2024-2025 Waiver
Jan 02, 2025 05:24 PM
1. **Fees**: Monthly payments are based on the season's tuition, not per class. Certain months may have fewer classes due to holidays or competitions.
2. **Costume Fees**: There's a non-refundable $25 costume fee per class, as the studio rents out costumes rather than requiring families to purchase them.
3. **Photo Release**: The studio is granted permission to take photographs or videos of students for promotional purposes and to copyright these materials.
4. **Classroom Observation**: Parents are asked to remain outside the classroom to minimize distractions for dancers and teachers. However, accommodations can be made for new dancers with anxiety, and teachers are trained to create a welcoming environment.
5. **Injuries**: Parents, legal guardians, or students waive the right to legal action for injuries sustained during normal dance or related activities, assuming all risks associated with participation.
If you agree to these terms, it indicates your acceptance of the studio's policies regarding fees, costumes, photography, classroom observation, and liability for injuries.
Following rules is important for maintaining order and harmony. If you have any specific rules or guidelines you'd like to know more about, feel free to let me know.
As a competition dancer I agree to the following:
1. I agree to participating in all competitions chosen by PC staff.
2. Comp pieces will be choreographed by a PC approved teacher.
3. I agree to purchase PC attire needed to represent the studio at competitions.
4. I agree to getting the choreographers approval before ordering costumes if I want to order myself.
5. Comp dancers agree to come to class even when they are ill unless they are vomiting or have a temp over 100.
6. I agree to let teachers know if I am going to be away.
7. I agree to come to class knowing missed choreography if I am away.
I hereby give permission to my teachers to physically connect with dancers for use of spotting, corrections, and teaching.