Registration waiver

Jul 26, 2024 07:13 PM

I agree to pay For A Dancer, Inc. for the
class(es) in which my child or myself is enrolled. I understand that For A Dancer,
Inc. and its staff, are not responsible for lost or stolen items, as well as, any injury that
may occur on or in its facility (including outside events). I agree to the payment terms
and understand that there will be an additional $30.00 late fee charged if payment is
received later than the due date. I give my permission to For A Dancer, Inc. and any
member of its staff to call an ambulance in case of a dire emergency that cannot wait for
a parent, guardian, or emergency contact to be notified. In the event of such an
emergency, the parent will be notified immediately after the ambulance has been
contacted. I have read and understand the studio policies and agree to abide by them.

I hereby authorize For A Dancer, Inc. to charge the above referenced credit card
account or selected bank account automatically each and every month through June
of the contract year and apply said charge toward the payment of the charges I
owe For A Dancer, Inc. I understand that I will remain responsible for recurring
charges and additional late fees should my credit card be canceled or otherwise
made unavailable for payment. I further understand that I will remain responsible
for recurring charges, additional late fees and other applicable charges if the
withdrawal to the bank account otherwise becomes unavailable.
In the event I have selected to have automatic payments made from a bank
account, I hereby authorize For A Dancer, Inc. to initiate automatic withdrawals via
electronic fund transfer entries (“Entries”) by means of the Automated Clearing
House (“ACH”). I understand and agree to abide by the Operating rules of the
national Automated Clearing House Association (“NACHA”) in existence as of the
date of this agreement and as amended from time to time (the “Rules”) which
govern all such transactions. I acknowledge that no Entries may be made that
violate the Rules or the laws of the United States. I agree to indemnify the
Originating Depository Institution (“ODFI”) and any third party service providers
involved in processing Entries made hereunder against claim, demand, loss,
liability, or expense including attorney’s fees and costs that result directly or
indirectly from my 1. failure to follow the Rules or 2. violations of law.
will be billed separately.

Students of For A Dancer, Inc. automatically grant permission to For A
Dancer, Inc. to use their photos and videos for advertising and publicity
purposes, inclusive of print advertising, social media postings, educational
videos, television, videotaping, or film broadcast in connection with
promotional campaigns.
For A Dancer, Inc. and its staff are not responsible for any injury that may
occur on or in its facility (including outside events).