Adult Division 2024-25

Floor Barre - Monday
Hanni Schwarzlander
10 spots left
Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® is a ballet based technique that incorporates anatomical principles of alignment to center, lengthen, and strengthen the muscles and joints of the body. Using the floor and eliminating the pressure of gravity, Floor-Barre® gently corrects placement, sculpting the body and creating long, exquisite lines. Used by both dancers and non-dancers, as well as athletes, it is used for injury prevention, rehabilitation, and developing correct anatomical placement. Whether starting off in your performance career, seeking to extend your career, or simply looking for a way to properly align and strengthen your body for your own personal well-being, Floor-Barre® is a highly effective Technique that is taught and respected around the world.

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Adult Ballet II
Hanni Schwarzlander
2 spots left
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Adult Ballet - Int/Adv
Helen Moore
7 spots left
5:45 PM to 7:00 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Modern - Adv
Laurie Deyo
1 spot left
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Contemporary - Beginning Intermediate
Rachel Prikazsky
7 spots left
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Jazz - Int/Adv
Lisa Stuart
11 spots left
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Tap - Int/Adv
Barbara LaNeve
11 spots left
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Ballet - Continuing
Helen Moore
2 spots left
6:00 PM to 7:15 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult/Teen Ballet - Beginning II
Helen Moore
10 spots left
7:15 PM to 8:15 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult/Teen Ballet - Beginning I
Barbara LaNeve
12 spots left
NO previous ballet experience.
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Modern - Intermediate
Whitney Miller
9 spots left
6:30 PM to 7:45 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult Tap - Beginning/Continuing
Barbara LaNeve
12 spots left
7:45 PM to 8:45 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Adult/Teen Hip Hop
Brandon Jones
7 spots left
7:00 PM to 8:15 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Pilates - Monday
Karen Menter
4 spots left
Zoom ID # 926 5083 4719, Passcode BDC2021.
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Call 315-446-6600 for ID#
Pilates - Thursday
Karen Menter
10 spots left
Zoom ID # 384 364 063, Passcode 2021.
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Call 315-446-6600 for ID#

