I am age 18 or older
Upon pressing Accept, I understand that the Registration Fee for the classes I enroll in (if greater than $0) will be processed within 24 hours with the payment method/information shown above. I also authorize Resonance Studios to initiate electronic payments for the balances due on my account each month. I understand that the payment amounts may vary as classes are added/dropped and as other charges/payments are applied to my account. I acknowledge that this authorization will remain in effect until I notify the office in writing that the authorization should be terminated. If for whatever reason, payments cannot be processed with the above payment information and my account balance remains overdue, I understand that a late fee will be assessed weekly until the payment information is updated. I understand that once I have enrolled in a class I am responsible to make payments for that class for the entire session it is held. I have read the above agreement and agree to all of its terms
I have read the Student and Parent/Guardian code of conduct located on STGMusic.com/conduct. By enrolling my child I agree to the student and Parent/Guardian code of Conduct. I understand that I am liable for providing reimbursement for anything belonging to or on Resonance Studios property that is broken or damaged by my student, myself or anyone I bring onto or send to Resonance Studios Rehearsal spaces and or performance venues. I also understand that if my student or anyone I/they bring into rehearsal spaces and/or performance stage and/or backstage areas does not abide by the code of conduct Resonance Studios, its Volunteers, agents, Chaperones have the right to ask those persons to leave and the right to excuse students from the program and/or Studio. I as the Parent/Guardian/Adult student agree to not harass, attack, slander or create an uncomfortable environment for Resonance Studios owners, employees, volunteers, family, other students or other agents should excusing a student from a program and/or the studio altogether be necessary.