Welcome to the Star Portal !

Interested in becoming a star? Come shine with us!

I have always wanted to have my own studio, but I never thought it would actually be possible for me. I have big dreams, and I am so excited to watch my plans for the future of RSDA unfold. It has been an incredible journey so far. I am thankful for all of you that have been on this adventure with us and welcome the new members. I am so grateful for the opportunity to fulfill this dream, take part in building our community, and sharing my passion with the rest of you. I am so thankful to take part in shaping your children into amazing human beings. I want you and your children to have the best experience possible with dancing, and I hope that I am the best fit for you to do so! I realize that everyone needs taught in a different way, and I work hard to provide each student with a unique and individualized way of teaching that best suits them. As we grow, I will always strive to maintain *quality over quantity.* I hope you have faith in me as we navigate through the season, as I assume you do when choosing me for your child’s dance path! I’m looking forward to this upcoming season, and so excited to shape all of my new STARS!! ⭐️🌟
#taylormade #taylorslittlestars #twinkletwinklemylittlestars #RSDA #alwaysshining #rysingstardancers