasons will be given.
Substitutions: The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach class. If a
teacher is ill and the studio cannot arrange a substitute any missed classes will be made up.
Dress Code: Required dancewear and shoes must be worn to all classes. Continual failure to wear required attire can result in student being asked to sit
out class or the termination of lessons. See the dress code handout for the required dress code for each class. Students are not permitted to wear jeans
or shoes worn on the street or outdoors, to any class. For safety reasons students are not permitted to wear jewelry. Hair must be pulled back off the
back of the neck and out of the eyes.
Attendance and Lateness: Students are expected to attend class regularly and notify the office of absences. If a student misses more than 4 classes
without written notice, the school reserves the right to terminate lessons. Classes will begin on time. Students should arrive 10-15 minutes before their
class begins and be ready when their class starts. If a student is too late they could be asked to sit out and observe class. Students missing more than 4
classes after January may not be allowed to participate in the year-end recital or competitions.
Care of Students: The studio is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Students are not to be left at the studio for
excessive periods before or after class. Parents with students age 4 and younger are to remain in the studio during classes. Students must wait inside
until their parents arrive. Parents of young students must come into the studio to drop off and pick up their child.
Injuries: Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on studio property
resulting from normal class activity conducted by the students before, during, or after class time.
Photo/Video Release: The studio is hereby granted permission to take photographs or video of the students to use in brochures, web sites, social
media, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the studio creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the studio to copyright such
photographs or videos in its name.
Competitive Teams and Solo Participants: Students are selected for competitive programs based on instructor selection or audition. Students
participating in competitive programs agree to abide by any additional rules set-up for that specific program. Students agree to instruction under
Ovation Studios instructors only unless otherwise advised or recommended by such instructor.