Youth Division 2024-25

Creative Movement
Lexi Wilson
This class is full
For children ages 3 & 4, this class is an introduction to dance and teaches foundational concepts as well as dance studio etiquette. Students explore movement in a structured, safe environment. The class will help the student achieve better coordination, flexibility, balance, and self-confidence. The dance year culminates with an in-studio demonstration for families on Saturday May 25, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Lexi Wilson
2 spots left
For children entering Kindergarten or 1st grade with no previous dance experience, this class builds on the foundational concepts of dance, introduces fundamental ballet steps, and uses creative exploration to build bodily awareness and self-control. Students in this class perform in the year-end performance.
9:45 AM to 10:30 AM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level I - Ballet
Ruth Arena
7 spots left
This beginning level class is for dancers continuing from Pre-Ballet or entering 1st & 2nd grade. Students will focus on building ballet vocabulary, following the structure of a dance class, building bodily awareness and self-control, and creative exploration using concepts learned in class. Students in this class perform in the year-end performance.
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level I - Tap
Ruth Arena
10 spots left
This class is an introduction to tap for students in 1st or 2nd grade who are also ENROLLED in Ballet I. Basic tap steps, rhythms, and tap class etiquette will be developed. This class is a non-performing class.
5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level II - Ballet
Lexi Wilson
4 spots left
This beginning level class is for dancers continuing from Ballet I or entering 2nd grade. Students will develop bodily awareness and control, increase their vocabulary of ballet steps, use creative exploration of ballet steps and concepts, and build spatial awareness through working with other dancers. This is a performing class.
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level II - Tap
Barbara LaNeve
7 spots left
This beginning level tap class is for students in 2nd or 3rd grade with or without previous dance experience. Students will build an understanding of rhythm and fundamental tap vocabulary. This is a performing class.
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level III - Ballet
Ruth Arena
This class is full
This continuing beginner level class is for dancers with previous ballet experience. Students will explore fundamental ballet steps and concepts as well as increasing vocabulary and more complex spatial awareness characterize this class. Students continue with creatively applying ballet knowledge. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level III - Jazz
Haley Stuart
2 spots left
This beginner level jazz class is for dancers with previous dance experience, or entering 3rd or 4th grade. Students will build fundamental knowledge of jazz dance while developing bodily awareness and control. This is a performing class.
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level III - Tap
Haley Stuart
4 spots left
This continuing beginner level tap class is for students in 3rd or 4th grade continuing from Tap II or with previous tap experience. Tap vocabulary will continue to grow as students develop their stamina and understanding of rhythm. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
4:45 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level IV - Ballet
Ruth Arena
4 spots left
This advanced beginner level class is for dancers with previous ballet experience. Students will focus on increasing their ballet vocabulary, work in more complex spatial patterns, and develop strength and flexibility in this class. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level IV - Jazz
Haley Stuart
8 spots left
This advanced beginner class is for dancers with previous dance experience, including some jazz. Students will continue to build their vocabulary, bodily awareness and control, strength, stamina, and flexibility while continuing to explore the fundamentals of jazz dance. This is a performing class.
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level IV - Tap
Haley Stuart
8 spots left
This advanced beginner level tap class is for dancers with previous tap experience. Students will build on their tap vocabulary, rhythmic skill, strength, and stamina. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
4:45 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level A - Ballet
Hanni Schwarzlander
4 spots left
This is a beginning intermediate core level class. Students will build strength and flexibility, learn new steps, and explore increasingly complex movements. This is the non-performing class for dancers in Level A ballet. Placement is required.
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level A - Ballet
Lisa Stuart
2 spots left
This is a beginning intermediate core level class is for dancers who are committed to taking two ballet classes per week. Students will build strength and flexibility, learn new steps, and explore increasingly complex movements. This is the performing class for dancers in Level A ballet. Placement is required.
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level A - Jazz
Rachel Prikazsky
4 spots left
This beginning intermediate core level class is for dancers with previous dance experience, including some jazz. Students will continue to build their vocabulary, bodily awareness and control, strength, stamina, and flexibility while exploring the fundamentals of jazz dance. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level A/B - Tap
Lisa Stuart
1 spot left
This beginning intermediate core level tap class is for dancers with previous tap experience. Students will build on their tap vocabulary, rhythmic skill, strength, and stamina. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level B - Ballet
Ruth Arena
5 spots left
This is an intermediate core level class. Students will increase their ballet vocabulary, strength, flexibility, knowledge of ballet history and styles, and work more intricately as a group. This is the non-performing class for dancers in Level B ballet. Placement is required.
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level B - Ballet
Hanni Schwarzlander
7 spots left
This is an intermediate core level class for dancers who are committed to taking two ballet classes per week. Students will increase their ballet vocabulary, strength, flexibility, knowledge of ballet history and styles, and work more intricately as a group. This is the performing class for dancers in Level B ballet. Placement is required.
