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Be the Light Dance Studio works to foster the love of music and dance in children and teens, while sharing the love of Christ. We offer a comprehensive dance education program that creates a nurturing Christian environment and promotes positive self-esteem, confidence, and increases coordination.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the risen Savior, who died for our sins, making a way for us to have eternal life, when we ask for forgiveness of our sins with a repentive heart. (2nd Corinthians 5:17)

We believe that the Bible is God's Holy Word and gives us a roadmap of how to live our lives on a daily basis.

We believe that through sharing biblical truths and using Christian music in our classes, students will be encouraged by reinforcing the fact they are loved by God and others.

Our Prayer - Lord, guide our steps and use us to show others of your good works,
so that the world will know of your unconditional love and grace. (Based on Matthew 5:16)