The Cass-Barrington Academy of Irish Dance
IMPORTANT: If this is your first time logging in, follow these setup instructions to finish registering your account:
1) SUBMIT ALL WAIVERS - It is required to have ALL waivers, releases, and agreements submitted in order to attend class.
- Click on the "Waivers" icon from your portal homepage, read the waivers, check the "I agree to the terms and conditions" box, and then click the "Accept" button. Repeat for each waiver.
2) SETUP AUTOPAY - It is required to have Auto-Pay setup, enabled, and up-to-date in order to attend class.
- Click on the "Enroll in AutoPay" icon from the portal homepage, or go to your "Account Settings" and select "Automatic Payments". Follow the setup instructions and your dancer will be fully registered.