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level B - Ballet PrePointe/Pointe
Ruth Arena
6 spots left
This intermediate core level class is for dancers who are also enrolled in and consistently attending two other Level B ballet classes per week and have 0-2 years of pointe experience This is a non-performing class. Instructor approval and placement is required to register.
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level B - Jazz
Lisa Stuart
3 spots left
This intermediate core level class is for dancers with previous jazz experience. Students will continue to build vocabulary, spatial awareness, rhythm, strength, and flexibility. To successfully participate in this class attending 1 ballet class per week is highly recommended. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level B - Modern
Lexi Wilson
8 spots left
This intermediate core level class is for dancers with previous dance experience. Student will be introduced to the fundamentals of modern dance in this class. Creative exploration and some history of modern dance will underpin the technique learned. This is a performing class. To successfully participate in this class attending 1 ballet class per week is highly recommended. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Ballet
Kate Lemos Brown
2 spots left
This is an advanced intermediate core level class. Emphasis is on expanding ballet vocabulary while continuing to refine technique and placement. This is the non-performing class for dancers in Level C ballet. Placement is required.
6:15 PM to 7:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Ballet
Lisa Stuart
4 spots left
This is an advanced intermediate core level class. Dancers are expected to attend at least two other ballet classes per week. Emphasis is on expanding ballet vocabulary while continuing to refine technique and placement. This is the performing class for dancers in Level C ballet. Placement is required.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Ballet/Pointe
Hanni Schwarzlander
6 spots left
This advanced intermediate core level class is for dancers who are also enrolled in and consistently attending two other Level C ballet classes per week. Students will continue to build strength, control, and coordination while expanding their pointe vocabulary. This is a performing class. Instructor approval and placement is required to register.
6:30 PM to 7:45 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Contemporary
Rachel Prikazsky
3 spots left
7:45 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Jazz
Haley Stuart
5 spots left
This advanced intermediate core level class is for dancers with previous jazz experience. Students will work on increasingly complex jazz vocabulary and sequences, including adding some weight sharing and partnering. To successfully participate in this class attending 1 ballet class per week is highly recommended. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
7:45 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Modern
Laurie Deyo
2 spots left
This intermediate core level class is for dancers with previous modern dance experience. Students will continue to explore the fundamentals of modern dance and will expand their vocabulary and exposure to modern dance styles and techniques. To successfully participate in this class, attending 1 ballet class per week is highly recommended. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level C - Tap
Barbara LaNeve
10 spots left
This is advanced intermediate core level class for dancers with previous tap experience. Students will build strength, stamina, tap vocabulary, rhythmic skill, and proficiency in dancing as a group. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
Level D - Ballet
Ruth Arena
3 spots left
This is an advanced level core class. Dancers are expected to attend at least two ballet classes per week. Students will continue to build vocabulary and refine artistry. This is the performing class for dancers in Level D ballet. Placement is required.
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level D - Ballet
Hanni Schwarzlander
3 spots left
This is an advanced core level class. Dancers are expected to attend at least two other Level D ballet classes per week. Students will continue to build vocabulary and refine artistry. This is the non-performing class for dancers in Level D ballet. Placement is required.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level D - Ballet/Pointe
Ruth Arena
4 spots left
This advanced core level class is for dancers who are also enrolled in and consistently attending two other Level D ballet classes per week. Dancers will continue to increase their strength, control, coordination while expanding their pointe vocabulary and artistry. This is a performing class. Instructor approval and placement is required to register.
6:15 PM to 7:30 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level D - Jazz
Kate Lemos Brown
4 spots left
This advanced core level class is for dancers with previous jazz experience. Students will continue to learn jazz vocabulary, history, technique, and artistry. Weight sharing and partner work in various styles will be included. To successfully participate in this class attending 1 ballet class per week is highly recommended. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level D - Modern
Laurie Deyo
3 spots left
- This advanced core level class is for dancers with previous modern dance experience. Students will continue to explore the concepts of modern dance while increasing strength, stamina, artistry, and creativity. To successfully participate in this class attending 1 ballet class per week is highly recommended. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level D - Tap
Lisa Stuart
5 spots left
This advanced core level class for dancers with previous tap experience. Students will learn complex tap steps and rhythms and explore various styles of tap dance. This is a performing class. Placement is required.
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.
Level Open - Hip Hop for Ages 9+
Brandon Jones
5 spots left
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
2nd Floor Studio
Euclid Ave.
Level Open - Musical Theater/Jazz for Ages 9+
Barbara LaNeve
8 spots left
coming soon
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Studio #2
Erie Blvd.
NHSDA Jr & Sr Chapters 2024-25
Haley Stuart
20 spots left
Jr. Chapter grades 6-8 & Sr. Chapter grades 9-12.

For more information visit:
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Youth Company Class
3 spots left
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Studio #1
Erie Blvd.