Winter Session B
Join us for the second part of our Mini winter intensive focusing on Contemporary, Modern, & Ballet. Classes will be taught on intermediate & advanced levels. All dedicated and disciplined dancers are welcome. If you are unsure about your dancer's level, please reach out. We are happy to help!
1:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Midtown Ballroom

AIR 24/25 JBP

JBP AIR Optional 24/25
JBP AIR Optional Conservatory classes 24/25 (3.5 hours/week/42 weeks)
12:00 PM to 12:00 PM
Midtown Ballroom
Daytime Advanced Training 24/25
Beginning September-April we will offer daytime training for intermediate/advanced dancers searching for additional training. 10:00-2:00 on Wednesdays. The focus will be Ballet, Modern, Technique & Movement. Jena Burgin Peters will be teaching along with other faculty.
This program is separate from our Artists in Residence. Students must apply and register for the entire 8 month session.
This program is solely extracurricular. Currently, we do not offer academics. However, we are open to suggestions to support the balance between education and dance training.
Tuition for this program is based on 14 weeks in the first semester and 14 weeks in the spring. Tuition will be broken into 3 payments. The first payment includes the first and last installments.
$1064 is due on September 1 to reserve your spot. $532 is due on October 1. $532 is due on December 1.
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Midtown Ballroom
JBP AIR Mandatory 24/25
JBP Artists in Residence (AIR) 24/25 Conservatory training. Mandatory classes (6.5 hours/week/42 weeks)
Monday Wednesday
12:00 PM to 12:00 PM
Midtown Ballroom