You must be over 18 to register for an account and be registering a child in our next season of dance classes.
Please CAREFULLY read the following.
Medical Emergency
As the legal parent or guardian of the dancer on this registration form, I am aware that the instructors at Shea Dances take every precaution to ensure my child’s safety. However, if an accident would occur and I cannot be reached, I authorize Shea Dances to get necessary treatment and aid at my expense. I will not hold Shea Dances or the staff liable.
Release of Liability
Physical activities, like the dance lessons that will take place at Shea Dances, carry a risk of injury to any participant.
I, _____________________________, hereby release Shea Dances and any instructors or assistants conducting class or instruction, of any liability that may arise from injury, damages or loss which may be sustained by myself, or my minor. I agree that any physical activity by myself and/or my minor is done so at our own risk. This includes any activity with involvement during studio lessons, in the studio itself, in the lobby and at any performance and/or rehearsal having to do with Shea Dances. I assume all risk of injury, illness, damage or loss to us or our property that may result in any loss of personal property. I agree this waiver covers every event and activity tied to Shea Dances. I agree to release and discharge the studio (and the business, instructors, assistants, employees, and any other affiliates) from any and all claims or cause of action that would arise. I acknowledge I have carefully read this release and that I fully understand the release of liability. I am waiving any right that I may have to bring legal action or a claim against Shea Dances.
Photo Release
I grant my permission for Shea Dances to use photos that may include me and/or my dancer on the website, Facebook and/or other forms of promotion.
ï¿ I have read all of the above agreements, understand the contents in its entirety, and except and resume such risks. I have also read the Studio Policies and Information and agree to follow rules, expectations and guidelines in order to best use mine and my minor’s time at Shea Dances.
Name:________________________________________ Date:___________________________