Studio Policies & Procedures 2021/2022
Dec 03, 2024 10:39 AM
If at any time throughout the season, you or your dancer has a question or concern, we strongly encourage you to speak directly with us. Please either talk to an instructor before or after class. Please do not disrupt instructors while class is in session. Other options are to email Callie at, text or call at 7805144764.
Newsletters are to keep parents and dancers informed of all the activities and events at Performance First. Email is our main source of communication. Newsletters are sent to parents by email. If you do not have access to internet we will have hard copies in the studio. If you require a hard copy of a newsletter please make sure you come in the studio to get one. There will be notes from time to time posted as well on the bulletin board as well as posts on our Performance First Facebook page.
At Performance First, we stress regular attendance in all classes. If your dancer is ill and not able to make it to class please let the instructor for that class know by text. A list of phone numbers will be at the front desk. Please note that if a dancer misses class it is their responsibility to catch up on the work that was missed. It is not the responsibility of the instructor to re-teach any work. There are no refunds given for absences.
AHS describes Covid-19 symptoms as; fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, body aches, headaches or sore throat.
___ I understand the above symptoms
___ I affirm that I and/or my child(ren) and members of my household do not have the above symptoms, nor have experienced these symptoms in the previous 14 days of being present at the dance studio.
___ I affirm no one in my household has been diagnosed with Covid-19 within previous 14 days of being present at the dance studio.
___ I understand that 1351156 Alberta Ltd (Performance First), Its Owner, instructors or representatives cannot and will not be held liable for any exposure to the Covid-19 virus and variants of Covid-19.
___ I affirm I understand the risks involved in partaking in dance classes.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, please keep your child at home.
If dancer is not dressed in proper attire they must sit and take notes at the front for the class.
Babies through Primary dancers are to wear pink body suit and ballet pink tights.
Pre Junior through Intermediate 2 are permitted to wear black body suit and tights OR black shorts and tight top or sports bra with tights. Pink ballet tights are preferred on days where ballet and lyrical classes are scheduled. Beige tights are preferred on days where jazz, tap, hip hop, technique, elite and acro. Please practice in the dance shoes you are required to perform in.
Initials if agree: ________
If there is insufficient registration in a class, it may be cancelled and/or substituted. For new classes developing a minimum of 5 dancers will need to be registered for a class to proceed. Sometimes semi private rate will apply to accommodate smaller class sizes.
Please note that we schedule 28 allotted dance classes throughout 35 weeks. In case a lesson needs to be cancelled (ex. Weather conditions). Participation at festival, picture night, dress rehearsal, stage practice all count towards the 28 classes.
Bad weather; If you are questioning bad weather and road conditions and haven’t received an email or text please check our Facebook page. If you do not receive a message or note 2 hours prior to scheduled class time, classes are running as usual.
To withdraw from Performance First – School Of Dance & Acrobatic Arts a two-week, 14 day written notice must be received along with your doctors note stating the nature of illness or injury. If written notification is not received on time, the next months fees will be processed. If notice is given on time and is accompanied by doctors note, any post-dated cheques and/or credit card information will be returned. There will be no refund or discount for missed classes. This withdrawal policy is strictly enforced. There is NO refunds given for competitions fees that have been either paid to festivals or after November 1st (whichever comes first). There are NO refunds for costumes after November 1st.
Performance First reserves the right to refuse registration or terminate a contract by dismissal from the studio. For any individuals (students or parents) displaying non-compliance, or undesirable behavior or non-payment of fees. There is a three strike format in place for student and parent. We have a zero tolerance policy of bullying and misconduct towards instructors, fellow dancers and parents. In the event this situation arises you will be refunded any money where classes have not been rendered, as well as any post-dated cheques and/or credit card information that have been submitted, provided that the account is up-to-date and that no money is outstanding. In addition for the dancers costume(s) and/ or competition fees.
All registration fees are non-refundable & are due at the time of registration. Registration is NOT complete until payment is received.
$50 for non-competitive students. An additional $20 per non-competitive student in the same family.
$105 for each competitive student.
All Dance Deposits are non-refundable after November 1st as your child’s costume(s) will be ordered at this time, and if competitive their competition fees will be paid by this time. Each dance your child is in requires a deposit for their costume and (if competitive) for entry fees. Deposits will be posted October 4th, 2021. This deposit must be made for each dance they are in and must be paid in full before December 1st 2021. If not paid on time there will be a $20 addition added to each dance deposit.
