Where individuals become dancers and dancers become family.


Empowering dancers to grow in confidence, integrity, and grace and become who they were meant to be. #becomeattheblockdfw


Keep Learning. We are committed to continuously investing in the growth of our dancers and team by providing the tools and opportunities to acquire new skills, knowledge, and reach new heights. We seek, accept, and give feedback fearlessly to continue to grow personally and professionally because together we can achieve great things.

Do the Right Thing. We are committed to staying true to who we are, standing up for what we believe in, and we hold ourselves to a high level of ethical standards. We believe in acting with integrity, honesty, transparency, and respect. This authenticity makes our work together more meaningful, interesting, and fun.

Work Ethic Wins. We are committed to always bringing our ‘A’ game and showing up motivated and ready to make an impact through our passion and hard work. We believe that those willing to put in the extra effort, go the extra mile, and are accountable for their actions, will be the ones who see their visions and dreams realized.

Support Each Other. We are committed to building an inspirational, caring, and supportive environment for our dancers and team. We lift each other up through positivity, encouragement, and graciousness. We believe in collaborating selflessly and being generous with our time, our knowledge, and our talent. When we empower each other to succeed, we all win.

Be Kind. We are committed to building a culture where inclusion and respect are a defining part of our identity. In a competitive world full of talented people, empathy and kindness go a long way. We treat our dancers and team like family. Everyone here is known and valued.

Have Fun. We are committed to building authentic relationships, making memories, and not taking ourselves too seriously. We like to celebrate the big and the small. We make having fun a basic part of our every day in every way.