Non-competitive/ recreational dances - $50 per dance (note: this is for 1 costume)
Competitive group dances - $150 per dance (Note: This is for 1 costume and 3 entry fees)
Competitive Solo/ Duet dances - $200 per dance (Note: this is for 1 costume and 3 entry fees)
-With this deposit we pay out all competition entry fees first then take the remainder of deposit and put towards the costume. Complete costume cost is not fully calculated until received due to shipping & duty costs.
Please note that this is a deposit only and that the remainder (if any) of your costume
will be posted in January.
Initials if agree: ________
Tuition is determined by the number of hours per week that student dances and is for the entire dance season (October through June). Please note that tuition fees are based on a set number of classes from September to May and do not correspond to the number of weeks in any month. Each class will have a minimum of 28 instruction days throughout the year, this includes practices, rehearsals, picture day and even rehearsals at competition. Class cancellations due to Holidays and bad weather have already been taken into consideration in determining the annual tuition.
For your convenience tuition fees may also be paid in one annual payment, two half year payments (semi-annually) or a monthly payment. Please Note that monthly tuition fees have late fees that automatically generate using our management system. These late fees are posted if your tuition is not paid on time.
Ex. Tuition posts May 1st. If it is not paid before May 15th a $10 late fee will be charged to account.
1. Pay yearly tuition out in full before October 4th, 2021.
2. Pay tuition in 2 equal payments. First payment is required on or before October 4th. Second payment is due before January 31st. There will be one reminder sent out by email, text and facebook page post. If payment is not made on time there will be a $50 late fee added on to the total.
3. Pay tuition monthly. *NEW requirements* Tuition gets posted the 1st of every month. (In the event the first landing on a weekend or a holiday, tuition may be posted early*. In order to pay monthly you MUST either have filled out a credit card authorization form or given post-dated cheques. (Note: there is a NSF charge of $60 if a cheque does not clear. There will be an accounting fee of $10 if a credit card declines during an auto transaction.)
We accept cash, cheque, credit, debit, E-Transfer and PayPal (small fee). All cheques must be payable to Performance First with dancers name in memo. There will be a NSF charge to family account of $60 if a cheque does not clear.
All class placements are determined by the studio owner/ director. Instructors are allowed to assist in this decision. Parents, guardians and/or dancer will not be given permission to select class placement by levels. Babes, Pre-Tots, Tots are determined by age. New students may be asked to do an assessment prior to classes (parent present) or student will be asked to be assessed within class to determine proper placement (parent not present).
Important dates:
Monday, October 11, 2021 – NO DANCE Thanksgiving
December 20, 2021 to January 3, 2022 – NO DANCE Christmas Break (Classes resume Jan 4th)
Monday, February 21, 2022 – NO DANCE Family Day
Saturday, March 5, 2022 – Competition Make up & Hair Class
March 28, 2022 – April 1, 2022 – NO DANCE Spring Break
IN STUDIO PHOTOS - date to be announced.
Friday, April 15, 2022 – NO DANCE Good Friday
Monday, April 18, 2022 – NO DANCE Easter Monday
April – Posed Pictures (ALL DANCERS TO ATTEND) *To be announced*
Monday, May 23, 2022 – NO DANCE Victoria Day
MAY 24TH – JUNE 3RD – Special Schedule before Year End Show
Initials if agree: ________
Initials if agree: ________
I understand that my dancer(s) may be photographed throughout the season (OCTOBER 2021- JUNE 2022) both in the studio and at performances. I give permission for Performance First to use these photos for advertising purposes.
As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless Performance First (1351156 Alberta LTD.) its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/ or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of Performance First, its owners, operators and instructors or in route to or from any said premises. By agreeing to these you understand and acknowledge that the participation in dance education involves strenuous physical activity.
Parent/ guardian must agree to these policies and procedures either during registration online or have this form signed before any participation will be granted. No exceptions will be made.
I, _________________________________ (parents name) understand and agree to these policies and procedures set by 1351156 Alberta Ltd, running as Performance First. Business director/ owner will not be held responsible under any circumstance regarding this document. Instructors under Performance first will not be held responsible under any circumstances regarding this document.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Signed Date